Tips for taking care of your skin in Winter

I go outside my house and its frigging freezing. I'm layered up looking like the Michelin tyre man or Joey from Friends, in the episode where he wears all the jumpers because his girlfriend's punches hurt him so much. In this weather, taking care of our bodies is important, especially our skin.
I know a lot of people suffer with terrible skin during the colder months, with me, it's very hit or miss. My lips get the most effected in the colder months, I need to put lip balm on a few times during the day to keep them looking, well, less dry and chapped.

The cold air, the change in temperature and the central heating can contribute to skin trouble in the winter months and have a bit of an impact on us. However, there are ways to keep your skin looking refreshed and protected during the colder weather:

This is one thing that the dietitian at the hospital is always nagging me about - drinking lots of fluids. Drinking a lot of water is something I struggle with, I either forget or just don't have the time to drink gallons of water. Yet water, I didn't realise, can have such a benefit on our skin during the winter weather. It penetrates the skin to help keep refreshed. I usually get nagged about drinking water in the hotter months cause I need to replace the sweat I lose (stupid CF) but I didn't realise it can be a benefit in the wintry months.

I won't lie, I'm incredibly guilty for doing this. It's just something you do to get rid of it or when you're bored. Sometimes I'm just sitting on the sofa and I start picking at my arms or take a look in the mirror and see what dry skin is on my face. At the end of the day, by doing this, I'm scarring myself which would be worse in the long-term. Just let the moisturising treatments work, speaking of creams...
Look for stuff according to your skin type. Whether you have dry or oily skin, find the right moisturiser for your skin and it'll all be fine. DermaLoch kindly sent me their moisturiser cream and spray to try. It's great for eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis prone skin. It's also good for dry skin, I've tried using it on my arms and it's starting to work a bit. I haven't used it for too long so I can't give a full review, but it's been a week since I began using it and it's done a good job on my arms and they feel less dry and scabby.

Please, don't go mad at your new cream if it hasn't done the job you wanted it to do after one day. It can take up to a few weeks for any cream to work properly, but once it does, it'll all be worth it in the long run, I promise. Patience is needed. 

I know this is a pretty hard thing to do in the cold weather. Standing under the shower keeps us warm. Then we all end up staying under there for far too long because we're too cowardly to get out form under it to stand out of the warm shower and enter the world of the cold air. Am I going along the right lines so far? For me it's getting out of a warm bath. I don't have a working shower (don't ask, let's just say there's a electrocution risk involved) so I use the bath all the time. I find it a bit of a daunting experience getting out of the warm bath to cold air. Anyway, having the temperature setting to a high number or level can completely dry out your skin. Change it to just a warm temperature, it can achieve glowing skin.
What are your tips for winter skin care? Let me and others know by commenting below!
*The items in this post were gifted to me for a review. All moisturising and winter skin care views are my own. If you would like to know more information about this, please read my disclaimer.

1 comment
  1. These are some great tips. I need to get better at drinking water too but its definitely easy said than done.
