How To Relax Before Christmas

*There are PR products included in this post. Please see the end of this post for more details.

Christmas, as much as it is joyous and festive and magical and special and cheery, it can sometimes be bloody stressful.

From present buying and wrapping, to running around giving gifts and seeing relatives, including long-lost Aunty Vera who lives two towns away (well, maybe not too much travelling this year) and getting the food and drink in (be prepared to see limited delivery slots on your favourite supermarkets websites), let's face it, Christmas isn't as totally joyous as those soppy Christmas films make it out to be.

This year has been the one and only year I have been super Monica Gellar style organised and finished buying and wrapping my presents by the end of November. I think I just wanted to get it over and done with and be able to relax for December and just enjoy the somewhat Christmas that 2020 is going to bring us. 

Now, it might be a little too late to follow what I have done above, it is mid December. I hope that you are not flapping around in a blind panic in Boots buying the last Dove or Lynx set for that one person you forgot to buy for. That's not very relaxing is it?

So, how to relax over Christmas? That's a thought. Wondering what ways you can instantly relax at Christmas? Here's some things I have tried over the festive season in the past -

Get your Mary Berry on and bake some Christmas cookies, gingerbread, Christmas pudding, fudge, you name it, if you can bake it, bake it. I know a few people who do find baking relaxing, I did a bit of baking during lockdown (the first one) and I surprisingly chilled when I was stirring the mix together, it's worth a go!

You can't beat a classic film, from Miracle on 34th Street, Home Alone and Elf, I think you can definitely sit down with a hot chocolate or a mint Bailey's and just feel instantly relaxed. I'd love to know your favourite Christmas films in the comments!

Whether you dig out the Michael Bublé Christmas CD or ask Alexa to play Christmas songs (my favourite thing to do at Christmas) , I always find Christmas songs rapidly relax me and it just makes me happy. I can safely say that I'm not the only one to feel the same!

To be honest, it doesn't matter what time of the year it is, a good pamper session is always needed from time to time. As Christmas is stressful for some, maybe settle down, run a hot bath, light a few Christmas scented candles and just take it easy. 

You know those days when the sun is shining, the air is crisp and there's just that real chill in the air? I love those days and those are the sort of days I take advantage and go for a walk. It amazing how a simple thing as walking can calm you straight away. Even if I just take a quick walk around the block, it always makes me feel better. 

I hope you find the time to take time for yourself and chill in front of the fire with a hot chocolate! This will be my last post before Christmas, I thought I would give myself a break until after Boxing Day, it's been a busy year for me blogging and I need a mini break before the start of a (hopefully better) New Year! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, I think we all deserve to after the year we've had! Thank you to everyone who has read, commented and shared my posts, it really does mean so much and your kind words always keep me motivated to keep writing! Have a good one my darlings!

What are your ways to relax during the festive period? Let me know in the comments!

*The dressing gown I'm wearing in this post was sent to me from Figleaves. This is a PR product and I was not obligated to write a post featuring the dressing gown. All Christmas and dressing gown views are my own. For more information, please read my disclaimer
  1. I'm having a whole freaking week off from Monday to relax. I need it SO BAD. I think most people should try and give themselves some dedicated time off, especially this year. I love Christmas but this time of year is frantic! You look fab! x

    1. I don't blame you Jenny, after a frantic time of it, you need a break! x

  2. I Am about 3 minutes from finishing for the term(shhhhh) and I SO need to get my relax ON!! I am planning on doing most of these within the next 30 minutes x x

    1. Haha love it Claire! Your comment has made my day! xx

  3. I did so much baking during the first lockdown as it's such a great way to pass the time. Not only is it a few hours of your day, but you get a tasty treat at the end of it too! I'm planning to do a lot of baking on Christmas Eve, and I'm really looking forward to it! This is such a great list xx

    Hannah |

    1. That is very true Hannah, that's why baking is the best! I hope you get to do all that baking on Christmas Eve! xx

  4. I'm working right up until Christmas Eve and while I'm WFH I'm still stressing over everything that needs doing 😂 I've been really upping the pampering though and have been making sure that I spend my lunchtimes reading and chilling out!

    Amy |

    1. Oh no Amy, I hope this week passes by quickly for you! Well done you on making sure that you fit on some pampering during your lunchtimes!

  5. This was such a nice post! I love watching Christmas movies and I’ve just this second finished watching The Princess Switch and I loved it!

    1. Aww that's good Kelly, you can't beat a Christmas film!

  6. It is so important to relax before Christmas and take some time to do things you enjoy. I love this post and I can confirm baking is one of the best ways to relax.

    1. It really is Sarah, happy baking to you lovely!

  7. Aw I love this! It's so important to relax during Christmas time - I especially love to have film nights in and going for a walk is a blessing at the minute xx

    1. It definitely is Della, going for a walk is just a nice thing to do right now! xx

  8. These are some great ideas. I love having cuddles with my dog to relax. I've usually got films like The Holiday on in the background too.

