Why Buying Second-Hand Clothes Has Changed My Fashion Vision

I have to confess guys - I was a woman who has been doubtful and somewhat pessimistic about purchasing second-hand clothes. Whether that be from a charity shop or an online selling platform like Depop. I've always been wary of not the clothes themselves, but the sellers. I have always wondered if would I genuinely get a great bargain from buying clothes that have been previously worn. Though it's taken me a long time to get on the bandwagon of buying second-hand clothes, I have to say - I am now an avid second-hand clothes buyer and love it. 

An Iphone with the Vinted app on the screen

I follow a lot of content creators who post a bargain they've bought from a charity shop or an online selling platform like Vinted. It's lovely to see how sustainable they are by buying second-hand clothes. With fashion ultimately having a negative impact on climate change and our environment, I have decided to shop more sustainably and ethically by shopping for more second-hand clothes. I can't say that I won't be buying anything from the high street ever again, but I'm aiming to buy more statement pieces than random ones that'll only get worn once or twice. I know I've not been perfect when it comes to my attitude to fashion. It's taken me a while to learn the true impact of fashion on our planet. But I'm still willing to learn.

So, a while ago, to practice more sustainability, I had a look at Vinted, just on a whim, to see if I could find any bargains. Items which I had saved to my favourites on ASOS, New Look, River Island etc just magically appeared! I admit I am now obsessed with Vinted and I can't stop myself from looking for great bargains!

An Iphone with the Vinted app on the screen

I'm in favour of giving preloved clothes a second chance and sending them to a new home. After all, if the quality is still reasonable, then why not buy it? I'd rather give clothes that I no longer wear to a new home and have someone else love them. 

However, there are some clothes I can't sell, maybe because of stains, holes, tears etc. If that's the case, I try and recycle clothing. My local recycling allows us to recycle old clothes by putting them in our waste paper bin. I'm not sure if it's the same for everyone, but that's how I can do it where I live. 

An Iphone with the Vinted app on the screen

To sum up, buying second-hand clothes has really changed my fashion vision. I am all for trying to buy more ethically and sustainably. Plus I love finding a good bargain to boot! 

I would love to know your thoughts on second-hand clothes - let me know!

  1. I've tried to buy second hand a few times but it's not been a good experience overall. I've ended a lot of things that are poor quality or don't fit just right. I prefer to buy new clothes that I keep for years.

    Corinne x

    1. That's such a shame that you're overall experience of buying second-hand clothes hasn't been great. I can understand why you would prefer to buy new clothes that last for years! x

  2. I need to buy second-hand clothes more! The last time I did was probably pre-pandemic!

    lenne | lennezulkiflly.com

    1. I hope you get the chance to buy more second-hand clothes soon!

  3. I def want to try to second hand shop more often.

    B | Mind Beauty Simplicity

  4. I love buying second hand from both charity shops and online. I've found some gems - things I wear daily and for special occasions!

    1. It's great when you find some real gems when shopping second-hand!

  5. Vinted has genuinely changed my life! For the better! I am now soo fussy about ever buying anything brand new, I always double check everything on Vinted. It's also a gold mine for baby clothes.. I've got all my friends into it


    1. I love how much you love Vinted Rosie! I love that you buy baby clothes on there, I bet you find some real gems!

  6. It's great to see you love buying secondhand clothing now! I love secondhand shopping, but it is challenging in the Denmark. There are thrift stores here, but their selection of clothes is really limited, and on online marketplaces, they charge almost as much as new clothes! In the US, I could always find something at the thrift stores from dresses, rompers, shirts, and even shoes at great prices, and I've also bought from Depop!

    1. That's a shame that thirft stores are limited in Denmark. It's great that there are so many of them in the USA though!

  7. I'm obsessed with Vinted and charity shops! I've only had positive experiences with lovely sellers so far and found some absolute bargains. I've definitely given the cold shoulder to fast fashion brands on the high street!
    Em - earthlyem.co.uk

  8. My views have massively changed over the last couple of years with regards to second hand clothing. Although I don't limit myself to never buying from new again, the majority of my wardrobe is now second hand. We have a fantastic charity shop near to us where I've picked up so many great pieces. X

    1. Like you, my views on second hand clothing have changed (for the better!). I like that you have a great charity shop near where you live, sounds like you've picked up some good bargains! x

  9. I have become obsessed with Vinted! Yet to purchase any clothes for myself on there yet, been too busy buying for the baby. They have some amazing finds though x

    1. I bet it's good for buying baby clothes, they grow up so quickly! x

  10. I buy second hand for Lukas a lot, specifically on Vinted. I've found so many baby grows and onesies as bundles for cheap, he outgrows things as quickly as he grows into them so paying full cost just isn't justified most of the time, as for myself I was part of the depop generation so vinted feels like the affordable little sister!

    1. I imagine Vinted is great for mums, as kids grow so quickly, you need to buy affordable clothes!

  11. I'm obsessed with second hand shopping. Vinted is my best friend. Basically my babies entire wardrobe is Vinted finds and it all looks brand new as babies grow too fast so they just don't get the wear! x

    1. I love that Vinted is your best friend! I can imagine that as kids grow so quickly, Vinted is great for picking up kids clothes! x

  12. Love love love that you're thinking more sustainably about buying clothes! There's nothing wrong as such to buy clothes from fast fashion brands, as long as one's buying reasonable amount and for an actual need. But of course the second-hand option is always better, and you can make really good brand finds in second-hand stores 🤩

    Teresa Maria | Outlandish Blog

    1. Absolutely Teresa, it's better to buy from the high street brands that you really need rather than what you want. You can always find a good bargain when shopping on Vinted!

  13. I keep meaning to check out Vinted. I like the idea of clothes finding a home elsewhere and getting more use out of them.

    1. Vinted is such a good place to find some clothes that need another home!
