40 Self Care Ideas For The Mind, Body & Soul

Taking that bit of time out for yourself and indulging in a little self-care is so satisfying and a massive mood booster. No matter what you classify as self-care in your daily routine, it just makes you feel so refreshed and rejuvenated when you practice self-care. 

In recent times, I have pledged to practice self-care more regularly and not just do it as and when I feel like it. Rather than saying I don't have enough time, I want to take the time to do it. For example, I like cleaning out my fridge. Yes, that is one of my weird self-care habits. Problem?!

40 Self Care Ideas For The Mind, Body & Soul

Anyway, I want to talk about self-care ideas for the mind, body and soul. Self-care doesn't necessarily mean taking a bubble bath, slapping on a face mask (the clay kind), binge-watching The Crown on Netflix or waxing your upper lip (that's become a regular activity for me lately). It's important to remember that self-care is unique to the individual's personal, physical and emotional needs and some self-care ideas will work well for others and not yourself, and vice versa. 

I've wracked my brain as to the number of self-care ideas that can help the mind, body and soul which you can practice yourself at home:


*Staying offline one day a week
*Meditate every morning/evening (whatever time of day works best for you)
*Read 10 pages/ a chapter of your current book 
*Write a gratitude list every day
*Limit your screen time in the morning/evening routine
*Put your phone on charge in another room to have a break
*Unfollow anyone on your social media feed who makes you feel negative
*Compliment yourself every day
*Clean out your inbox
*Do breathing exercises
*Cwtch your pet
*Do something out of your comfort zone
*Start a journal/write in a journal
*Speak to a counsellor/psychologist
*Do some colouring/painting

40 Self Care Ideas For The Mind, Body & Soul


*Take a walk after mealtime (whatever time of day suits you)
*Exercise (even if it's just 10 minutes a day)
*Practice yoga 
*Take a nap/siesta whatever you call it
*Have a relaxing bath (I don't think you can have an unrelaxing bath can you?)
*Treat yourself to your favourite meal or drink (for me, a KFC and a glass of vodka and cranberry juice)
*Do some meal prepping
*Create a personalised workout routine to suit your physical needs
*Drink plenty of water!
*Do an exercise challenge eg. a squat challenge or couch to 5k
*Dance it out!
*Rest when you need to!
*Get that much-needed fresh air

40 Self Care Ideas For The Mind, Body & Soul


*Learn something new (a language, how to knit, how to throw a javelin etc)
*Have some me-time
*Give someone a helping hand
*Donate to charity
*Hang out with the people you love
*Listen to music
*Make time for the things that you enjoy
*Make a list of goals (short/long term)
*Take photos of the little things that make you happy

Practicing self-care doesn't have to cost anything, it's about being in tune with yourself and allowing time out from everyday life to make yourself your main focus. Be a bit selfish once in a while - your body, mind and soul need it!

Are there any more ideas that you would add to this list? Let me know below!

  1. I am going to work through these over the bank holiday!

    Danielle | thereluctantblogger.co.uk

    1. That's great to hear Danielle, have a fab Bank Holiday!

  2. GREAT TIPS!! so important to be attentive to your mental health
    shy - https://www.shyyshianne.com/

    1. Ansolutely, it's so important to pay attention to your mental health!

  3. This is such a great post Lucy! It is so important to take some time to yourself to do something you enjoy or just to relax. I love that you have split these ideas into mind, body and soul.

    1. Thank you Sarah! It's so important to fit in that bit of self care in your routine!

  4. You've mentioned so many great suggestions. I love going for a daily walk, even if its just 10 minutes. It really clears my mind and makes me feel so much more refreshed.

    1. Like you, I love going for a daily walk, usually after lunch, it's so good to get that bit of fresh air! x

  5. These are some very great ideas Lucy, I will need to make note of a few of these for future reference x

  6. This is such a great post! I personally do a lot of the things you mentioned for the mind. I love to say nice things to myself, limiting my screen time and just unfollow people that bring negative vibes xx

    lenne | lennezulkiflly.com

    1. Thank you Lenne! I love that you like saying nice things to yourself, that's a lovely idea! xx

  7. love this post, i'll definitely be taking some of these things on board for my own self care routine.

    1. Thank you Bethany! I hope you try some of these ideas for yourself x

  8. These are all such lovely ideas, I find having an offline day and meditating in the mornings and nights helps so much xx

    Sending light & love your way,

    Diana Maria & Co

    1. Thank you Diana! Meditating can be such a help with mental health can't it? xx

  9. Yes to this post!! Self-care is so much more than facemasks and I love all of these suggestions xx

    1. Absolutely Della, it's important to remember that self care doesn't just involve face masks or having a long bath! xx

  10. Great tips hun! I love that you've suggested so many! I've definitely been learning to practice self care a bit more, especially when it comes to detaching myself away from the online world. I love a bath with a book instead of my phone & have definitely been enjoying time away from social media.


