I love creating fashion posts. It's something I love to do and something I love sharing with you. However, I don't like how I manage to create Mount Clothing after shooting clothes reels and posts. But that's a story for another day. But making fashion reels, as much as it's enjoyable, can come with its obstacles. There are some factors I take into consideration before creating any fashion reels and posts.
I've always said that I will create and post content that my audience can relate to, appreciate, and like to read or watch. For example, I would never create content about lawnmowers as I know (I think) most of my followers have zero interest in lawnmowers. Just FYI - I have no interest in lawnmowers. But you get what I mean. I always strive to create content I know my followers will be interested in, including fashion content.
As I've said, there are factors that I consider when creating fashion posts and reels.
Here are the factors that I consider when creating fashion reels and posts:
1) Lighting
If it's a dark cloudy day, I may as well pack my tripod away and try another day. Lighting is key for me when shooting fashion content. I want to ensure that the shade of clothes I'm wearing is reflected accurately on camera. I can't shoot a light blue suit on a dark day, the light shade of blue wouldn't show up properly on the photos, even after editing. For me, it's got to be a sunny day (not when the sun is shining through the window) or it's got to be slightly overcast.
2) Will you or I actually wear it?
When choosing outfits to wear for reels or blog posts, I ask myself two questions:
1) Is it something my followers would take inspo from?
2) Will I actually wear it myself?
If the answer is no to either or both of these questions, then the outfit idea takes a back burner and I'll try something else. When it comes to fashion content, I want to wear outfits that I know I'll wear as an everyday look or going out-out look. Also, I want to show outfits that you guys may take inspiration from or even try to wear something similar yourself.
3) Is it something my followers may have in their wardrobe already?
I promise you guys, I'm not going to start asking you what's in your wardrobe or go snooping around. But when it comes to creating outfits, I like to create outfits with items that may be in a lot of people's wardrobes such as
black trousers or a
blue shirt. I like my outfits to have a lot of versatility about them. Speaking of versatility...
4) Is it a versatile look?
I'm all for sustainability when it comes to buying clothes and creating outfits. It's a lot easier to have one piece that can be worn with different looks than one piece that can be worn with just 1-2 looks tops. For example, a black leather jacket is an item that can be worn with different outfits. A bright floral top can maybe only be worn with a pair of jeans and nice shoes. See where I'm coming from? I'd rather create versatile outfits, it gives my followers some ideas for different looks that suit their individual style.
These are the four factors I consider when creating fashion reels and posts!
I'd love to know your thoughts! Is there a particular piece of clothing that you would like me to write about or create outfits with? Let me know any ideas you have!