Why I Have Started Hiding Likes On My Instagram Posts

Hiding likes on your posts on Instagram has become a permanent fixture on the app and it's surprising how much the feature is used. I've seen a lot of bloggers in particular use the feature, I remember a time when the thought of likes being hidden was scandalous. From what I've seen in the last few months, it has become a positive and a well-needed feature on Insta and hiding likes is becoming the norm.

A woman holding an Iphone

In a previous post, I wrote about the feature at a time when it was potentially being introduced and, to my surprise, I was in favour of it back then also. I don't know why, I thought I would have been against it two years ago when I wrote the post. Thank goodness I proved myself wrong, otherwise, this post would have been a bit awkward. 

Back in August was when I started hiding likes on my Instagram posts. I started looking at Instagram in a different way. I felt that constantly looking at numbers, engagement and reach was not the way to enjoy the platform. It got to a point that Instagram was becoming mentally damaging and I was playing the comparison game incessantly. That was never going to be good for my mental wellbeing. So I tapped on the 'Hide Like Count' in the settings and I never looked back. 

An Iphone screen showing settings on Instagram.

Surprisingly, after I did that, I started noticing that a number of the people I follow were doing the same thing. To scroll through my feed and see how many bloggers/creators were doing the same thing was surprising to see. 

I've definitely noticed a difference in my wellbeing since hiding likes on my Insta posts. I suppose you could say I've stopped giving a sh*t about numbers. I'm feeling more comfortable posting whatever the hell I want and not worrying about conforming to a theme as such. Ok, I do edit my photos to the same/similar preset on Lightroom, but I'm posting what I call 'reality' on my feed. 

Posting photos based on real-life and reality has made me enjoy Instagram more. I don't want to base my Instagram experience on habitually checking numbers and reach, I want to just enjoy what I post and what others are posting. Think back to when we all downloaded and signed up to Instagram, we didn't go all out on photos. We just posted what we were eating, the odd selfie here and there and a photo of our pet. 

An iPhone lying on a book.

Hiding likes is something I'd like to encourage, but I know it's not going to be for everybody. I have seen the creators whose Instagram is their main source of income not hide likes and that's ok. It may not be possible for them, especially if brands are eager to see their numbers. I know screenshotting them can be an option, but still. 

This option of hiding likes is a brilliant feature and for me personally, I hope it's here to stay. It may be worth trying it out for yourself on Instagram. It's kind of like a psychological test for yourself - how will you find Instagram once you start hiding likes on your photos? It'll be worth seeing if your attitude changes towards Instagram and numbers if you try it. 

I'd love to know your thoughts on this. Do you hide the like count on your Instagram posts?
  1. I've started doing the same, personally I'm finding it a lot better not to compare myself to others, frankly I wish I could just "select all" and backdate it! I used to get so many more likes on my photos and then the algorithm changed and it just shot down and made me feel a bit useless, I'm so here for the hiding likes! xx


    1. Oh now going back to hiding likes on my posts is an option I would love to have too! I can totally relate to my likes decreasing because of the algorithm! Hiding likes has come at the perfect time for us by the sounds of it! xx

  2. As I don't have so many followers and my post are also very limited so .. hiding option is not valid in my case but I need to give one suggestion I do believe in making frnds on insta who don't believe in numbers of followers and whatever followings I have shud be genuine and trustworthy

    1. It's definitely important to follow like-minded people on Instagram

  3. We have been doing it on and off, simply because I forget to turn them off! I wish it was something we did not have to do for every post, more like a toggle option in your settings and never have to worry about it again! We have stopped looking at numbers on Instagram because it was getting soooo insane, so at least that... x

    1. I have to remind myself to turn off the likes too otherwise I would forget!
      I wish they did put an option of turning them off permanently too, it would be so much easier! x

  4. I started doing this, turned them back on and think I'm going to start again. I too feel so much better when I don't see the number of likes, it makes posting feel so much better!

    Diana Maria & Co

    1. I totally agree Diana! I feel so much better when I don't see the number of likes I receive for posts. For me, it makes Instagram more enjoyable!

  5. I was initially against hiding likes because I saw how damaging it could be to creators. Particularly those who may have a slightly lower following than a brand would like but incredible engagement. I was worried that people could potentially miss out on opportunities if a brand didn't bother based on followers alone when they maybe would have reached out if they saw the engagement rate. I still stand by that too, but I have a more balanced take on it now. I think for myself, as a sporadic user who doesn't *love* the app, it's a great option. Even if I'm not too bothered if a post flops, I'm a little happier knowing I'm the only one who needs to know it flopped and it makes me feel a little better knowing I can pop back to add the occasional post to my feed and not even have to think about the numbers x


    1. I see what you mean Sophie, for people who's career and income comes from Instagram, it can have a negative effect. But then again, the hiding likes is an option for us all, so we all don't have to use it!
      I like your outlook on things Sophie, if your post flops (like mind have done too!) your the only person who will know! x

  6. I've hid my likes a few times, but I normally don't bother. Im proud of my likes as I've been working hard to increase them :)

    Corinne x

    1. That's good to hear that you're proud of your likes Corinne! x

  7. I don't blame you for hiding likes. TBH I am pretty much over IG. I do not enjoy being on the platform I find it boring, it is all the same. I prefer blogs and YouTube and even TT but insta not so much.

