Advance: My Chosen Word For 2024

When thinking of a word for 2024, it took me a while to think of a word I wanted to associate with 2024. Last year, my word of the year was "Contentment". The last half of 2023 was where I saw more contentment than the first half. Health anxiety is the main reason why I couldn't find a lot of contentment last year. Thankfully, I can safely say I'm over the worst, and now I'm in a much better place in terms of how I cope with that. After much deliberation, I finally came up with a word that I would like to represent my 2024 - "Advance".

Yellow tulips, a white mug with green tea and a candle.

Now that I'm 30, I want to take bigger strides in my life. I don't feel like I've been stuck in a rut, but I feel like I'm walking through quicksand. I feel like I need to move somewhere with my life, which is why I'm going to hopefully make a bold statement and advance further.

In the past, I used to think that I was WAY behind my friends and family in terms of where I should be in my life, which you can read about here. But as people will tell you, you follow your own path in life, there's no right or wrong way in how you travel down your path in life. As long as you don't commit any crimes, then it's alright. I don't know what has happened to me since I turned 30, but I have a serious f**k it attitude towards a lot of things. It's an attitude I like that I have adopted, but I can't be that way forever. I have to draw the line somewhere. Hence why I want to advance this year.

Yellow tulips, a white mug with green tea and a candle.

I want to start taking more control of my life, take more risks, make more of a bold statement and do more of what makes me happy. I want to make a name for myself, not in an arrogant way, but in a quietly confident way. 

These risks that I'd like to take don't necessarily have to be big ones, just little ones to start with. I'd rather gradually build up the confidence to take the bigger, more life-affirming risks rather than go full steam ahead! I'd like to advance at a pace that suits me, and not what others want. 

A bouquet of yellow tulips.

So, 'Advance' is my word for 2024!

I'd love to know if you have chosen a year to represent your 2024, let me know!
  1. I never thought about choosing words for 2024 but I'm glad that you're doing well.
    I know being in our late 20s and early 30s is such a weird things where we expect something and sometime life gives us a roller coaster.
    Cheers and may 2024 be a good year to you!

    1. Life can be a rollercoaster in your late twenties especially, but I think my life is pretty stable (touch wood) at the moment!
      You need to pick a word to represent your 2024 Michelle!

  2. I love the idea of a word for the year! I choose a motto which encapsulates how I am going to move forward and view life choices and changes through. This year it is 'release, reinforce, revitalize', and I'm looking forward to working on this. I hope your 2024 is full of opportunities to advance (in whatever way is needed)!

    1. I love the motto you have chosen Molly, it's a great life mantra to follow!

  3. You are right about being on your own path! Plus things can change so quicky. Between 30-34 I got a boyfriend, changed jobs, bought a house, had a baby and went self employed! Have a great year :)

    Corinne x

    1. Wow things certainly did change for you in those four years Corinne!
      I hope you have an amazing year lovely x

  4. Love this idea of choosing a word and focusing on that, especially the word advance as it can be interpreted in different ways x

    1. Choosing a word for the year ahead is a great way to focus on what you want for the next 12 months!

  5. I love this. My chosen word for the year is without a doubt 'intention'.

    The Reluctant Blogger |

    1. I love your chosen word for the year Danielle, I hope you have an amazing year ahead!

  6. That's such a good idea! I've never thought about doing that before, I guess my word for every year is always 'Progression' as I always strive to move forward & learn....

    1. Prgression is a great word Fiona, I hope you strive, move forward and learn for the year ahead lovely!

  7. Nice article. I liked your new goals and words for the year 2024
    All the very best in achieving success and growth in every area of your life for this year 2024💗

  8. You go girl, I'm sure you'll smash it this year x

    1. Thank you so much Gemma! I hope you have an amazing 2024! x

  9. That's a great choice of word. Instead of a word, I chose the phrase "Choose happiness" I do agree you can't compare your life to that of others which is why what might make me happy, might not make the next person happy.

    1. I love that Kelly - "Choose Happiness". It's something we should all strive for in life, even when things are tough!
      Absolutely lovely, comparing your life with others is not helpful and it's important to remember that what makes me happy, may not make others happy!

  10. Entering 30s also means opening a new chapter in life. All the best to you. May you shine brighter in your 30s.

  11. Choosing a word for the year is such a good idea! It gives you something to focus on. I am 33 and I agree, when you turn 30 it's like something clicks and you stop caring so much about what others think. And yes, everyone has their own path... life doesn't pan out the way we think it will! Wishing you a great year ahead! :)

    1. Choosing a word for the upcoming year really does help you to focus on what you would like to achieve for the year ahead.
      I know what you mean, something just seemed to click when I turned 30 and that's why I've loved my 30's so far!
      I hope you have a great year too Melanie!

  12. Lovely idea I really enjoyed reading this.. I wish you all the best in your advancement this year. Wonderful post thanks so much for sharing! :)

    1. Thank you Andrea, I wish you a great 2024 also!

  13. Ooh this is such a good word! Love that for you. I feel like it's not one you hear very often, but it's so appropriate. And you're so right about people being on their own paths!


    1. Thank you Claire! People are on their own paths in live, it's important not to compare your life's path with others x

  14. You let me thinking about my own word for this year. Not sure yet, but probably "ME". It's time to put me first as a priority. The fuck it attitude may be helpful. 👌😂

    1. I love that you have decided to put yourself first as a priority this year Joana, yes girl!
