Turning 30: 10 Things I Have Learned In My 20s

I'm 30. A birthday which I thought I would dread the day after I turned 29 last year. The majority of people I've spoken to about turning 30 (who are already 30) have told me that my 30s will be a lot better than my 20s. I won't lie to you guys, that has given me a whole lot of optimism now I've reached the big 3-0.

A woman holding a small chocolate birthday cake.

When I reached my twenties, I wasn't really full of positivity, purely because I thought I would have to really 'adult'. Thinking back on my twenties now I'm 30, I see my twenties as a decade where I've not only learned a lot, but I have changed as a person in a very gradual way. I feel my twenties have been more like a stepping stone for me rather than me making huge strides in my life. Being in your twenties, in my opinion, is a huge learning curve for us all. Your 20s is an era where we learn about our tolerances, limits, boundaries, likes, dislikes and so much more.

When looking back on my twenties, there have been some turning points which have really shaped me into the woman I am today. Whether it's been that one experience, interaction, conversation, decision, success, failure or health blip, some of those things have been pivotal in moulding my 20s.

30 balloons

As I said, I have learned so much in my 20s, a lot of which I will take with me into my 30s.

Here are some of the things I have learned in my 20s:

1) Your life plan isn't going to be the same as everyone else's 

Oh, this has definitely been a huge lesson for me. In school, I think we're influenced to believe that by the age of 25, we should own a house, be married, have children and have a successful career. 

That is not true.

As individuals, we all walk down our own life paths and it's not that we're falling behind or steaming ahead, we're going at a pace that suits us. This is where the mantra "Don't compare yourself with others" comes in. Something that has taken me a long time to learn and not do.

Also, each path we're on may have unexpected obstacles or hurdles to get over. I'm happy with the path I'm on right now, I hope bigger and better things are coming though!

2) It's ok not to be liked by others

Now, I'm not saying I'm the sort of person which everyone needs to like, far from it. However, I used to worry about what others thought of me. I used to have thoughts racing through my head about whether I was being too quiet or being too out there. I've reached a stage now that if someone doesn't like me (there's bound to be people out there who don't) - I honestly don't care! Not everyone you meet has to like you and vice versa. There are going to be people who will love you for who you are - well, most people.

A woman holding a small chocolate cake

3) Your body is the only one you'll have - treat it well

As someone with a chronic illness and not-so-brilliant mental health, I need to take good care of my physical and psychological health. Rather than fighting with my body to look good in the mirror and fighting with my brain to stop thinking unpleasant thoughts, I'd instead just make do with what I got and focus on the good rather than the bad. I work out nearly every day, I practice meditation, I speak to a psychologist and I take my medication for Cystic Fibrosis every day like I'm supposed to. I like to treat my body well, rather than criticise it, let's embrace what I have - even with CF.

4) Skincare is essential, not optional

If you're in your early twenties and have not got a structured skincare routine - start now. In my latter 20s, I've taken my skincare routine a lot more seriously. I have a structured routine for both morning and evening and I love it! Treating your body well includes looking after your skin, hair, nails etc. I learned a lot from Caroline Hirons' book as it's my bible when it comes to skincare. Obviously, there will be days when you can't be bothered to do it - and that's more than ok. Just don't completely slack off!

A woman holding a small chocolate cake

5) Mental health will be with me forever

I can't deny guys that my mental health hasn't been brilliant in the last couple of years. There have been a lot of ups and downs. I'm working to get myself into a much better position and I've been loving how strong I've become regarding my mental health. I've become someone who has become more open with my mental health. In my early twenties, talking about mental health was seen as a stigma. Nowadays, thanks to charities like MIND and people opening up on social media, it's become less of a stigma. I've learned that my mental health will be up and down for my life, it's how I deal with it that matters.

6) Starting to save money early is a good thing

In my early twenties was when I started taking my savings account seriously. I love being able to add a little bit here and there into my savings account and my pension. I am someone who likes to feel financially stable and will not spend money on needless and impractical items. I would tell anyone to start saving money as soon as they reach their twenties, or even earlier.

7) Nothing hurts more than a broken heart

Any way your heart has been broken is tough to take. Whether it's to do with love, grief, or broken promises - having your heart broken stinks. They say your first heartbreak is the one that hurts the most. I can definitely say that is true and I experienced it in my 20s. Even though it was heartbreaking (literally couldn't think of another word), I definitely learned from it and I will take that lesson with me into my thirties. 

A woman holding a small chocolate cake.

