The Bloom App: Is It Worth It?

This post has PR items and a discount code. Please read the end of the post for more details. 

Meditation is one of those forms of practice that is taken in different ways. Some see it as a pointless technique and not worth the effort and time. But I am the latter - I'm someone who loves it and sees it as a great form of self-care and well-being practice.

The Bloom App

I like to practice meditation a few times a week, especially after a day at work, when I am feeling stressed, or angst or need a helping hand in helping me to drop off to sleep when my brain is whirring at 100mph. 

I've watched countless numbers of meditation videos on YouTube and after doing the same ones repeatedly over time, I was looking for another way to get my meditation on. Then along came the Bloom App, an app dedicated to wellness, meditation and relaxation. 

I've been using the Bloom App for a little while now, and I can honestly say that I don't know how I survived without the app before - it's been a godsend! From different types of meditation to yoga videos and even relaxing activities and GAMES to play - the app has so much to offer and has been a welcome addition to my ever-growing home screen. 

The Bloom App Meditation Video

Let's delve into the Bloom App and answer some questions that you may have about the meditation app:

1) What is the Bloom App?

The Bloom App is a video self-therapy app. The app includes different guided videos, activities and games to help with well-being and aid in relaxation and wellness. There are different exercises to suit everybody's individual needs in terms of mental well-being. 

2) Is the Bloom App free?

The Bloom App costs £8.99 a month. However - I do have a discount code for you to have a 14-day free trial so you can get a real taste of the app! Use the code BETTERYOU when you download the app to redeem this trial! It's definitely worth trying to see if the app can benefit you in any way.

The Bloom App

3) Is there a wide variety of meditation videos?

There certainly is! On the app, there are 500+ exercises to help with wellbeing. From CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) to yoga classes, there's an activity/video for everyone! There are also sleep style meditation videos to help you drift off to a night of natural sleep, meditation videos for the day and evening, so you won't be stuck for choice! 

4) You said the Bloom App contains games, what games do they have?

The Bloom App has a variety of relaxing games to help you take a breather and just, well, relax! There's a colouring game, breathing exercises, a Bejewelled style game, a matching colours game and a few more, so you won't be bored or disappointed!

5) What else does the Bloom App have to offer? 

The Bloom app offers tips and advice on how to create a calming space and how to practice gratitude. The app also offers different courses such as meditation for beginners, being in the moment and even a course on different methods to cope with anxiety (everybody is different though, what may work for some may not work for others). You can log your mood every day and keep a diary of your feelings and see how far you've come over time. 

The Bloom App Meditation

6) What is your verdict on the Bloom App? 

If you are looking for a wide range of meditation style videos and activities in one place, look no further than the Bloom App. It's one of the best apps I've added to my phone for a long time now. It's really helped my well-being, helped me sleep a lot better and given me more energy in a way. I feel more energised when I wake up in the mornings now because I'm practicing a night-time meditation before bed to help me drift off to sleep. Would I subscribe to this full time? I'm still in two minds. Purely because I'm one of those people that is inconsistent if that makes sense? I'll keep using it for as long as I can, but once I try all the videos etc, I may not bother to use it again. But that's just my own point of view, but I can definitely say that it will definitely benefit you a lot! 

I hope this has helped you to consider whether you should download the Bloom App or not! Let me know your thoughts below!

*This post contains a PR subscription from Bloom. I was not obliged in any way to write this post in exchange for the app. All meditation views are my own. For more information, please read my disclaimer. Don't forget to use the code BETTERYOU after downloading the app to get a 14-day free trial! Thank you for your support as always!

The Bloom App Meditation Guide

  1. This app sounds very interesting - I'm not very good with meditation but I like that it includes CBT x

    1. Yeah it's great that it includes CBT Caroline, I hope you download the app! x

  2. I haven't heard of this app before but sounds like a great one. Love the idea of meditation and therapeutic games too. Nice review 👍🏾

    1. The games do manage to relax me and take my mind off things, it's so calming!

  3. I've heard of the bloom app, one of my friends uses it and has said the tips are great. It sounds like it would be helpful but much like you I'm a bit inconsistent with my meditation and using apps like this. I would love to try it and see what it's like for myself though. Thanks for sharing

    1. I wish I wasn't so inconsistent like this, I wish I could be better with apps like this! But it is a great app to try x

  4. I hadn't heard of this app before reading this post but now I feel like its something I need in my life.

    1. It's such a good app lovely, I hope you check it out Kelly!

  5. This sounds great. I've used the calm app before which is a similar type of vibe, but I've not actually heard of this one. I think giving yourself dedicated time to chill is so important! Especially after a days work like you say!


    1. Oh I agree Claire, giving yourself time to chill is so important and such an integral part of our self care routines! x

  6. Ooh I've not heard of this app before, but it sounds amazing and sounds like it works wonders! Definitely love this!

    1. It's a really good app Amie, full of so many meditation, yoga and CBT videos! x

  7. This app sounds great and I love how there is a range of games and activities on it to for meditation - great post x

    1. The activities and games on the Bloom App are really relaxing and help calm the mind down x

  8. The app sounds fab so different activities - I'm really into meditation right now and deep breathing with mindfulness

    1. I hope you check out this app then Rosie, it sounds like it'll definitely meet your meditation needs! x

  9. Oh this sounds great and a unique take on meditations app! Love that it also includes games and xourses on different topics x

    1. Yeah it's different to Calm and I like that it has a lot of options! x

  10. I've only ever had one app that was for mindfulness which was headspace and I'll be honest I just didn't get used to using it. I find apps quite difficult to use to switch off, because I feel I have to get past a whole load of social media and other apps first before actively making me get onto them! xx

    1. That's fair enough lovely, sometimes apps like this aren't for everyone! xx

  11. I would love to try this out!

    Danielle |

  12. Uuhh!! nice!! I've always thought of doing some meditation, but i never know how to start. Maybe this app is the answer ;)


  13. Ooh! I've never heard of the Bloom App before but it sounds lovely. I like meditating as well as saying my affirmations in the morning! Glad you like it. Lovely post, Lucy xx

    Lynn |

    1. Affirmations are a great way to start the day Lynn! xx

  14. This app sounds great! I need to try this!

  15. Bloom sounds interesting, I am hopeless at relaxing and unwinding so it might be a good option for me. Thanks for sharing Lucy! x

    1. It's a great app to help you relax and unwind after a long day! x

  16. Thanks for sharing, this looks a good app to use even though it costs a lot of money :)

    Nic | Nic's Adventures & Bakes

    1. It doesn't cost too much but it is definitely worth trying a two week trial with it!

  17. For a while I told myself I was going to start meditating (trying Calm at the time) but always failed to do it! This looks interesting though, might check it out!

    1. I hope you check it out Kemi, it's such a good app! xx

  18. Okay I honestly never heard of this app but now I want to try it for myself.. thanks girl!

    Lisa |

  19. This sounds like a really lovely app! I haven’t actually heard of them before but it does sounds like a great idea. This would be perfect after a long stressful day at work x

  20. As a hypnotist who encourages people to take time to relax it's always good to hear that these apps are helping people find calmness. If you don't want to sign up for something regularly you can always build up your own personalised collection of meditations so you can pick and choose your favourites and then keep them forever. I recommend compiling them in a playlist. Make sure that you have it set to just play one track and then stop. They don't have to be long tracks either. I usually write ones that are reasonably short because a short time spent relaxing can go a long way :)
