*There are PR products in this post. Please see the end of the post for more details. 

Seriously, how do you sum up the sh*t show that has just happened over the last 12 months?! How do you sum up 2020?!

At the end of 2019, I made so many travel plans, I had such high hopes for the start of a new year and technically, a new decade (kind of). 

How Do You Sum Up 2020?!

*There are PR products in this post. Please see the end of the post for more details.  Seriously, how do you sum up the sh*t show that has just happened over …

Being Disabled In 2020

Approaching 10 Downing Street  *tap on the door* Hi Boris, it's me, I'm part of the millions of people who are vulnerable and shielding because of Covi…

How To Relax Before Christmas

*There are PR products included in this post. Please see the end of this post for more details. Christmas, as much as it is joyous and festive and magical and …

How To Spend Christmas 2020

*Items in this post are PR products. Please read the end of this post for more details.  I don't think we'll have a more weirder and sombre Christmas …

You know that person that leaves you stumped or leaves you scratching your head and you're thinking "WTF do I buy Sandra?!"

You're wondering what on Earth they would like, you think of an idea then realise that they already have that scarf in a multitude of patterns and colours. Or it's that person who owns everything and you have no clue what they don't have unless you rummage through their house when they're not in (don't do that, that's pretty much illegal). 

6 Tips On What To Buy Someone Who Is Difficult To Buy For

You know that person that leaves you stumped or leaves you scratching your head and you're thinking "WTF do I buy Sandra?!" You're wondering …

How To Have A Sustainable Christmas

Christmas is full of food, wrapping paper, gifts, trees, baubles and advent calendars. One thing Christmas also brings with it is a lot of WASTE. Over the year…

Estrid Razor: A Review

As a blogger, surely at some point during the first lockdown you came across Estrid on your Instagram. In a variety of colours, Estrid is the most talked about…

Why I Sometimes Skip Instagram Stories

Ok, this may sound quite harsh, but hear me out. I was a guest speaker at a workshop for House 21 (a blogging magazine) a while back. We were discussing how t…

The Health Benefits Of Going Alcohol Free

*Items in this post are PR products. Please read the end of the post for more details. I can still remember the first alcoholic drink I drank - WKD. A lovely b…

Why I Don't Have Guest Posts On My Blog

I started blogging back in 2016 to fulfil my passion of writing. If I had a pound for every time I've said that in Twitter blog conversations... Anyway, ba…

Why I'm Hoping To Get The Travel Bug Back In 2021

*There are PR products in this post. Please read the end of the post for more details.  At the back-end of 2019, I had so many travel plans, I planned to visit…

Blogger Or Not, Aren't We All Influencers?

I had this little brain wave for a blog post when one of my neighbours sent me a link for some CF style masks on Messenger. After sending the photo and link to…

Being Proud Of Where I Come From

*This post contain PR samples. Please see the end of the post for more details. We all come from different corners of the world. There are 7 continents, 195 co…

Why My Fourth Year Of Blogging Has Been My Best Yet!

It's the beginning of November which means that I am now celebrating my fourth year of blogging! Around this time four years ago, I hit the 'Publish…

Why I Prefer A Daily Social Media Detox

Ah, the social media detox. A time where you feel that a step away from social media is the solution when your mental health doesn't feel right.  As a blog…

What Is A Media Kit & How To Create One

For those non blogger's wondering what the chuff I'm talking about, a media kit is kind of like a blogging CV. It's a graphic where brands can disc…

What's In My Bag Post Lockdown?

*Items in this post are PR Samples. Please read the end of the post for more details. Oh, my current handbag is being stretched in all ways possible after lock…

24 Small UK Businesses Selling Face Masks

This is a simple and snappy post for today!  I'm a great believer in supporting small businesses. As I work for a local business, the importance of support…

My Blogging Regrets

Oh my goodness me, I'd be lying if I said that I didn't make some right ooh ha's since joining the blogging world. Blogging is a learning curve for…

Tips For Preventing Maskne

Maskne - breakouts and irritation around the mouth, chin and cheeks from wearing face masks. Maskne is a thing, guys. It's not just a word that has suddenl…

I Hate Being Called...

