Why It's Ok To Not Have Your Sh*t Together In Your Late Twenties

I am officially in my late twenties. I'm 28 today. Maybe I reached my late twenties last year, but now I REALLY feel in my late twenties. I'm not feeling the thought of being an inch closer to reaching the big 30. I get the feeling that people are already itching to tell me that I'm entering the 30-40 bracket of my life.  

Remember when we were kids, when we used to think that by the time we reached 20, or even 18, we'd have our life together? I always thought I would get married in a castle wearing a Barbie-style wedding dress, be a Mum, own a cat/dog and live in a beautiful mansion with furniture from the Argos catalogue throughout. Ah, those days were innocent weren't they?!

Why It's Ok To Not Have Your Sh*t Together In Your Late Twenties

Look at me, I'm now 28, still living at home, not in my forever job, still single, a cat mother and all my friends are more far ahead in their life than I could ever currently aspire to. Reading that back makes me want to grab the Vodka and drown my sorrows. 

However, it isn't all bad. I have reached another year where Cystic Fibrosis hasn't beaten me, I'm still running this blog after nearly five years, I've got a wonderful support network around me, I have a home (not my own, but still) , I have food, water, electric, clothes on my back and in some perspective, my health. That to me is like winning the Lottery, anything extra are just perks to me. My other ducks may not be in a row, but I want to appreciate all the other things I have in life, because some may not be so lucky to have that.

There is no need to pressure ourselves to be at certain points in our lives. I have felt like I have fallen behind everyone else in the past, but what I have learnt over the months and years is that we all take different detours in life, mine is just somewhat different to my friends and family. I love having that freedom of just being with myself and I'm ok with that. 

Why It's Ok To Not Have Your Sh*t Together In Your Late Twenties

I will always chose to follow my pathway rather than feeling the pressure and need to follow somebody else's just so I think I have my sh*t together. Don't compare your path to somebody else's, it's just not worth the mental strain and detrimental impact it can also have on your mental wellbeing. Comparison really doesn't get you anywhere. 

When reading this post, I want people to know why it's ok to not have your sh*t together in your late twenties. Well, whatever age you are. Age is just a number, remember that. 

I do genuinely believe that you should have fun in your twenties, your twenties is that enjoyable part of your life, where (hopefully) you invest in wonderful experiences and learn so much about yourself. Travelling, meeting friends, going 'out-out', discovering your values, discovering your sexuality, carving out your dream career, graduating from uni/college and just appreciating life. Obviously being in your twenties means you get a heap load of responsibilities tied around your neck, for example, saving money, getting a job etc and that's ok. Let's face it, you're going to have to take on these sort of responsibilities whether you want to or not, but it doesn't mean that you can't savour life in your twenties. 

Why It's Ok To Not Have Your Sh*t Together In Your Late Twenties

So guys, it's ok to not have your sh*t together right now, just enjoy being in your twenties and you do things in your own time and at your own pace. You do you boo.

Let me know your thoughts on this!
  1. Frist of all, massive HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I'm 29 next week, so we've got just over a year between us!
    I love this post, I sometimes hear my age and think wow I should have my life together. But actually, you're right. I've made all of my own choices and I'm proud of how far I've come in my life so far! I am my only competition!
    I hope you have the best birthday everrrr


    1. Thank you Rosie! Happy Birthday for next week!
      I'm happy to hear that you feel so proud of how far you have come - and so you should be!

  2. Happy Birthday!! I’m turning 25 this year and even I’m panicking about certain things in life like not owning a home yet but I still need to realise there’s so much time left to do all those things in life! I’m going to enjoy my 20’s! X

    1. Thank you Aaliyah!
      I felt the same when I turned 25 also, but like you said, there is so much time to do these things so just enjoy your twenties girl! x

  3. Well first of all Happiest of birthday's Lucy, hope this day and new year will bring you a lot of positive things! I absolutely loved this and totally need to read this. I don't have my life together and used to look around a feel like others were always far ahead, but as you said, there's so much to be grateful for x

    1. Thank you Cristina! It's important to focus on being grateful for what we do have rather than wondering what could have been x

  4. Happy Birthday young lady!

    You are right, age is just a number - it's how you feel that counts. As you say, follow your own pathway.

    Enjoy today, who knows what tomorrow will bring.

    1. Thank you Richie!
      I love that way of looking at it - 'age is just a number, it's how you feel that counts' - so true!

  5. This post is everything and something I need to hear!! I always feel so much pressure to achieve everything straight away and now I'm nearly 25, I've been panicking more, but you've really put this into perspective xx

    1. I'm glad this post has put things into perspective for you Della, everything will turn out ok in the end, I promise! xx

  6. I love that you're listing all the things you're grateful for, that was so nice to read! And it's a great outlook to have, especially in your prime! Lovely post, Lucy :)

    1. It's so important to remember the things that we do have and show gratitude! x

  7. Well Happy Birthday! LOL no one has their sh**t by 18 well maybe some crazy YT teen stars but no really no one does and not even 20s or 30s life has a way of getting in the way. And love this suit!

