Teeth Contouring: My Experience

I'm going to put it out there guys - I've always never been a massive fan of my teeth. Especially the big two at the top. It's caused me such a confidence issue ever since I can remember. Being called chipmunk and being referred to having rat teeth in school didn't really help matters either. Weirdly enough though, when I left school, it never used to hardly bother me as I thought that there wasn't much I could do about it. However, as I recorded a few IGTV videos last year, I noticed that, on camera, my two big teeth stood out - and not in a good way. With that, it started to make me feel more self conscious and I decided to take action in 2021 and get them sorted.

Teeth Contouring: My Experience

I knew that having them straightened wasn't the answer. It was the length that was the problem and I knew straightening wasn't going to fix that. Then it hit me - there's has to be a procedure where I can just have the teeth reshaped and filed down. So I did some research and I finally found a dentist in Cardiff that does that exact procedure, teeth contouring. Teeth contouring is pretty much a posher name for teeth reshaping where some of the enamel is removed to alter your tooth/teeth shape. 

After reading the reviews, I contacted the dentist and arranged a consultation appointment so I could talk about what I wanted and ask any questions about the procedure. The dentist was really nice, made me feel at ease and was happy to answer all the questions I had - and believe me, I had a few questions! She checked my teeth also to make sure they were healthy enough for me to have the procedure done and if I have had any problems in recent months. After leaving the consultation appointment, I made another appointment for a month's time to have the procedure done, which was so exciting.

Teeth Contouring: My Experience

So, fast forward to a month later, the appointment day arrives. I won't lie, I was slightly anxious as this was a huge thing for me. As it's the two big teeth, there's nowhere to hide if something (heaven forbid) went tits up! Enamel unfortunately doesn't grow back, not like finger nails or hair. But more than anything, I felt excited to finally get something done about it! 

I hop into the dentist's chair and she grabs a black Sharpie (at this point, I'm thinking WTF) and she draws on the front teeth I'm having reshaped so I could see what the results will be once she has filed them down. After agreeing that I'm more than happy with what it'll look like afterwards, the dentist puts the chair back, puts those glasses on me and starts filing. Is it painful? Not at all. It kind of feels like somebody is carving at your teeth and that's it. It's not uncomfortable or painful in any way, which is a bonus!

Teeth Contouring: My Experience

After about 10-15 minutes of filing, the dentist hands me the mirror to show me the finished results and I'm almost in tears (happy ones). The end result is perfect and I couldn't have asked for better! I think my dentist must think I'm an emotional wreck as I'm welling up as she's showing me what she's done!

I skip out of the dentist (well, not literally, there were people around) and I hop into my car and literally pull the flap thing (I can't honestly think what it's actually called) down and admire the work that my dentist has just performed on my teeth. The result is amazing and my confidence levels have rocketed in the space of 20 minutes. 

Teeth Contouring: My Experience

In terms of how much the teeth contouring procedure cost, I will not be telling. Purely because I don't see why I should and every dentist will charge different. Some may charge more than what I paid, some may charge less. All I will say is that its money definitely well spent!

Since having the procedure done, I have not stopped smiling! I'm so happy with the results, it's just a shame that I have to wear bloody masks all the time now! If you think teeth contouring is the right procedure for you, remember to always do your research, find the right dentist and make sure you can afford it. 

Teeth Contouring: My Experience

If you have any more questions about the procedure, please ask below!
  1. I didn't even realise this was a thing until I saw your Instagram post. They have done a lovely job, it looks so natural that you wouldn't notice unless you said about it.

    1. No I didn't either Kelly until I did some research! A lot of people didn't notice until they seen my Instagram Stories!

  2. Looks amazing Lucy! So happy you are loving your new smile. I had it done too and the difference it makes was such a confidence boost. I really expected it to hurt and it didn't, so worth doing. xx


    1. Thank you lovely! I'm so happy to hear that the procedure gave you a confidence boost also. I was expecting it to hurt too, but I was so surprised that it didn't! xx

  3. Hi Lucy. It doesn't matter how much it cost (as long as you can afford it) as long as it makes you happy - which it clearly does! Money well spent :-)

    1. Thank you Richie, it is definitely money well spent!

  4. I'm so glad this procedure has made you feel more confident in yourself and your smile, thanks for sharing your experience xx

    1. Thank you Della, it's definitely given me the biggest boost in confidence! xx

  5. It’s great that you haven’t stopped smiling, what lovely news! I’ve never heard of teeth contouring, so it was interesting to read about your experience :)

    1. Thank you Anika! Yeah a lot of people have said that they haven't heard of the procedure so I'm glad I can explain what it is through this post!