    Allie of

    1. Instagram has definitely become a love/hate relationship with a lot of its users Allie x

  8. Hi Lucy,

    I think that's completely understandable. No good comes from constantly comparing yourself to others, especially over something as trivial as social media vanity metrics. I'm glad that your mental wellbeing has improved since making the decision :-)

    1. I agree Richie, no good comes from comparing yourself to others and fretting over numbers doesn't help!

  9. THIS! It's like you've taken the words right out of my mouth. The hiding of likes feature has made content creation and sharing on instagram fun again. I'm no longer panicky that no one will like my content and I've relaxed soo much since it came in.
    Great read!


    1. I'm glad you could relate Rosie!
      It's definitely made Instagram more fun again and I don't fret over posting content and how many likes a post gets now!

  10. I don't really use Instagram but this seems like a lovely idea for staying on top of your self-esteem and looking after your mental health x

    1. It's a great feature that Instagram has introduced x

  11. I think it is honestly one of the best decisions they've made! I hide them too and it makes the world of difference!

    1. It really does make the world of difference!

  12. I think that it is such a great idea. People get so hung up on the numbers!

    Danielle | thereluctantblogger.co.uk

    1. Absolutely babe, people get so caught up in numbers that they don't enjoy the app!

  13. I'm all here the this feature! I've been using it since I got the update. I hope this feature will stay forever so a lot of people can stop comparing themselves to others xx

    lenne | lennezulkiflly.com

    1. I do hope it stays forever too Lenne, it's such a good idea from Instagram, the first good idea in a long time! xx

  14. While I totally support the feature I don't use it myself - I can still see my own likes which is sometimes why I was disheartened, I'm just trying to not focus on them instead. When I first read about it I thought I'd use it so much more than I am xx

    1. That's fair enough babe, like you, I wasn't sure I would see much benefit of myself using the feature, now I can't get enough of it! xx

  15. I'm yet to start doing this, but I think it's such a good option to have x

  16. I think it's nice to have the option to hide it - it's not something I really focus on as insta and my blog and everything is just a hobby to me so the numbers don't matter. But it's a shame if there are people using it for business so they can't turn the likes off even if they wanted too - having options is so important!

    Hope that you are having a good weekend :) We are enjoying the sunny days after a rainy and stormy week!

    Away From The Blue

    1. I agree lovely, having options is important in making sure we get the most of Instagram, especially those who rely on it as their main source of income!

  17. I never realised you could turn off the likes on Instagram! I think it's a really great idea. We get too caught up in the numbers sometimes. Great post.

    1. Yes lovely! This feature has been around for a while for most now and I love it!

  18. I’ve never really thought about hiding my likes until recently, I constantly look at the likes on my photos waiting for them to go up and it can definitely be draining, I might have to start hiding my like too (if I remember!) x

    1. Looking at the likes on my photos constantly was probably one of the main reasons that I decided to hide them and I have no regrets! Like you said, it's easy to forget to do it sometimes! x

  19. I've hidden the likes on my Instagram too and it's so refreshing to scroll through my feed and not be constantly wondering why they have more likes than me! Such a brilliant feature and I hope it's here to stay! Xo

    1. Absolutely Sarah, it's so nice to scroll through Instagram without worrying about likes! x

  20. I didn't really know this was an option since I don't put too much energy into Instagram anymore. I may have to try it, though. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Give it a try next time you're on Instagram Heidi!

  21. Oopsie, i did that too! Thank God im not alone on this one.

    Diana Hazel
    Ferbena Fashion Blog & Magazine

  22. I hid my likes almost as soon as there was the option - it feels like I'm posting for the fun of it again and also a lot more 'real' life stuff too!
    Amy x

    1. That's how I feel too Amy, it feels like I'm posting for the fun of it again and I love that! x

  23. I haven't hidden them on mine. I think it's a great idea though, but it depends on your relationship with Instagram. Maybe a few years ago I would have, but for me I don't really see the need. I don't get bogged down by poor engagement or worry if a post didn't get as many lines as the previous one. For me Instagram isn't that deep. That being said, I am quite bad for checking my Google analytics, so I do have that tendancy just but with Instagram.

    Claire. X

    1. I agree Claire, I think wanting to hide your likes depends on what your relationship is like with Instagram! Oh I'm terrible at checking my Google Analytics too! x

  24. I agree with this wholeheartedly! Since hiding my likes, I've found it a lot better on my MH

    1. That's good to hear that your mental health has been so much better since hiding your likes on your posts!

  25. I did the same a while back and honestly it's been so freeing! Like you mentioned it takes that stress off always checking those numbers and the crave/need for validation through that number. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I'm happy to read that you have found it freeing hiding likes on your Insta posts!

  26. I hid my likes on Instagram too & I'm not going back! It takes away the stress of focusing on numbers (way back I used to even delete photos when they didn't get "enough" likes) & I'm happy to post whatever I want now.

    1. I agree lovely, it definitely takes away the stress of focusing on numbers!

  27. I think its great that we now have the option to do this. I haven't hidden mine as of yet but that might change in the future if I need it to. I'm glad its working for you.

    1. And I do Kelly, it's worked so well for me and I'm glad that the feature is here!

  28. So do I lovely, it's made Instagram a better place for me now!

  29. I feel the same exact way! I love the remove likes feature. I feel like it's fine if people don't like it. I'm not overthinking posting a pictures as much, and I'm just enjoying the app a lot more. Great post, I totally relate to every word you said :) xx

    Melina | www.melinaelisa.com

  30. I removed the likes off my posts as soon as I could, I do think it helps :)

    Amy x
    The July Rose