8) Independence is empowering

Independence is the most empowering thing I own. Independence, I feel, is something we view in different ways. Owning a home, getting a new pet, travelling on your own or even speaking to a company's customer service on the phone, all scream independence. I love the confidence it's given me to be able to do my own independent thing. I also think stepping out of your comfort zone, although at times hard, can make a world of difference in terms of gaining independence. 

9) Hangovers worse as you age

Sorry to break it to you millennials, hangovers get worse and worse as you get older. What may take you hours to get over, us older ones, it takes us days. Sometimes even Paracetamol can't get rid of that pounding headache and the toilet may be your best friend for days after a night in the pub. 

10) Disney films/songs are still just as good

Guys, you're never too old for Disney films and songs. Sing the hell out of Let It Go or Hakuna Matata, whatever your age. It's so good for the soul.

Reaching 30 is in a way exciting, but in a way, a little daunting. However, I'm going to embrace being 30 and look forward to what lies ahead for the next decade! Hopefully, I'll make some even better memories than the ones I've made in my 20s!

A woman holding a small chocolate cake.

I'd love to know what you think of the lessons I have learned in my 20s!

  1. Happy Birthday, I agree with most things on your list, I found that I had more experiences in my early thirties which was great, although most of them have now stopped due to Covid, been independent is one thing that I have embraced as I have got older, but having people around is still great at the same time, enjoy your thirties, it's the new twenties!!

    Nic | Nic's Adventures

  2. Really eye-opening article. Thank you so much for sharing this <3

    BTW: Happy birthday! <3

  3. Welcome to the 30's club! It's a fun age where we finally start to accept ourselves for what we are!

    Corinne x

    1. Thank you Corinne!
      I hope my 30s will be a lot of fun too! x

  4. Love this post! Struggled with not being liked by everyone for a long time, but as I got older I realised I don't get along with everyone so why should it be the other way around. Quality over quantity x

    1. I completely agree Lea, we're never going to get along with everyone that we meet in our lifetime, so it shouldn't worry us if someone doesn't like us! x

  5. Love this post and agree with everything! I've actually found my thirties to be the most empowering. I love being 30+ and everything that comes with it. Hangovers are definitely worse though - That's the only downside. Haha. X

    1. I'm glad that you have found your 30s to be your most empowering years so far Claire! Hangovers do definitely get worse as you get older! x

  6. Happy Belated Birthday! I’m three years away from my 30s and I’m still learning things. Everyone I’ve spoken to days their 30s were the best years! X

    1. Thank you Aaliyah!
      A lot of people I've spoken to have said their 30s are their best years! x

  7. Happy Birthday! I hope you had some lovely celebrations. Lots of important lessons here, I try to save as much money as I can, and take surveys to top it up. I have recently established a skincare routine, so hopefully my skin will improve soon x

    1. Thank you Caroline!
      I like the idea of taking surveys to add that little bit of money to your savings! x

  8. These are all really worthwhile things to learnt throughout your twenties, they will certainly carry you forward in your thirties too! Congratulations on your birthday!

  9. Lovely post, Lucy - definitely agree about starting to save money earlier rather than later - and also about worsening hangovers, sadly! x

    1. Saving money early is so important!
      It's such a shame that hangovers get worse as we get older! x

  10. Lovely lessons, definitely the hangovers aren't the same. https://fleurdelailis.wordpress.com/

    1. Hangovers are definitely not the same as what you get in your early twenties!

  11. Happy belated birthday! I turn 30 this year too, and I've heard that your 30s are better than your 20s! You've learned a lot in your 20s and I agree your life plan is going to be different than others, and that's okay! I also completely agree that skincare is essential, and I still love Disney films and songs too!

    1. Thank you Karalee!
      Plenty of people of told me that your 30s is a lot better than your 20s!

  12. Happy birthday Lucy! I'm in my mid-20s and definitely agree about the skincare routine, I've become a bit obsessed with actives/sunscreen and taking care of my skin well! I'm 100% with you about not everyone will like you - you could be the juiciest peach in the fruit bowl, there's still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches (stole that analogy from someone haha!) I'm trying to let go a lot more now!

    Em - earthlyem.co.uk

    1. Thank you Em!
      I love that you are actively looking after your skin so well and have a good skincare routine!
      OMG I love that analogy! I'm going to use that more often!

  13. Happy Belated Birthday Lucy! I can relate to so much on this list when I turned 30 last year, and I can echo that my 30's so far have been way better than my 20's! Hope you had a lovely birthday celebration and thanks for sharing your insights.

  14. Happy 30th birthday, welcome to the 30 club you're gonna love it. I loved this post but I 1000% agree with your stance on skincare being ESSENTIAL!


    1. Thank you Rosie! It is so essential to start a skincare routine as early as possible!
