Five Years Of Blogging: A Blogger Q&A

I can't believe it's been five years since I started blogging! It's flown by so quickly and I never thought I'd still be a blogger five years down the line! I'm so grateful to have this blog and to share my content with you all. I wanted to do something a little different for my fifth bloggerversary - I wanted to give my readers and followers the chance to ask me some blogging-related questions.

A woman sat on bed with a laptop.

So I put out a tweet on Twitter and asked my followers to send me their questions and the response I had was insane! Thank you to those that took the time to send me questions, I really do appreciate it! 

If you are reading this post and don't see your question on here, it may be because somebody else asked me the same or similar question. 

Without further ado, let's crack on with the questions!

1) What's the hardest thing about running a blog personally? - Alexis (Cafe Beauty)

For me personally, it's checking the SEO on posts. I'm still learning about SEO even after five years, so it's a learning curve for me every day. I also sometimes struggle with photography as I'm not the most creative person in that respect. I know that there are stock photos I can use, but I do prefer using my own photos!

2) What is your biggest blogging pet peeve? - Claire (Claire Mac)

Oh, I have quite a few! People who say very little in their comments eg. "Thanks for sharing". I do like reading and replying to wordy comments! Another pet peeve of mine kind of relates to blogging but is more in relation to Twitter is when people misuse the #bloggerswanted hashtag! It really does my nut in! It's there for brands to seek out other blogger's, not for blog promotion!

3) Do you re-read old blog posts? - Claire (Claire Mac) 

I kind of need to update them, but it's got to the point where it would be a mammoth task so I cautiously avoiding it for now! Re-reading them would be good to see how far I've come, but I think I'll hang off doing that for the moment!

4) How has blogging changed for you over the course of 5 years? - Bee (Mind.Beauty.Simplicity)

Since I started blogging five years ago, so much has changed. Blogging will always evolve over time. It does feel like that some bloggers have put more focus into Instagram than their blog, which is quite sad to see. I love writing and I hope blogging changes in that bloggers will focus on their blog's more than their Insta's. Also, blog PR hauls have become a thing of the past on YouTube!
In terms of my blogging journey (sorry for the J word), I'd like to think that my writing and content has gotten better and improved somewhat. I'm a lot savvier with my blog now and will now only go for quality or quantity. 

A woman sat on a bed with a laptop.

5) What are you most proud of writing? - Jenny (Jenny In Neverland)

Oh goodness me, there are two posts that I can think that really stand out for me. Both are quite recent ones in fact! One was a letter to CF which I wrote during CF week in 2020. The response I got from that was quite surreal. I think it gave my readers/followers an insight into what having CF has been like for me and how it's impacted my life. I loved writing that post (or letter) as it came straight from the heart. Writing from the heart always turn out to be the best kind of post.
Another post which I'm glad I published was about why it's ok to not want children. This was one post that was sat in my drafts for a while, but listening to Victoria from InTheFrow talk about it so openly inspired me to hit publish. I loved that a few people who commented could relate and were glad that it was being talked about so openly. 

6) Where would you like to be with your blog in five years time? - Jenny (Jenny In Neverland)

I'd love to still be writing in five years time. I would love to be able to take this blog to be a full-time job for me. I hope I can achieve that, but we'll have to wait and see!

7) What advice would you give to new bloggers? - Karalee (Tales Of Belle)

Always be yourself, write the content that you feel passionate about and never compare yourself to other bloggers, especially in your first year of blogging.

8) What's the most rewarding thing for you when it comes to blogging? - Ruth (Ruthie Loves Glamour)

When I get amazing feedback on any of my posts. It's such an amazing feeling when I know that people are reading my posts and are relating to what I'm saying. Also, the blogging community is an incredible community to be a part of. Having the support from like-minded bloggers is amazing and I feel proud to be a part of such a wonderful community. 

A woman holding a slice of pink cake on a plate.

9) Do you think having a disability has negatively impacted your blog in any way? - Ruth (Ruthie Loves Glamour) 

If anything, it's helped me positively! When I felt I needed a kind of creative outlet to help with my mental health and not think about CF, blogging was the perfect option for me and I wouldn't change a thing. 

10) What inspired you to start blogging? - Hannah J (Han Plans)

Somebody who I know who has CF like I do and was a blogger and I loved that she wrote about her life with CF and how she lives with it. It inspired me to start my own blog and she's the reason why I started blogging and still do today! 

