A Look Back on the Second Quarter of 2024

It feels like just yesterday that I was writing and posting a review of the first quarter of 2024. Three months on, it's time to review the year's second quarter so far! In the last three months, we've seen a general election being called, Taylor Swift taking over the world with her Eras Tour, me turning 31 and days finally becoming lighter, (somewhat) warmer and longer. 

I can't believe we're almost at the halfway point of 2024, like how quickly are these days flying by?! In terms of the second quarter of this year, for me personally, it's been alright. Now with the brighter and warmer weather ahead, I'm hoping to have more plans and make the most of any sunshine we get in the UK!

A bunch of yellow roses on a white bedside table next to a white and gold lamp.

Let's have a look book at the second quarter of 2024:


In regards to my health, things are very good at the moment (touch wood!). I had what is called my annual review in May, which is an appointment where the CF team go fine tooth comb every aspect of my health over the last 12 months. It also involves a lot of blood tests, samples being taken, tests like X-rays and spirometry and a lot of green tea to get through it. 

I'll get the results of everything in July so I'm keeping everything crossed that everything is working like clockwork inside of me!

In regards to my mental health, it's improved vastly because of the longer days and warmer weather, it always has that effect! 


I said in my last post I was quite productive with blogging so far. That fortunately has continued! I've had some really great collaborations in the last month or two, particularly this one with Origin. I'm hoping this motivation with blogging continues into the Summer!


I've had a few family birthdays in this second quarter, myself included! My birthday was very quiet but I went to Cardiff with one of my close friends for a Nandos and a shopping trip. Hopefully, with the nicer weather coming, I'll be able to venture into beer gardens for catch-ups now!

A vase with yellow roses on a bedside table next to a white and gold lamp.

Personal Development

As I said in my last post, there is always room for personal development. I've recently started a gratitude journal from Manifestation Pulse and it's really changed my perspective on things. It's been surprising and refreshing to learn even some of the smallest things I'm grateful for.

That's a summary of the second quarter of 2024!

I'd love to know how things have gone for you so far in 2024, let me know!
  1. Amazing, you had an amazing half of the year. Next 6 months would even be more amazing.

    My first half of the year, I had my blog traffic increase from 5k monthly to 15k monthly views. Felt really good. Hopefully next 6 months will be filled with more good news 💃🏽

    1. I hope the next six months are even more amazing too Rayo!

      That is an incredible increase in blog traffic Rayo, well done you! I hope you increase it even more in the next six months!

  2. I love this idea of having a quarterly review of your life. Way to go with the blogging!

  3. I'm glad the second quarter was good to you! June was the busiest month for me, so I am very glad that is over now :) x

    1. I hope you have a quieter and less busy July ahead Caroline! x

  4. I think a gratitude journal is such a good idea. I love those flowers and that aesthetic. It is so clean and fresh and an excellent list of the look at 2024 especially for July. https://www.bauchlefashion.com/2024/07/4-dos-and-donts-for-your-big-day.html

    1. Gratitude journals really do help put things into perspective and allow you to count your blessings. I'm glad you like the aesthetic of the photos Heather! x

  5. Sounds like you've had a pretty good six months Lucy! X

    1. Yeah it's been pretty ok Chloe! I hope you've had a good half of the year so far too! x

  6. Looks like you've had a busy and eventful second quarter! It's great that your health review went well, and I hope the results in July bring good news. The warmer weather seems to be lifting your spirits, which is wonderful to hear. Keep up the productive streak with your blogging collaborations—it looks promising! Wishing you more enjoyable outings and celebrations as the summer progresses!

    1. Thank you Doris, I hope I get good results in the follow up appointment too!
      The warmer and brighter weather always lifts my spirits every year without fail!
      I hope I can keep up with this momentous blogging streak also Doris!
      I hope you have a fantastic Summer!

  7. Yes true it is flying by for sure, SO only 6 months to Christmas LOL. But seriously I hope your results are good and congrats on being productive I felt like I have been productive too. The world is a bit crazy and sadly I think the next 6 months are going to get crazier with the American election coming up. Ugh.

    Allie of

    1. Oh don't mention Christmas yet Allie!
      Thank you so much lovely, I'm glad to hear that you've been productive too!
      Oh don't get me started on elections, I hate hearing about them in the media at the moment!

  8. Sounds like you've had a fabulous second quarter. Here's hoping the third is the same! And that we get some sunshine finally!

    1. Thank you Claire, I hope the third quarter is the same also!
      I hope we get some proper sunshine from now until the end of Summer too! x

  9. That is great everything has been good with your health, I hope all the results come back good too! It sounds like you have been really productive with your blog and what a great collaboration with Origin! I hope the next quarter is great for you! Thank you for sharing.

    Lauren - bournemouthgirl.com

    1. Thank you Lauren, I hope so too!
      Yeah I've been rather productive and busy with blogging. It was amazing to be able to collaborate with Origin!
      Thank you lovely, I hope you have a fantastic Summer!

  10. It's been so lovely following you again this year. I'm so pleased that your health has remained stable and I think your blogging has gone from strength to strength!


    1. Ah thank you so much Rosie, I've loved following your blog again this year also!
      Yeah I'm pleased that my health has managed to stay stable too! x

  11. How is it possible that we are in July already?! Wow! It seems like you have had a good second quarter to the year, and I hope it continues. Mine has been a bit of a mixed bag, but I am looking forward and hoping to make the most out of the next few months.

    1. I cannot believe we are in July already, the time has flown by!
      I hope that have a good few months ahead Molly x

  12. I can't believe how fast this year is going, I'm glad everything is good with your health lately! x

    Gemma Louise

    1. It's absolutely flying by isn't it?!
      Thank you lovely - also congratulations on your engagement! I'm so happy for you! x

  13. I can't believe we're almost halfway through 2024 either! Sounds like you've had a pretty eventful few months, especially with your birthday and the health review. So glad to hear your mental health is improving too, Lucy! xx

    Lenne | lennezulkiflly.com

    1. I know Lenne, it's gone by so fast! It has been a bisy few months, I'm hoping for a busy rest of the Summer too!
      Thank you lovely, I hope you have a fantastic Summer! xx

  14. Great post! It feels like I've just read your other quarter round-up, I'm glad it's not just me haha... I love a nice quiet birthday, mine's coming up soon and I'm hoping to spend it with my family :) I love this wrap-up, thanks for sharing Lucy x

    1. I hope you have a fabulous birthday when it comes around Eleanor! x

  15. Time flies! Fall is around the corner, sweater weather tooo....

    1. Fall will be here before we know it Anna!