    1. Thank you Claire! I'm glad that you are practicing self care a lot more now, swapping the phone for a book is a great idea! x

  11. This is a fantastic list! I'm loving my morning runs and I'm trying to stay off the phone as much as I could.

    1. I'm happy to hear that you're enjoying your morning runs! xx

  12. Thanks for sharing these ideas, I find going for short walk good for me at the moment for my self care :)

    Nic | Nic's Adventures & Bakes

    1. I love going for a walk too Nic, it's a form of self care for me also!

  13. I love these ideas, particulary reading a chapter of a book - getting absorbed into a book always helps me relax...as long as there's a happy ending! Going on a walk to the beach and listening to the waves is something I'm appreciating most at the moment x

    1. I love that feeling of getting absorbed in a book too Caroline, it's so relaxing! Listening to waves is my favourite thing to do, the sound of waves is so relaxing! x

  14. These are such lovely suggestions, Lucy, and I really like how you've broken it down into Mind, Body, and Soul, that's so helpful, thank you! x

    1. Thank you Lisa! I'm glad you liked this post lovely x

  15. There's such a great selection of self-care ideas on this list! I desperately need to get back into my reading and I think setting myself a goal of reading 10 pages of a book a day is a great idea :) x


    1. Thank you Faye! Go and set yourself that reading goal lovely! x

  16. Some fab ideas here, I've started charging my phone in another room and its amazing how quickly you forget about it! Also a dance workout is definitely a must!x

    1. Thank you Hannah! I always charge my phone in another room, that's my break away from social media then! x

  17. These are good ideas! I'm trying to get more regular at going to bed early so I can read for 30 mins to an hour before going to sleep - nice way to unwind at the end of the day! :)

    Hope that your week is off to a good start :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. Thank you Mica! Going to bed early to allow yourself to get some reading time is a wonderful idea lovely! Like you said, it's a lovely way to unwind at the end of the day!

  18. I love these ideas! I think it is so important to practise self-care, and these are such simple yet creative ways to do so. I think many of us don't take the time to look after our minds and bodies, so thank you for sharing

    Em x

    1. It really is important to practice self care Em, I agree lovely, a lot of us don't take into account self care for the mind and body x

  19. These are all such great tips! Practising self care is so important and definitely looks different for everyone. I think figuring out what works for you is the most important part!

    1. Thank you Alice! I agree lovely, finding what works best for you is so important!

  20. I absolutely love your tips - and I love that you've sectioned it all up to mind, body and soul. Some days my brain needs a day off but my body doesn't. I am rarely on socials over the weekend at the minute and my brain feels so much happier for it!

    1. Thank you Rosie! I like that you have taken yourself away from social media on weekends lovely, I bet that's doing you the world of good!

  21. I love that this list contains so many easy options that take little time to complete. I really enjoy taking some time out to do something that's skills based, it feels great to do something that still feels productive that's purely for yourself x


    1. I think it's good to have those options where even if you don't have enough time, you can still pretty much practice these methods in your self care routine! x

  22. Staying offline really does help me, I feel like it is so important!

    1. It really can help with your wellbeing can't it?!

  23. Great post Lucy! So many great ideas on your lists, and I love how you have split them into the three different sections.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Aimsy xoxo
    Aimsy’s Antics

    1. Thank you lovely! I'm glad you liked reading this post! xx

  24. Lovely ideas, Lucy! I'm ashamed to say that Tiktok is a self care item for me haha I spend a good hour a night just laughing and watching tiktoks. I also really enjoy getting Starbucks as I've been limiting myself and only getting 1 every month or so! Thanks for sharing xx

    Lynn | https://www.lynnmumbingmejia.com

    1. Thank you Lynn! Nothing wrong with TikTok being part of your self care lovely, I reckon that a lot of people feel the same way! That's good self control limiting yourself to one Starbucks a month! xx

  25. All of these tips are amazing Lucy. Of an evening I like to switch my phone to 'do not disturb' mode so I don't receive social media notifications whilst trying to relax. Reading a few pages of a book is also one of my favourite things to do, I might just do that now! Thanks for self-care inspiration x

    1. I like that you put on the 'do not disturb' mode for the evening, I keep away from social media in the evening also and it does you the world of good doesn't it?! x
