Why I Do A Weekly Check-In On A Friday Rather Than A Sunday

Let's face it, Friday is the elite when it comes to days of the week (except if you're working on the weekend). Friday is when most of us can relax, chill out for the weekend or make big plans for Friday, Saturday and even Sunday. When Friday arrives, it doesn't seem traditional (in a way) to do a weekly check-in. Some will save their reflection time for a Sunday. Well, Sundays are meant to be a day of rest and reflection. But, say I've had a sh*t week, I'd rather take some time to reflect on a Friday rather than dwell on the week just gone over the weekend.

A woman doing a weekly check in in a pink leopard print notebook.

After all, weekends are meant to be where we can have fun, relax, socialise and enjoy ourselves. Since I've started doing my weekly check-in on a Friday, Sundays don't fill me with too much dread. I can relax knowing I don't have to take the time to deeply reflect and analyse the last week. 

So, what questions do I ask myself on this Friday check-in?

In no particular order...

1) What can I celebrate this week?

This is where I write down my biggest achievements from the last 7 days. It can be anything from managing to get through a few days anxiety-free to cleaning the fridge. Even the smallest of wins can turn out to be the biggest. It's better to focus on the positives than the negatives. 

2) What have I learned this week?

They say you learn something new every day, which I do believe to be true! Your brain takes in so much information every day, there's always something that'll stand out from the week you've just had! 

A woman writing her weekly check-in in a pink leopard print notebook.

3) How am I feeling? 

This can take quite a few sentences in my notebook. Writing down how I am feeling always helps me. Writing down all the feelings I have experienced from the last week helps to see what caused me to feel those feelings. Whether it be happiness, sadness, worry, excitement or contentment, I need to write down all the feelings I've felt within myself. I can then kind of match what day or time I felt this feeling and why I felt it. I sure hope that all makes sense to you all!

4) What has brought me joy this week?

This is my favourite question: what has brought me joy this week? It relates to the first question, but it could be something like seeing family or friends, whether I've been away anywhere or even just popped to a local coffee shop for a green tea. The littlest of things bring us great joy.

5) How can I take care of myself this weekend?

Time to fit in the self-care! Whether I've had a good or bad week, this is where I like to do my self-care routine. This is the perfect chance to do whatever makes you feel relaxed, happy and what gives you comfort. 

A woman writing a weekly check-in in a pink leopard print notebook.

6) What are my intentions for next week?

Lastly, let's write down some goals for the upcoming week! They don't have to be the biggest of goals, even the smallest ones will do! Sometimes I even write stuff I am looking forward to doing the upcoming week also, gives me something to look forward to! 

A weekly check-in is something I have come to look forward to doing on a Friday. I just love to analyse the week gone and see what I can improve on for the week ahead. As I said, doing my weekly check-in on a Friday allows me to relax for the weekend and put the past week behind me. Well, attempt to anyway. I'd love to know whether this is something you would consider doing or if you already do it, would you switch to doing it on a Friday rather than a Sunday?

I'd love to know your thoughts on doing a weekly check-in!

  1. A great post with great suggestions. I like to do a weekly reset to help me get ready for another week. Thank you for sharing.

    Lauren - bournemouthgirl

    1. Thank you Lauren!
      That's good that you like to do a weekly reset too x

  2. Weekly check-ins like this are such a good idea; very important for us to sort through stuff and let ourselves offload a bit before the weekend!

    1. Like you said Molly, weekly check-ins are a great way to offload everything before the weekend begins!

  3. This is a great idea! I don't do anything like this for personal checkins but I do work related ones often!

    Corinne x

    1. Work related check-ins are just as important as personal ones! x

  4. I like doing really simple mood tracking, and sometimes just keeping a record of something that was nice/special from my day/week. It can be so good for your mood to find stuff to be grateful for and appreciate :-)

    1. I like that you do mood tracking, that's something I need to start doing. Writing stuff down like that can make you sure more gratitude x

  5. This is such a great idea! I know some people consider Saturday or Sunday to be the end of the week but I actually love the idea of doing it on a Friday because the work week is over and work is stressful. I’m definitely keeping this post in mind for my future checkups.

    1. Yes a lot of people do consider Saturday or Sunday to be the end of the week. Sunday is the start of a new week for me! That's why I like to do a weekly check-in on a Friday rather than a Sunday!

  6. Fridays are great days to do weekly check ins - I had never thought of it!

    B | Mind Beauty Simplicity

    1. It's such a good way to switch off before the weekend!

  7. I am going to have to start doing this too!

    Danielle | thereluctantblogger.co.uk

    1. I hope you start doing this soon Danielle!

  8. I love the idea of a weekly check-in. You inspired me to start doing this too. And, I agree that Friday is the best time to do it. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I'm glad that I've inspired to start doing your own weekly check-in lovely! Friday is definitely the best day to do it, it allows you to relax more on the weekend!

  9. I think that is a great idea to do a check-in on Friday instead of on Sunday! These are fantastic questions to ask to reflect on the past week while also setting goals for the following week.

    1. It's such a good way to be able to relax for the weekend ahead!

  10. Love the questions you ask yourself. I think the Friday check in makes so much sense too! I don't really do anything like this, but I really think this set up would work for me.


    1. It's good to have a sum up of the week you've just had. It definitely allows me to relax for the weekend then! x

  11. Well, you have shared a unique and superlative approach with us. Incorporating this in daily lives we could do things in a better ways.

    Thanks for sharing.

  12. I don't do any weekly check ins but I love your reasoning for doing yours on a Friday - as you say, weekends are for relaxation and fun (or should be!) x

    1. Weekends are all for relaxation and fun Lisa! That's why I like doing a check-in on a Friday, it gives me the chance to put the past week behind me and relax for the weekend ahead x

  13. I love the idea of checking in on a Friday vs. Sunday! You've made some really great points and I'd love to start doing this too. Thanks for sharing Lucy!

    1. I hope you give this method a try soon lovely!

  14. I want to try and do more weekly checkins, I love that kind of content!


    1. I hope you do get the chance to do more weekly check-ins Rosie!

  15. Hey Lucy, this is a great blog post and a fantastic idea defiantly something I need to try and do. Great blog post as always keep up the amazing work.

    Jack Deyes | jackdeyes.com

  16. This is such a great idea :)


  17. I haven't done a check-in for a long time, but reading your post makes me want to incorporate it and try it again. I love that you shared what questions you ask during your check in which makes it easier for others to also try it out. I also love the idea of doing it on a Friday so you can really enjoy the weekend :)

  18. Thanks for sharing, I do sometimes do a review on a Sunday or when I have the time, to take stock of what has being going on it depends how busy I am :)

    Nic | Nic's Adventures
