What's In My Bag Post Lockdown?

*Items in this post are PR Samples. Please read the end of the post for more details.

Oh, my current handbag is being stretched in all ways possible after lockdown (kind of) ended. I'm having to fit so much stuff in there now and I've fully come to realise that I need to get myself a bigger bag.

Kula Bags came to my rescue sending me this lovely backpack. It's big enough to fit everything I need (which I will list in a minute) and more importantly, the bag is made from sustainable and recyclable materials, what's more, this bag is made of washable PAPER. Washable paper guys, it's the future. This backpack is roomy inside, has a LOT of pockets to fit the biggest hand sanitiser in. I love Kula bags ethos of only using recycled materials to make their bags. The bag is so lightweight, easy to carry and is so stylish. I'm looking forward to seeing how much I can fit in there!

Speaking of which, here is what is currently in my bag post lockdown! -

I have two bottles of the stuff in my bag. My current one then a backup one. Surely I can't be the only person who does this?! Hand sanitiser is needed by everyone anywhere and everywhere you go, you mustn't take a chance anymore!

Ok, this one might need explaining. I usually have a spare pair of latex gloves for anytime I need petrol in my car. There is no way in hell's chance am I touching a petrol pump without a pair of latex gloves on my hands! Honestly, I never did this before, but today, I'm not chancing it. I also wear them when I go to the opticians to pick up my contact lenses, I then wipe down the box in the car and put the gloves in a small carrier bag to bin at home. Hmm, that sounds very Monica Gellar with the organisations doesn't it?

I always have a spare face mask on me. You never know. You just never know. I either keep a spare one in my bag or in my car. 

I would be broken-hearted if I didn't have my Creon on me. It means I wouldn't be able to eat anything. Now that would be a modern-day disaster for me. I always make sure I got them in my bag for when I go out anywhere, you never know when or where you're going to eat next! For those who don't know, as I have Cystic Fibrosis, I have to take a lot of medication and Creon is one of them. Creon is to help digest my food because my pancreas just can't do that for me, the bastard.

I think my bank account wishes I would leave my purse at home sometimes. But yes, obviously my purse comes with me wherever I go!

My lips go dry very quickly and easily, no matter what season it is, lip balm carries me through the day!

I don't always need my headphones, but if I go out for a walk, I'll have them on me. I usually take my wireless ones as they're bag friendly and won't get tangled around every single item in my bag like poison ivy. Also having my phone in my bag is just a necessity for everyone surely?!

Pretty clear that I need these otherwise I wouldn't be able get very far or get back in my house!

So yes, my bag has bulked up a bit since lockdown and I hope I don't need to add anymore otherwise I could play the Hunchback of Notre Dame if Disney ever decided to make a new version of the film.

Have the contents of your bag got a little bigger since lockdown?!

*The bag in this post is from Kula bags and they sent me the bag in return for a blog post. All bag views are my own. For more information, please read my disclaimer. Thank you for your support!

  1. Such a cute bag! I need to start keeping spare masks and hand sanitiser in my bag, I'm always forgetting it! X

    Nicola | nicoladaletraining.com

    1. It's adorable isn't it Nicola?! At the beginning, I used to forget it but now they're both always in my bag! x

  2. This bag is just the cutest! Love all your essentials. Can't go without a face mask these days haha xx

    Lauren | itslaurenvictoria.co.uk

    1. I love it Lauren, it's so practical! No you definitely can't go anywhere without a face mask these days! xx

  3. Your bag is adorable, I love it! I’ve always carried hand sanitizer around with me, I’m a bit of a germaphobe which had definitely been heightened because of COVID!

    1. You're not the only one lovely, I'm a bit of a germaphobe too, especially now!

  4. Ah you sound as Monica Geller-y as me!! I also have a ziplock back with spare gloves and facemasks with me. It's important with your condition - I have two autoimmune diseases and have no problem with being overly cautious if needs be.
    The bag is super cute, I love a small backpack!

