It's All About Support

Ok, this post title may be a bit misleading. I’m not talking about boobs and bras, mind you, I’ve just tweeted about a new bra set from Boux Avenue which I’m wearing right now. It’s a pretty shade of...

Wait, I’m digressing now. Back to the topic at hand, the title of this blog post.

Yes, support. We all need it in some form. It’s about having someone there. Whether it be that one person or a network of people, it’s reassuring when someone's got your back.

It could be family, friends, work colleagues, university lecturers, school teachers, college tutors, nurses and even medical professionals.

For me, I have a caring network of supporters and people I know who are there and are willing to back 100%. My Mam is my biggest supporter, she was the one cheering me on at my school Sports Days, stayed with me in hospital when I’ve been ill and has always stuck by my side when things have got tough, she’s been there!

My friends are incredible. They all have their own unique qualities that I know I go to them for advice on any given subject.

My doctors and nurses give me my life support, they’re there when I need support for my health. They’re at the other end of the phone 365 days a year, they’re dedicated to helping all their CF patients and that’s an invaluable source of support which I’m truly grateful for.

So yes, support, in any way it’s given, should be appreciated and should also be given back.

Three lessons I have learnt, particularly in the last few months, is that:

1.Support can come from the most unlikely places.
2.Support doesn’t necessarily have to come from family
3.Don’t offer support if you’re not willing to reciprocate.

Hmm...looking at these, lessons have been learnt, and I’ve fully realised that my support network can go beyond just family.

Who offers the biggest support in your life?

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