    1. Aww that's so nice Kelly, I love have cwtches with my cat!

  9. Now this is the blog post that I really needed to read!

    Danielle xx

  10. YES so helpful Lucy! Have some relaxing days x

    Lisa |

  11. Christmas movies and Michael bubble songs are my favorite thing about christmas!

  12. I love all these ideas. It is so important to relax before Christmas. I tend to get very stressed out so I need to try to make sure I have enough time to rest and relax before all the stress begins. Although, this year it will be more laid back than years past so I am thankful for that!

    1. Yes Charity, make sure you make the time to relax yourself lovely! It sounds like you need a laid back Christmas!

  13. Great suggestions! We have more time off than usual heading into the holiday season this year with many events being cancelled. We have talked about trying to take some more time to check out our local hiking trails with the pups as that has always been something that brings us all great joy. I think we'll also be taking some nighttime walks around town to check out the lights. Walking the pups, hot chocolate in hand, is a great way to get into the festive spirit!

    1. That's a great idea to go on local hiking trails with your dogs Britt! Night time walks are fab at this time of year, like you, I'll be looking at people's Christmas lights!

  14. I love Christmas but it can definitely be stress inducing. Lovely suggestions. Have a lush Christmas 💜🎄

  15. I have done all these except the baking. I leave this one to my sis.
    Your dressing gown is so pretty!
    Happy Holidays!

    1. Aww thank you lovely, happy holidays to you too!

  16. I have definitely found this year much less stressful as there is so much we can't do that I would normally be trying to cram in.

    I have some much needed downtime this week though and I have to say I really need it, work has been crazy enough to make up for the lack of Christmas crazy in my personal life.

    I am looking forward to working through this list x x

    1. Yeah that's true Claire, we haven't been able to do much as things ie the virus has stopped us from doing that! xx

  17. I'm not sure what I'm going to be doing yet but I'm kind of glad that the restrictions in place means that there's no pressure to see a million people and there's more time to chill x


    1. That's a good point Sophie, it's horrible when you have to rush around to see loads of people before Christmas! x

  18. You can't beat a good old pamper session! Especially when you do it to a classic Christmas Movie!

    Katie |

  19. I'm more or less Christmas-ready for the first year in I don't know how long. Just a few more presents to deliver, all of Flora's to wrap, and that's it. Then it will be time to crack open the Baileys! x

    1. That's very organised Lisa, get that Bailey's open! x

  20. Ah very inspiring and helpful and love your bathrobe BTW, thanks for posting :)

    Allie of

  21. I like to get my Christmas shopping done early so I can chill a bit and watch Christmas films beforehand :) x

  22. I’m excited to finish work on Wednesday so I can relax, I will definitely be watching Christmas films (one of my favourites is The Holiday) and pampering myself. I hope you have a good Christmas :)

    Alice x |

    1. I bet you're so excited to finish work Alice, have a lovely Christmas too!

  23. Love these suggestions! Happy Holidays!

  24. I love Christmas, I really do but the stress that comes with it? No thanks! I've tried not to let it overtake this year though, especially with everything else that's happening in the world. Baking and Christmas movies are getting me through right now.

    Jordanne ||

    1. I agree lovely, the stress that comes with Christmas is something I do not enjoy! You can't beat Christmas baking and Christmas movies!

  25. I think having a pamper evening and taking a walk to clear my head are the biggest ways I relax, especially during the festive season. They always help me feel better!

    Tash - A Girl with a View

    1. Absolutely Tash, you can't beat a festive walk!

  26. Love all of these ideas so much, Lucy! Baking and listening to Christmas movies are definitely getting us through this unusual holiday season.

    Britney |

    1. Thank you Britney! Yes they're definitely getting us through this odd Christmas! xx

  27. Such great tips! I love going for a walk when everything seems to become so stressful. Also, I'm not very good at baking, but cooking helps me a lot, too. Thank you so much for sharing all these tips!

    xo, Andreea |

    1. Thank you Andreea, going for a walk can definitely help you to de-stress. I'm like you, I'm hopeless at baking! x

  28. These are great tips Lucy! I have found it even more hetic this year...and it's not even the normal Christmas we are used to! Saying that I have chosen to hand make a lot of prezzies, so that has taken most of the time. Just have a few more gifts to wrap and then I can relax...roll on Christmas Eve for 4 days off work and a good catch up with the Christmas TV!
    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas, whatever your plans are!

    Aimsy xoxo

    1. Yeah it is a very strange Christmas this year! I can imagine that hand making most of your Christmas presents has been very time consuming, but definitely well worth it! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas too Aimsy! xx

  29. Oh I loved this post! The run up to Christmas is the best! Gorgeous photos of you xx

    1. You can't beat the run up to Christmas!
      Thank you Katie xx

  30. I’m so glad I came across this post! There’s nothing better than unwinding with a good Christmas movie and homemade treats. I also love layering up and talking walks during the wintertime. The crisp air is so refreshing!