11) What led you to not quit blogging? As compared to those who think of giving it up? - Isa A (Lifestyle Prism)

Purely because I love it so much and it's the creative outlet that I really need in my life. I know that some do quit or take extended breaks from it and that's completely understandable. Blogging isn't going to be for everybody. At the end of the day, blogging is like having a second job and it can take up a lot of your free time. However, for me, I love blogging and having that little side hustle to focus on when I'm not at work. 

12) Do you think blogging is dead as of 2021/2022? - Isa A (Lifestyle Prism

Ooh, this is a toughie. I don't think so no. I can understand why some would think this though. Like I said in an earlier question, a lot of bloggers tend to put all of their efforts into Instagram nowadays. This may be why some would think that blogging is becoming a declining hobby/industry. One thing I can say is that when a brand reaches out to me, it's usually because they want me to write a post for my blog, not post a photo on Insta. So I can look at that as thinking that blogging is very much alive and still thriving. Instagram won't be around forever, but mine and your blogs will be. 

A woman sat on a bed with a laptop.

13) How do you think your content has evolved and what direction would you like to take it in in the future? - Sophie (Glow Steady

I think it's evolved in a way that I write content that I'm passionate about. One rule I stick by is that "Would I read about this topic myself in a magazine or another blog? If so, write about it". I think I would like to be able to write more travel content now that lockdowns are seemingly behind us! As I said in a previous question, I would love to turn my blog into a full-time job, but it's just not possible as of yet!

14) Do you think that accessibility is not only important but necessary? - Khushi (Blind Girl Musings)

I need to confess, I haven't thought about accessibility when it comes to my blog very much since I started, so I really do apologise for that. Now I take accessibility seriously with my blog, but I'm still learning, so give me time to get it right! It's not only important, but it's also necessary and we as bloggers should be as inclusive as possible. 

15) What's your unexpected success? - Hannah J (Han Plans)

My unexpected success? Still managing a blog 5 years after I started! 

I hope you enjoyed reading my answers and thank you again to everyone who asked me the questions! I'd like to say a massive thank you and spread the love to those who have supported me during the last five years of blogging. From all the kind comments to the RT's and mentions, it is all noticed and so appreciated! Here's to another year of blogging!

A woman sat on a bed holding a slice of cake.

  1. This was such fun to read, and happy 5 years blogging!
    I think SEO is a constant battle too and just when I think I'm getting my head around it things change (doh!)

    1. Thank you Alice!
      I'm glad it's not just me who is in a constant battle with SEO x

  2. Aahhh! happy 5 years of blogging! This was such a fun to read and we stan a relatable queen! I hope you can do more of this in the future because I definitely enjoyed it. Your "why it's ok to not want children" post remains the best blog post I've read this year! xx

    lenne |

    1. Thank you Lenne!
      I'm so pleased that you loved this post and I hope to do more Q&A posts in the future because they are fun to write!
      Aww thank you so much, I'm really glad that you loved that post and it's been one of your favourites! xx

  3. Thanks for sharing ...

    Just kidding! :-) I hate those pointlessly brief comments too - if you can't take the time to properly read a post and make a considered comment then don't bother posting anything.

    I really enjoyed reading your answers to the various questions. And, congratulations on your first 5 years of blogging - I look forward to reading your posts for the next 5 too. As you say, many people seem to have shifted focus to Insta and podcasts - I hope there will be plenty of people like you (and me!) still doing proper blogging in the future.

    1. Haha! I agree lovely, don't bother to leave a comment on someone's post if you haven't really bothered to read it properly!
      I really hope blogging does continue to remain popular in the future too, Instagram won't be around forever!

  4. This was so great to read sweetie!

    Danielle |

  5. Congratulations on 5 years! And thank you for using my questions. I loved reading the others too! The comments thing is one of my biggest pet peeves too, you know sometimes when you can tell the person has just skim read, or not even read at all. Eeeep! I think it's pretty obvious. I'm also with you with SEO as well. I have the yoast plugin and it's helped me massively over the last year, although it still feels like an absolute minefield at times. Good luck with your goal of making this your full time job! I'm sure you're well on your way.

    1. You're welcome Claire, I loved your questions!
      Absolutely, you can always tell when a person hasn't bothered to read through your blog post can't you?!
      I agree babe, SEO can be an absolute minefield and is so tricky to learn!
      Thank you so much for your kind words as always Claire! x

  6. Thank you lovely, I'm glad that you enjoyed the post!
    I love that I have my blog and I know that Instagram will never be a source of income for me!