  6. I had no clue this was an option. It's wonderful to hear you're happy with the results and it sounds like money well spent!

    1. It's a great option to go for if you have uneven teeth or straightening them isn't the answer! x

  7. I had no idea teeth contouring was a thing! Learn something new everyday haha. I HAVE to try this, thanks for sharing.

    Jordanne || Thelifeofaglasgowgirl.co.uk

    1. I think a lot of people haven't heard of this procedure either!

  8. I didn't realise that this was a thing, but your teeth look great! I've always been really conscious of my teeth. Thank you for sharing, I'm so happy that you love the results! Em x

    1. Thank you Em! That feeling of being self conscious about your teeth is horrible and it's so disheartening! x

  9. I had no idea that this was a thing, you look amazing! Thank you for sharing xx

    1. A lot of people have said the same thing Caroline! xx

  10. Your teeth look fab and I'm so happy you're pleased with the results! I had no idea this was something you could have done so thanks for sharing!

    Tash - A Girl with a View

    1. Thank you Tash! I'm so pleased with the results x

  11. Wow I love that the transition is subtle! I am defo going to look into teeth contouring

    1. Definitely look into it Rosie if it's something you feel could benefit you! x

  12. I had never heard of teeth contouring, but it sounds like a very easy procedure. SO glad you feel more comfortable and haven't stopped smiling xx

    1. It's such a simple procedure Cristina, and painless too! xx

  13. This was so interesting to read like the majority of people in the comments it isn't something I have ever heard of until I read your post. It sounds like it was something you did a lot of research on before you made the decision to have the procedure and has made such a difference to your confidence!

    Sarah |www.aspoonfulofvanilla.co.uk

    1. Yeah it's definitely an uncommon procedure! Yeah I made sure that I did a lot of research before having it done x

  14. I'm so happy that you're happy! I've never actually heard of teeth contouring before. I had my front four teeth veneered when I was younger and it made the world of difference to my confidence. I totally get it! I love the confidence it's given you.


    1. Thank you so much Claire! It's amazing how having work done on your teeth can fill you with so much confidence! x

  15. Your teeth look amazing! I’ve never heard of teeth contouring before but they look great! X

    1. Thank you so much Aaliyah! A lot of people haven't heard of this procedure either babe x

  16. This was SO interesting to me. I've never heard of this before but the results are amazing and it's always worth it if it's a confidence boost! I never had issues with my teeth but my dentist referred me to an orthodontist when I was about 15 as I was 'borderline' for braces. The orthodontist laughed, said my teeth were fine and not even remotely close to borderline but I've been massively self conscious about my tiny overlap ever since x


    1. I can imagine that it would make you feel massively self conscious about being on the borderline of having braces and being told that by one dentist then something completely different by another! x

  17. I never knew teeth contouring was a thing, but it looks great. The difference is quite subtle and I may need to get this procedure done for my teeth are a tad uneven.

    Thanks for sharing your experience

    Loren | plaidandsugar.com

    1. It's definitely a worth while procedure Loren!

  18. Oh wow, what an amazing result! I’d never heard of this procedure before - your teeth look great :)

  19. I have not heard of this before but I can see that the results are pretty good. I'm glad you found something you could do to help you feel more confident. Congrats!

    1. Thank you Molly, it's helped my confidence so much!

  20. Oh my goodness, it is my dream to have something like this done!

    Danielle | thereluctantblogger.co.uk

  21. Oh, how lovely! I can relate. My two front teeth used to make be feel super insecure too. I'm glad you're happy with the results! xx

    Lynn | https://www.lynnmumbingmejia.com

  22. Thanks for sharing, your story of getting your teeth sorted out, I need to go to the densit at some point to get mine sorted out to :)

    Nic | Nic's Adventures & Bakes

    1. I hope you manage to get to the dentist soon Nic! x

  23. Ooh I've not heard of this before. Thank you for sharing your journey!

  24. loved this post as always Lucy! like many others in the comments, I never knew about this. :) glad you enjoyed the procedure.

  25. Oh wow! It sounds so simple - anything with teeth freaks me because of the pain usually but this procedure sounds great. Love the results xx

    1. It was so simple Alice and I'm so glad I had it done! xx

  26. Wow! Your teeth look so good! I am so glad you love the outcome too!
