My 3 accomplishments of 2017

I'm writing this as we are about to enter 2018. It's a time to be reflective, not say the obvious statements - "I can't believe 2017 is over" or "Is it really January again?!" It's always interesting, but sometimes tedious, to see what everybody's New Year's resolutions will be. No doubt I'll be seeing the "Going on a diet" or "Start jogging" resolutions flash up on my Facebook timeline.

Here's my reflection of this year, has 2017 been a successful year for me? In some areas, yes, in other areas? Probably not so much. But it's good to look back on the last 12 months to see what I could achieve in 2018 and what goals are easy to strive for over in the next year before I re-write this post in December 2018.

I seen this tweet from Adam J. Curtz asking people what their top three accomplishments were of 2017:

1) G O I N G  A N O T H E R  Y E A R  I V  F R E E
This achievement I'm so thrilled about. To go another full calendar year without IV's is something I never thought I'd do at the start of 2017. I just want to say a quick hurrah to all the CF fighters who have battled and been bloody amazing this year. We've got through all those hospital appointments, blood tests, scans, lung function tests and X Rays.
But I also want to remember those CF warriors who have been sadly taken from us. They'll always be mine and every other person's heart. It's the worst news in the world when a friend has been taken from us because of this bastard illness.
2) B E I N G  B E T T E R  F I N A N C I A L L Y
One of my aims at the beginning of the year was to get my finances in better shape. By the end of 2017, I wanted to look at my bank account and not looked through the gaps between the fingers covering my eyes feeling horrified of how much I had to last me until payday. I've been a lot more thrifty and not overspent on clothes I don't really need and buy stuff that is necessary. Don't get me wrong, I haven't turned into a tight arse over time, but I've realised I need to be better with my money. Knowing I got a bit more money in my savings makes me feel more relaxed going into 2018.
3) R E - D E C O R A T I N G  M Y  B E D R O O M
I finally grabbed the paintbrush and bought the IKEA furniture and given my bedroom a revamp! It was well overdue, I started in August but I am almost complete! My theme is pink, white and grey and the odd bit of rose gold accessories thrown in for good measure. I just need to get a new carpet, at the moment I got this horrible, brown carpet, honestly, it's something you'd find in the 1970's. So that is one of my aims in 2018, get a new carpet for my bedroom!
So those were my accomplishments in 2017. I have got some more personal accomplishments I've achieved which I won't broadcast on here. But I know what they are and I'm quite content with how 2017 has been.
What are your three biggest accomplishments of 2017?

1 comment
  1. These are some fab accomplishments it wasn't until 2020 I got my finances in check and I really should have done it quicker! X