...cute.  It's something I get called quite often and I'm just not a fan of it. Cute is something you call a puppy, a kitten, something pink and fluffy…

My Current Exercise Routine

I can take one positive of being in lockdown - I have gained a better and more well structured exercise routine. Before the pandemic, I was doing the same rout…

Tampons vs Pads: Which Are Better?

*This post has PR Samples included. Please read the end of the post for more details. I still remember the day when I learnt about pads and periods. It was a s…

Why You Should Wear Scrunchies

Surely I'm not the only person to have noticed the scrunchie trend? Scrunchies have made an iconic comeback in recent weeks. I remember them being worn by …

Facebook - Our First Taste Of Social Media

Ah, Facebook. The first time most of us (particularly people around my age - 27) had our first taster of what social media would be like. Facebook was THE webs…

Perfecting My Skincare With PMD

*This post features a PR sample. See the end of the post for more details.  I've always been quite absent-minded when it comes to my skincare and establish…

Charities That Are Special To Me

All charities are wonderful organisations and are worth donating to if you are able to afford to. We all support different charities in our lives. Some are su…

The Isolation Diary: Part Four

Ok, let's hope that this is the last installation of The Isolation Diary series. I don't think I could cope if I had to do a part five! I just want to …

Why I Chose The College Life Over The Uni Life

*This post features PR Samples. See the end of the post for more details. At the moment, there are youngsters having to make huge life changing decisions now t…

How I Balance My Four Lives

There are PR Samples in this post. See the end of post for the disclaimer and for a discount code! If I'm not thinking about one thing, I'm thinking ab…

Shielding Is Over! But I'm Still Afraid To Go Out.

22 weeks 154 days  3696 hours 221,760 minutes … Shielding is OVER! For now anyway.  I have finally reached the end of my shielding sentence without going compl…

Why I Eat Breakfast & Breakfast Ideas For You

*There are PR samples in this post. Please read the end of the post for more information. I was going to write a post about why we should all try and eat break…

Six More Books I've Read So Far In 2020

I haven't left it as long to read six more books than I did reading the last six books. I've read quite an eclectic range of books in the last few week…

The Benefits Of Listening To Music

Those days in school when I used put my headphones underneath my school jumper, pull the wire up through to my collar, put my earphones in and hope my Physics …

How To Be A More Of A Morning Person

*Items in this post are PR samples. Please read at the end of the post for more details. I'll be honest, I'm not an overly enthusiastic morning person.…

What's It Like To Be Healthy?

Friend - "What's it like to have CF?" Me - "What's it like to be healthy?" Can a normal healthy person really say what it's lik…

What Does A Blogger Actually Do?

Write, photograph, edit, post, repeat. Welcome to the life of a blogger. A lot of people underestimate what a blogger ACTUALLY does. We don't just write th…

The Isolation Diary: Part Three

Right, I've only done pictures for this series for up to four parts. Surely to god I won't need a fifth one?! Well, after finding out the news during t…

Bras That Every Woman Need

*There are PR samples in this post. See the end of the post for more details. My Mam always taught me that as long as you got a black and white bra in your und…

What's It Like Being A Modern Day Female Football Fan?

I've written a post in the past about what it's like being a female football fan . But I kind of wanted to elaborate a little bit on it about what it&#…

Summer Indoors?!

*Items in this post have been gifted. Read disclaimer at the end of the post for more info. I've resigned myself to the fact that I shall be spending my Su…

What The Shielding Life Has Taught Me

*Disclaimer - be prepared to see the word 'shielding' a hella of a lot in this post Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here to tell you, shielding stinks. I…

Why I Still Use Bloglovin'

That feeling when you see someone comment on your blog post and realise you've missed out on their last three posts as you forgot to check that they posted…

Getting The Summer Glow with Bali Body

*The items in this post were gifted. Please read the disclaimer at the end of the post. Seeing as we're not going to be stepping foot on an aeroplane this …

My Biggest Health Turning Points

I nearly called this post 'My Biggest Health Milestones' but milestones is like when you start walking or your 18th birthday, not the first time you ev…