Really Good, Actually by Monica Heisey: A Book Review

You know when you read a book and it's, well, meh? This book was exactly that. 'Really Good, Actually' by Monica Heisey is one I picked up as others rated how funny and brilliant it was. I like comedy books, sometimes it's nice to read a comedic book between romance novels and thrillers. So I had high expectations when I bought Monica Heisey's debut novel. Hmm, let me explain...

The book Really Good, Actually by Monica Heisey.

Let's set the scene:

Maggie claims she is fine. In fact, she's doing really good, actually (hence the title). Her life isn't going her way, she's just separated from her husband at 29 after 608 days of marriage. Even though she is going through heartbreak, Maggie is determined to make the most of being a 'Surprisingly Young Divorcee'. She starts taking up new hobbies, joins dating apps, explores her sexuality and occasionally wakes up on the floor. As you do.

We see her navigate her life through being a divorcee, how she deals with life, how her friends help her to cope and how she feels about life after separation.

As I said, I had high hopes for this book, I thought this would have me belly-laughing or crying tears of laughter. It made me chuckle in some parts, but, this book fell flat. I was waiting for something big to happen, which never came.

The book Really Good, Actually by Monica Heisey

It did have some funny parts, but as the book went on, it started to feel repetitive and the plot stayed the same. Maggie got on my nerves, she became very narcissistic, self-absorbed and whiny - like she was the only woman in the world going through a divorce. As the central protagonist, the book would work better if she was likeable, she definitely isn't likeable for me.

I can see why others loved reading this book, but it wasn't for me. I hate to say this - but I stopped reading the book after the halfway point. My first DNF (did not finish) in a long time. As someone who has never married, I cannot relate to much in this book, even when Maggie is single - which is for the large portion of the book. 

I have to give Monica Heisey some credit, she explored a topic which is currently visited in everyday life and in other fiction books. 

Would you recommend Really Good, Actually by Monica Heisey?

From my perspective, I wouldn't. However, I think it's purely because this book is not something I can relate to. I've seen my parents go through a painful divorce and it's not something I like to revisit. Not that this book triggered anything for me personally, but reading about someone's fictional divorce was not fun!

I'd love to know your thoughts! Have you read this book before?

  1. I totally get the high hopes before starting a book and finding it mismatched with your expectations! The plot sounds very intriguing however, I can see why the comedy material was not enough. Thanks for sharing this review, I enjoyed reading it! - Penny |

    1. Yeah it's a shame that the plot didn't work for me because it had potential. But the plot just felt very repetitive!

  2. Too bad this book wasn't great, but thank you for an honest review! I do not think I would like it either if the main character is whinny and not positive.

    1. I hate it when the main character is whiny and negative, it makes the book less enjoyable!

  3. Was this an indie book? Because there quality is often seen compromised. I'll check though. But your starting was on the spot and told how the book was. As for the plot of.the current times one has to put setting different there so it doesn't feel like it's the same usual. Thanks for informing. Xx
    Isa A. Blogger

    1. No I don't think this is an indie book as far as I know! I do like reading books which don't feel so repetitive x

  4. Thank you for the honest review! I've just started getting into reading again and this doesn't sound like a book I would enjoy either!

    Emilia |

    1. It's a shame that I didn't enjoy it, but others might!

  5. Thank you for your review. I still may read it. I’m not sure. Happy Sunday.

    1. You may enjoy it lovely, it just wasn't for me!

  6. Sounds like one for me to give a miss too then! Can't get on board when I don't like the main character! xx

    Danielle’s Beauty Blog

    1. I can't get on board with a book if I don't like the main character either Danielle! xx

  7. Thank you for sharing such an honest review! I don't think I've ever heard of this book before, but based on your summary and review it likely wouldn't be something I'd like to read either. Thanks again for sharing this!

    1. Thank you for reading and commenting Melissa!

  8. It's so disappointing when you think a book is going to be good and then it's a let down!

    1. It really is, it's so annoying as I thought this book would be great - but sadly it wasn't for me!

  9. Is this the author's first book? Sometimes author's first work is not the best.

  10. Wow, I’m not sure if I would like it either because I don’t fancy repetitive books

    1. I'm not a fan of repetitive books either Rayo x

  11. Oh to bad it was such a let down I felt similar about The Devil Wears Prada. It really dragged a lot of it was just inner tirades in the main characters head which got so boring. It was very contrived and I also feel the main character sounded whiny and entitled. The movie was MUCH better.

    Allie of

    1. The Devil Wears Prada is amazing, I'm glad I never read the book before watching the film!

  12. This is like my book kryptonite - even if a book takes a dip and becomes a bit rubbish, I absolutely have to finish it!

    1. I like to try and finish a book even if I don't like it, but I just couldn't with this one!

  13. The premise of the book sounded good, but having a likable protagonist is so important! I end up not liking books either when the protagonist is unlikable, so the book would be a pass for me too!

    1. I agree Karalee, if the protagonist isn't likeable, the book isn't worth reading!

  14. Oh no! Such a shame you didn't enjoy this one. I have this on my shelf to read and have definitely heard mixed reviews x

    1. You never know Jenny, you may enjoy reading this one! It just wasn't for me x

  15. I personally like uplifting books. Ups and downs are fine, but I agree, the protagonist should be likeable to some extent at least— some positive qualities with the flaws. I may not like it either. Thank you for your honest review!

    1. I agree Sneha, if the protagonist isn't likeable, it makes the book so much harder to read!

  16. Aw! I've not heard of this book before, but from your intro I was getting really excited by it. Comedy isn't something I'd usually read, but it sounded like it'd be a really cool book at the beginning, but maybe not. I can imagine the repetetiveness would get on my nerves too. Such a shame!


    1. It's a shame it didn't live up to its potential for me Claire. The repetetiveness got on my nerves and made it unreadable in the end! x

  17. Can't say I'll be adding this to my TBR anytime soon, but it's an eye-catching cover x

    1. It does have an eye-catching cover, it's just a shame the plot didn't live up to its expectation! x

  18. Too bad you didn't like it. Hate when that happens.

    1. Yeah it 's annoying when you don't like a book!
