A Look Back on the First Quarter of 2024

In a year where we've seen Adidas Sambas still gaining their neverending popularity, "that" Willy Wonka experience and my heart getting broken by a 56-year-old German fella (Liverpool fans will know what I mean), it's been a weird start to 2024. We're through with the first quarter of the year now, and it feels like we were freezing our bits off with freezing temperatures just yesterday. I'm not saying that coat and jumper season is fully behind us. But it's nice to see the days are getting longer. 

A light pink jumper wrapped around pink tulips with a white mug.

Regarding my start to 2024, I'm still on track with my 'Ins and Outs', which is a little win. Obviously, I will continue to keep track of achieving those mini-goals for the year ahead. Even though this was a huge social media trend at the start of January, I don't aim to quit now! It's been a mixed bag for me personally so far in 2024. 

To make it easier for you to read and not make this a long, drawn-out post, I thought I'd split it into these different areas in my life - health, social, career/blogging and personal development.

Let's have a look back at the first quarter of my year so far:


Currently, my health is great at the moment (touch wood). However, at the start of 2024, it didn't act that way. I had a couple of health scares in January, one of which I won't talk about here. I did however have to have an endoscopy. An endoscopy is where a camera gets put down your throat into your stomach so they can have a rummage around. After a long drawn-out afternoon in the hospital, sitting with a man who told me his whole life story in the waiting room (which was a good distraction) and lots of sedation later, everything looked fine. Let me tell you, endoscopies aren't pleasant procedures. 

Concerning my mental health, I'm in a near-perfect place. I did have a few anxious moments in January with those health scares. However, considering where I was with my health anxiety back in January last year, I coped with things a lot better. 

A bouquet of pink tulips.


Seeing friends and family is always a good thing. I've had a few family birthdays at the beginning of the year, which meant celebrations in the pub - as you do. Also, it was my Nan's 90th birthday and we had a lovely time celebrating a big birthday! Plus, you can't beat meeting friends for a late-night Starbucks. Starbucks hits differently when you go in the evening. Honestly, don't knock it until you've tried it.


I've been very productive with blogging so far this year. This is the most motivated I've been with blogging for a long time. I can't even explain why that is, but I'll make the most of it before motivation vanishes! 

Personal Development

There's always room to develop further. Regarding my personal development, I've created a few new habits. For example, I've been waking up every weekday before 8am and it's improved my productivity and creativity. I'm also continuing with reading and have read a couple of great books so far in 2024. 

So that's a summary of my first quarter of 2024 so far!

Is this something you'd like me to do again when we reach the halfway point of 2024? As we approach the warmer months, which means more experiences are experienced and more memories are made. 

A rose pink jumper wrapped around a bouquet of pink tulips next to a white mug.

How has your 2024 started? Let me know!

  1. I feel you on the motivation to blog more than ever girl! Lol let’s both make use of it while it’s here!!

    Modish & Young | https://modishandyoung.com

    1. Absolutely Willow, better to make the most of it while the motivation is still there!

  2. I really enjoyed this and if anything it has definitely motivated me to reflect on my own year so far. As you can imagine it's been pretty busy. I definitely think you should do this type of post again.

    1. I'm glad that my post has motivated you to reflect on your year so far Kelly! I can imagine you have had a lot going on so far in 2024!

  3. I feel the exact same way about blogging this year! I don't know what it is either but I'm committed to being consistent with blogging this year. Glad to know I'm not alone. Also happy to hear your health is in good shape too.❤️ I'll definitely take the hint on some Starbucks at night too.😄

    Natonya | JustNatonya.wordpress.com
    Stylish.Natonya on Instagram

    1. It's good to hear that you're committed to blogging this year like I am Natonya! You seriously need to go to Starbucks at night lovely, it definitely hits different!

  4. So great to see your blogging productivity rise, and congrats on creating new healthy habits! <3


    1. Also, hi again! I saw on my blog that you commented that you were looking for a pair of shoes similar to the ones I was wearing in my latest outfit post, so I found them for you on Steve Madden: https://www.stevemadden.com/collections/womens-heels/products/becka-tan-leather

      As I wasn't sure if you would see what I replied back there I decided to post it here as well. :D


    2. Thank you so much for getting back to me, I will take a look at them! That's so kind of you to do this for me!

  5. I love that you did this it's a great idea to do a little overview every quarter! Sounds like you're on your way glad to hear you're so motivated at the moment with the blog that's awesome. Great post thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thank you Andrea! Im trying to make the most of this motivation before it disappears!

  6. Great post! I can't say I've ever been to Starbucks in the evening - I never really thought about it. I won't knock it til I've tried it ;)

    1. Honestly Eleanor, don't knock it until you've tried it! x

  7. It's such a great idea to regularly look back and access how life has/is going. I think I will have to do the same and think about what's gone well, and what needs working on. It seems like the first quarter of 2024 was a good one overall (Happy 90th to your Nan, btw)!

    1. These type of posts are a good way to reflect on the year and good to look back on at the end of 2024 also. Thank you so much Molly!

  8. It’s great to hear your health is doing much better. I can’t believe we’ve already finished the first quarter of the year - roll on spring! <3

    1. Spring weather can't come quick enough Claire!

  9. Syukur alhamdulillah. You're in a good health and working well on your dreams. Keep it up, babe. I will always root for you.

    1. Thank you so much Fadima, that's so kind of you!

  10. I am glad that your mental health is getting better. It is good to prioritize your mental health. I hope the rest of the year is good for you as well.

    1. It's always important to prioritise your mental health!
      Thank you lovely, I hope you have a great rest of 2024 too!

  11. Oh, Lucy, firstly, I’m very sorry to hear about the health scares you had to experience in January. Endoscopy can be scary. For my chronic condition, I get it done regularly, but my first time was very daunting! Massive congratulations And regarding your achievements in both blogging and personal development, I am very proud of you. Congratulations! I'm getting help for my mental health this year, so I can say it's my biggest achievement for the quarter of 2024! x - Penny | whatdidshetype.com

    1. Endoscopy's are incredibly daunting the first time round! I'm sorry to hear that you have done regularly because of your chronic condition, you're a saint for having to having done regularly!
      I'm happy to read that you are getting help for your mental health now lovely, I hope you get the help you require! x

  12. Hey Lucy! Loved reading your this post! It sounds like you've had quite the start to 2024. So glad to hear your health is holding up!. And major props on the blogging productivity—ride that wave of motivation! Can't wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for you babe xx

    Lenne | lennezulkiflly.com

    1. Thank you Lenne!
      I'm aiming to ride this wave of motivation for as long as possible! xx

  13. Sounds like you are having a great year so far except for the health scares. I am glad your health is better at the moment. Wow, a quarter of the year is already over! Time flies!


  14. Hello!
    I've already had an endoscopy but it was under the influence of general anaesthesia, I wouldn't do it any other way!!! You were very brave! I've also been working a lot on the blog lately! I wish you a happy week!


    1. I don't blame you Marisa, I would have loved to have had the procedure done under general anaesthetic too, but it wasn't an option for me unfortunately! I'm glad to hear you've been working on your blog also x
