What Makes Travelling So Much Fun?

*This post may contain affiliate links. See the end of the post for more details. 

Travelling is something that a lot of people enjoy. There are so many fun aspects of being in different places, but not everyone sees them. If you have not been abroad, or you have not been travelling much in your life, you might wonder what all of the fuss is about. We encourage you to get out there and adventure yourself to find out, but we’re also going to be talking about it in this article. If you’re interested in this topic, then this is the article for you.

A pair of black sunglasses, a scrapbook and travel photos.

Something Different From Regular Life 

One of the reasons that people enjoy travelling so much is because it’s something a little different from regular life. It can be difficult when you are doing the same kind of thing day in, and day out when you are at home, so having something a little different is appealing to most people. It’s an adventure that you get to go on somewhere completely new, learning new things, and getting away from your regular. 

Now, we know that some people are going to say that the point of life is to build something that you love and don’t want to get away from. There is nothing wrong with wanting a change of scenery and taking a step back from your life for a while. 

Understanding Different Cultures

Something else that appeals to people is that they get to explore and see different cultures. It’s one thing to read about different kinds of people from all over the world, but it’s another thing to see the way that others live. You can look at what it’s like in different countries, the way that they live, and expand your general knowledge of the world. We know that this doesn’t appeal to everyone, but it’s a great way to become a well-cultured individual. 

A scrapbook, a pair of black sunglasses and travel-themed photos.

Getting To See Awesome Sights 

Probably one of the best parts about traveling though is that you get to see some super awesome things while you are in different places. For example, you can get tickets to Windsor Castle when you are visiting the UK, or you can get tickets to see a baseball game when you are in the US. Different countries have different sights available, some of which are historical landmarks, museums, religious places and so much more. 

It’s so cool to be able to go around the world, see the breathtaking views that you wouldn’t be able to see anywhere near where you live, and generally experience new things. It brings excitement into your life, and we all need a bit of that sometimes. 

A scrapbook, a pair of black sunglasses and travel-themed photos.

So there you go then! These are some of the reasons why travelling can be so much fun and why so many people enjoy the adventure. If you are not someone who has been travelling much in your life, we hope that we have given you some inspiration to get out there and see the world. We promise that you won’t regret it.

*This post contains affiliate links. Please read my disclaimer for more information. Thank you for your support!
  1. Stonehenge is only just down the road from me - you've reminded me that I need to pay it a proper visit, thank you!

    1. I hope you make a visit to Stone Henge soon Lisa!

  2. We've done quite a bit in the UK this year and whilst I love UK travel, I'd love to see a bit more of the world next year. Just hoping my bank account agrees with me! All fabulous points!!


    1. I'd love to do a bit more travelling next year too Claire, I hope you manage to explore new places! x

  3. Wonderful post, Lucy! Traveling is a great way to experience the world and new cultures. I can't wait to prioritize more trips in 2024. Thank you for sharing!

    1. I hope you manage to go on some more trips in 2024 lovely!

  4. Reading this has reminded me that I really need to get out and travel about more. I will have to make a point of doing this in 2024 as it would be good to see new places and just enjoy being somewhere I've not seen before.

  5. 2023 has definitely been my year of travel, and I'm so excited to explore more! Bring on a new year :)

    1. I hope you get to explore more new places in 2024 Caroline!

  6. Love your insights on what makes traveling so much fun! The anticipation, the new cultures, and those unexpected adventures truly add a magical touch to every journey. Couldn't agree more that it's the blend of discovery, spontaneity that all makes each trip an unforgettable experience. As for me, I'm always ready to pack my bags and create more fun travel memories! https://www.girlwelltravelled.net/the-grand-stage-of-the-most-anticipated-sporting-spectacles-2024

    1. Travelling always allows you discover new cultures, adventures and hidden gems!

  7. Lovely post, thanks for sharing. I love trying a little taste of different cultures and just seeing how other people live!


    1. I'm the same Rosie, it's so interesting learning about other people's cultures in different countries!

  8. You've perfectly summed up what I love about travel :) x

  9. Amen, amen, amen! I'm specifically doing slow travel, which means you stay for a bit longer in one place to really delve into the local culture, habits and especially fooood. Next year I'm going to Florence for 3 months and I cannot wait! x

    Teresa Maria | Outlandish Blog

    1. Slow travel is the way Teresa! I hope you have the most amazing time in Florence! x

  10. It really is. Once you started travelling, you will started to get addicted with it.