    Allie of

  8. Yes to this post! You've echoed all the things I was thinking after my birthday last month. There can be so much pressure to do things by a certain age, when really we are all at different stages.

    1. You're right Kelly, there is so much pressure to get to certain stages of life so quickly!

  9. Belated happy birthday, I hope you had a fab day and these photos are a true reflection of that! Love this post, Lucy - if it helps to anyone reading this comment, I am well past my 20s and I often still feel like I don't have my s**t together! But I'm OK with that, it's about enjoying life and being grateful for what we do have :) xx

    1. Thank you Lisa! I love your attitude lovely, it's about enjoying life and being grateful for what we do have! xx

  10. Happy Belated Birthday, hope you had the best day. I love this post and it's super relatable. If I am being honest, I am now in my 30s and still wondering about life haha, I just live in the moment. 28 is such a great age and is still super young. Enjoy it and everything else will fall into place when it's meant too, trust me on that one :)

    1. Thank you babe!
      I love that you just live for the moment, that's a wonderful attitude to have! Like you said, I will just let everything fall into place when it's meant to x

  11. Sorry I'm a bit late, but happy birthday, babe! Honestly, I always feel pressure coming from my mum for not having my shit together as I'm getting closer to my 27th birthday, but what older generations fail to understand is that everyone achieves their goals and makes progress at their own pace, the circumstances are different from person to person and that the pressure they put upon us to do this or that by the time we're 30 is only doing harm and absolutely no good.


    1. Thank you lovely! That must be so hard to be pressurised from your Mum like that, older generations were married and had at lest two children back in the day and times have certainly changed in that perspective. Like you said, circumstances are different between person to person and it's important not to pressurise anyone for not being where they think they should be in life x

  12. Huge happy birthday! Hope you have the most wonderful time celebrating. Really enjoyed reading this, I'm definitely not a tick the age check list off kinda person and we definitely don't have all our shit together and that's okay! We need more saying it's okay xx

    1. Thank you Alice, I did have a lovely day thank you! I'm definitely not a tick the age check list type of person! We do definitely need people to say that this is ok xx

  13. Happy Birthday lovely! I loved reading this article, and to be honest had a fairly similar dialogue with myself a month ago when I turned 29! This is such a real and honest post, I adore it! Thank you for normalizing you don't have to have it together to still be having a fulfilled and wonderful life! Great post!

    1. Thank you! It's so important to get across to people that it's more than ok to not all your life together straight away!

  14. Happy birthday! Hope it’s a good one ☺️ I agree that most people think we should have our life sorted but there should be no pressure, life is just life and we all go through it in different ways and experiences. Great post xx

    1. Thank you Gemma! I agree lovely, we all go through life differently and we experience it differently also! xx

  15. Hope you had a great birthday! Love this post, we are totally given this idea of where we're meant to be but yes to choosing your own path ❤❤

    1. Thank you Caroline, I did! Exactly lovely, it's all about choosing our own path in life!

  16. Happy Belated Birthday again, Lucy! I totally see this. I never really compared my journey to others but I would often think how far off I am to what I expected in my teens and sometimes would be sad. I've been a lot more gentle with myself and know that there is truly no rush! Thanks so much for sharing xx

    Lynn | https://www.lynnmumbingmejia.com

    1. Thank you Lynn!
      It's so important to be gentle with yourself and just let life run they way it's supposed to! xx

  17. Happy belated birthday! I absolutely agree that everyone follows their own path and no path is better than the next :) Wishing you all the best xx

    aglassofice.com x

    1. Thank you Gabrielle! I agree lovely, no path is better than the next and it's important to follow our own paths and nobody else's! x

  18. Goodness, I am so happy I read this blog post. Happy belated birthday sweetie!

    Danielle | thereluctantblogger.co.uk

  19. Oh my gosh girl I relate to this post so much! I just turned 28 on the 13th so I totally agree with all this! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you Charity, I'm glad you could relate!

  20. Thanks for sharing, I still have not got things together, I'm nearly in my middle thirties!! It's important to take your time, not rush around with things :) Also Happy Belated Birthday to :)

    Nic | Nic's Adventures & Bakes

    1. Thank you Nic, I like how you said about taking your time in life!

  21. Happy belated birthday! Thank you for sharing this post. I am turning 19 soon, and I feel so much pressure to have achieved X amount of things and to have qualifications and be successful. This is such a good reminder to let go a little and remember that it's okay to not have everything together! Em x

  22. Happy Birthday! I hope you had a lovely day! I love this post I will be 27 this year and I definitely don't have my sh*t together. My partner and I are looking at buying a house and I remember saying to him about one particular house, "hmm maybe we should ask an adult!" It is completely okay, not to have everything together in your late 20s. Everyone moves at different paces, we will all get there just in our own time.