  7. Such a great post Lucy, We have been blogging for a similar time. I agree it goes so fast. It really is a passion project, If you are doing it only for money or fame I think the love can go pretty quickly. I hope you are able to make it your career xx

    1. It flies by doesn't it?!
      I agree babe, blogging is something you really need to be passionate about in order to make it a success and you need to put the work in in order to start earning from it! xx

  8. Congratulations on reaching the 5 year mark! I'd be very happy if I'm still writing for my blog in 5 years :) I really enjoyed reading the other bloggers' questions and your answers. I especially loved your answer to Ruthie's question - the support I get from other bloggers is something incredible. I'm not sure if I would be able to continue on without the blogging community.

    1. Thank you!
      The blogging community is an incredible community to be a part of isn't it?

  9. hi! I loved this post so much! I'll be honest a smile escaped my lips as I saw my question being included. thank you so much for that :)
    unfortunatly social media companies don't advertise accessibility features like they advertise all the other features which leaves so many people unaware about those features and excludes disabled people like myself. no one gets accessibility all right all the time. I myself am constantly learning so please don't apologise for not being accessible with your blog :) I'm sure if you make it a point to practice accessibility it'll soon become a habbit and you'll realise you're doing it without even giving it a second thoughts. being accessible is so important as it allows disabled people to feel included and just shows that people care about those sorts of things :)
    I loved your answer to the 7th question. as a really new blogger I appreciate it so so much :) there are a lot of topics I'd love to talk about on my blog but am too scared to do that for some reason. I guess its because of FOPO :)
    I love blogs too. they're the most accessible way and I just love reading them. they're like an unending novel, aren't they? :) Instagram's accessibility as a screen-reader user is highly fluctuating so I don't like it that much. blogs will surely be around as long as readers for those blogs are around. I'm sometimes surprised on how many blogs I still read and love finding new ones :)
    huge congratulations on 5 years of blogging! I've been following you since quite a while now and it has been so so amazing! I love your blog and also the 2 posts you mentioned are my favourite too :) hahaha letter-like posts always are my favourites :)
    sorry my comment is becoming too long I got too excited :(
    Khushi xx

    1. I will like to make my blog more accessible in the future and also make a habit of doing it.
      Blogs are my favourite and I love reading so many a week, especially discovering new bloggers!
      Thank you so much for reading my blog every week Khushi and don't be sorry for the long comment, I love it! xx

  10. Congratulations on 5 years of blogging lovely! Such an achievement x

  11. Thanks for sharing.

    Haha, just joking! I wish I had seen your tweet this out as I would have loved to add a question or two for you! Maybe next year!

    I'm glad you think blogging is still alive! Many people think it's all about Instagram and Tiktok these days, but I've found that blogging is still my biggest earner!

    Corinne x

    1. Haha!
      Aww that's a shame lovely, I would have loved some questions from you! I'll try and write another one of these posts in the future so you can have your chance to do so!
      I agree lovely, brands seem to care about my blogging stats and analytics more than anything! x

  12. Congratulations on 5 years! I am just blogging for some months so 5 years seems like a long time to me. It was really nice reading your answers about blogging. In some cases you gave answers to questions I would have asked you also.
    I have to say that I also stick with the idea of writing about what I would choose to read. I think this is really valuable in terms of motivation. Thank you for sharing your experience and I am wishing you many more years of blogging!

    1. Thank you Eri!
      I agree lovely, I love writing content that I would choose to read in real life too! x

  13. Congratulations on your 5 year blogiversary! I loved reading your answers and yes, I'm with you on the "great post" and #bloggerswanted misuse, both REALLY grind my gears. I remember your CF post, it was wonderful, such an eye opener and so well written. Here's to the next 5 years! x

    1. Thank you Lisa!
      I'm glad it's not just me who feels the same way about those sort of comments!
      Thank you so much for reading Lisa x

  14. Happy 5 years!! I've been blogging for 8 years now and I still can't believe I haven't given it up yet! It's the absolute best and I love it so much. Xo

    1. Well done on 8 years Sarah, that's an incredible achievement! x

  15. Happy 5 years! That's an amazing achievement and you must feel so proud! I love reading a good blogger Q&A and I feel there needs to be more Q&As in the blogging community. It was lovely to learn more about you and your blog! Em x

    1. Thank you Em!
      I do like reading a blogger Q&A and I can't believe this is the first one I have done on my blog in five years! x