    1. Haha I am a bit like Monica Gellar! That's so good to hear that you are being overly cautious right now, we can't afford to be too complacent about it all x

  5. Very interesting post. You have all your essentials in there.

  6. A very interesting and timely post! I too have recently decided I needed to upsize my everyday bag to accomodate all the pandemic goodies. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I think it's safe to say that we'll all be upgrading to bigger bags to fit in all the pandemic essentials! x

  7. That bag is so cute!! Also it is crazy how what we carry around has changed so much


    1. It's adorable isn't it?! Oh I know, how times have changed!

  8. The bag sounds incredible, an incredible ethos and it's so cool to see what they can make with recycled materials like that these days. If anything, my bag has less in it these days because I'm probably not out for long enough to need anything. I always carry the usuals like keys and purse/ card holder but I always keep a medication pouch, sanitary products and a notebook too...and usually an umbrella...and usually a little beauty pouch. I'm one of those people who doesn't leave the house without absolutely everything there's even the tiniest chance I might need if you hadn't already guessed 😂 x


    1. I'm the same Sophie, I always take something 'just in case', even if it's not really needed! x

  9. I love the look of this bag!! I always keep a hand sanitiser and mask in my bag too - I love how you carry around gloves for petrol, such a brill idea xx


    1. Yeah it's always good to have a pair of gloves on me in case I need to get petrol, I don't really want to touch the pumps bare handed right now! xx

  10. It's so strange to think about what we have to keep in our bags now isn't it! While I used to be quite fond of hand sanitizer before the virus, I would never even leave the house without it now!

    Grace xx


    1. It is, it's amazing how much we have to take around with us these days! xx

  11. That bag is absolutely gorgeous. I love the colour. I am currently using a small over the shoulder Radley bag at the mo and I am really struggling to fit everything in! Between the 10 masks I seem to keep finding and then the sanitiser and 2 sets of glasses I am not sure how I get anything else in.

    I have always fancied a rucksack that is not sporty or too practical if you know what I mean x

    1. It's a gorgeous colour isn't it?! OMG it sounds like you have a Mary Poppins bag! Yes I know what you mean, this backpack is good as it's fashionable and is made from sustainable materials x

  12. What a cute and useful bag! I love reading these types of posts and seeing what's in other's bags. So interesting! x

    Zoey | www.zoeyolivia.com

  13. I love blog posts like this and getting to be nosey!

    Danielle xx

  14. I have also mask and disinfection product. I like your photos and that bag look very beautiful.

    New Post - https://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2020/10/dr-brandt-xtend-your-youth-face-cream.html

  15. Love your bag! I don't leave the house now without Hand Sanitiser and a mask, they have become the new handbag essentials x


    1. Thank you Steph! Yeah I think they've become a lot of people's essentials now! x

  16. Ooo what a beautiful bag and its made out or washable paper??! WHAT!? Mind blown!
    I always have hand sanitiser and a drawstring bag full of reusable masks. Like you I keep a sealable sandiwch bag, and place my used mask in that to take home for washing.

    Aimsy xoxo

    1. I know, washable paper! Who'd have thought!
      That's a great idea to take a sealable bag to put your used mask in at the end of the day! x

  17. I love your bag! Its so interesting how the contents of our bag has changed this year. Thanks for sharing xx


    1. Thank you Violet! Yeah it's so strange how much we have to carry around with us these days! xx

  18. You have a lovely bag! thank you for sharing the items

  19. That's' a wonderful bag! And did you say washable paper? Wow! It's amazing! I need to check out this brand.

    1. Yes, washable paper! It's such a brilliant idea! xx

  20. Love that backpack! Carrying a mask around and hand sanitizer has become such a ritual. I also have a cute little mini bag that I put all my 'covid' products in as well, like my sanitizer, mask, wipes etc. Also I have to carry around hand cream now due to all the washing and sanitizer!



    1. Thank you lovely! You're right, it has become a bit of a ritual carrying a mask and hand sanitiser around, I need to buy a mini hand cream for my bag so I can use it if I'm out and about! xx

  21. I always carry multiple spare masks with me, just incase!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

    1. You just never know how many you may need when you're out and about Amie! x

  22. Thanks for sharing, I have lots of things in my bag to :) I have been looking for a new backpack these look a good idea :)

    Nic | Nic's Adventures & Bakes

    1. This backpack is so roomy and I hope you take a look at Kula's website!