  16. Eeee happy five years lovely! That's such a fab achievement and I loved reading the answers to your post! xx

  17. Congratulations on 5 years, that's an incredible achievement! I've loved reading your blog over the years and this q and a was so fun to read too xx

    1. Thank you Della! Thank you so much for reading xx

  18. happy 5 years of blogging! what a huge achievement!! this was a really fun read and enjoyed your answers, and there were so many things i related with. i’m the same i always love reading and leaving lengthier comments on my blog and others 🤎🥰

    jessica |

    1. Thank you Jessica!
      I do love a lengthy comment on blog posts! x

  19. Awww Happy Anniversary! I loved reading this blog post and it actually reminded me why I love blogging in the first place. I need to be more consistent in my blog posts as it's my true passion and I get so much joy of writing and sharing my photography. Also, the #bloggerswanted is a pet peeve of mine too. Another one is when people say they are a blogger but don't have a blog xxx

    1. Thank you lovely! I've always loved your blog posts babe and I hope you keep writing them in the future! OMG I completely forgot about the pet peeve of people saying they're a blogger when they don't own a blog, that one drives me nuts! xxx

  20. Loved reading your answers, Lucy. Huge congratulations on 5 years - here's to the next 5. Can't wait to see what you can achieve in that time! x

    1. Thank you Jenny and thank you for your questions too! x

  21. Haha comments that are just "thanks for sharing" are the worst- people clearly haven't replied! I like to add it to the end of my comments though. Well done on 5 years, I love this Q&A :)

    1. They are the worst aren't they?! It definitely shows that people have not bothered to read the post! x

  22. Congrats on 5 years! Such a brilliant achievement, I really enjoyed reading this xx

  23. Huge congratulations on five years of blogging! I love the idea of a Q&A to celebrate as well! xx

    Amy |

    1. Thank you Amy, I'm glad you enjoyed the Q&A! xx

  24. Happy anniversary. I really enjoyed reading your answers to some great questions. I definitely think blogs are very much alive. Brands reaching out is as popular as ever and even old school bloggers I used to follow are coming back which I love.

    1. Thank you Kelly!
      I like that old school blogger's are returning to blogging now! x

  25. Congratulations on five years of blogging, that is a HUGE achievement! I've loved reading this, I love nothing better than a nose with a Q&A!

    1. Thank you Rosie! I love reading other blogger's Q&A too!

  26. Congratulations on 5 years of blogging! I can’t wait until my blog turns 5. This was a great Q&A I found it a really interesting read! X

  27. Happy 5 years of blogging - such a mile stone!! Do you not find it crazy how much it's changed over the years - I look forward to seeing where the next 5 years takes you xxx

    1. It's definitely evolved so much over the years Katie, I wonder where it will be in five years time! xx

  28. I loved reading your answers and I'm some of your CF content is among your favourites. I always find it incredibly interesting and feel like I've learnt quite a lot from you too. I totally agree about SEO feeling like a never ending hurdle! Great answer to my question. I think the would I click question is a great one to mark how you feel about your content x


    1. Aww I'm glad you have been able to learn about CF on my blog Sophie!
      SEO feels like a constant learning curve doesn't it?! x

  29. I think there is truly so much that blogging has to offer, I don't think it is dying!

    1. I know lovely, I don't think blogging is dying at all!

  30. Happy 5 Years Love! What an achievement! Its amazing that brands are reaching out to you to create content for them on your blog rather than instagram ect, that really proves the quality of your content here! I think people are focusing more on instagram as its so much more accessible and instant, so many people have those socials but the people you have here are a more engaged and loyal audience if that makes sense, and brands know this so I don't think blogging is dying, its just a different thing to instaram and other social medias! I love what you do here, and i hope one day it becomes your full time job too because I think what you're doing here is amazing! Milli x -

    1. Thank you Milli!
      I think it proves more than anything else that blogs are still current and relevant to brands and not just Insta!
      I do think you have a more authentic audience with a blog than you would on Instagram!
      Thank you so much for your kind words lovely! x

  31. I loved your answer especially to my second qs 12. People are moving from blogging to ig for sure. I'd say also because in this time, things are too uncertain. Although i wouldn't rely on ig too. And yes you're right, brands do say they want a review post, not a ig pic. Also, I loved your answers to the inspiration, and accessibility qs. Thanks a lot for replying and linking. Wish you best for future of your blogging. Xx
    Isa A. Blogger

    1. Thank you for sending me your questions Isa!
      I do think brands ask more for blog posts than an Instagram post which I see as a positive xx
