How I'm Learning To Practice Gratitude Daily

This post is a paid collaboration. Please see the end of the post for more details.

Imagine writing down all of the people, things and opportunities you're grateful for. For some, you may have a list as long as your arm. It may be a short list for others, which is fine. More often or not, it's about quality, not quantity. 

The Guided Gratitude Journal by Manifestation Pulse journal.

Practicing gratitude is something I have got into the habit of doing lately. Practicing gratitude has allowed me to see who and what I am grateful for in my life. I've been surprised by how many things I am grateful for. For example, something like the warmth of the sun, being able to treat myself to a slice of lemon cake in Starbucks and having supportive friends and family. Rather than just thinking about what I'm grateful for, I wanted to get everything down on paper or in a book.

Recently, I got my hands on The Guided Gratitude Journal by Manifestation Pulse. 

The Guided Gratitude Journal by Manifestation Pulse journal.

Who is Manifestation Pulse?

Manifestation Pulse is a team of manifestation coaches who have been working with hundreds of clients to create The Guided Gratitude Journal. They believe that a key part of manifestation is gratitude. Gratitude puts us in a high vibrational state, as the law of attraction suggests. So the more we show gratitude, the higher the frequency of attraction we are creating for ourselves. 

What makes this gratitude journal so different from others?

In the past, I've seen bloggers create their own gratitude journal, which is fantastic. I wish I had the creativity to do that myself! With the Guided Gratitude Journal, Manifestation Pulse has focused on 3 key features to make this gratitude journal a little more unique. 

Instead of having a daily template for each page, the journal starts with building the gratitude mindset over the first 7 days. The aim is to get the readers thinking laterally about the different areas of gratitude.

Each page has a different gratitude prompt, the habit of gratitude is then really engrained and really gets you thinking about everything you're grateful for.

The Guided Gratitude Journal by Manifestation Pulse journal.

Throughout the journal, there are key reflection points on pages 30, 60 and 100. It's a way to see your growth throughout the journal and feel the full effect of gratitude. Plus the journal includes a link to download more pages and templates once you have finished the journal. So you won't need to buy another journal if you want to continue on your gratitude journey!

What are your thoughts on The Guided Gratitude Journal by Manifestation Pulse?

As I said, I wanted to practice more gratitude in my life, and this journal has helped me do exactly that. I love how each prompt in the book is curated to spark reflection and allows me to appreciate all the things I am truly grateful for, however big or small. This journal is aimed to help with personal growth. I've only been using this journal for a few days so I hope it can help me grow and even change my perspective. For the first few days that I've been writing in this journal, it's been a discovery for me to really delve into all of the things I'm grateful for. I've found that it's the smallest things that make me the happiest in life. 

If you're someone who is wondering whether to get a gratitude journal, I would recommend buying this one from Manifestation Pulse

The Guided Gratitude Journal by Manifestation Pulse.

I'd love to know if you practice gratitude, let me know!

*This post is a paid collaboration with Manifestation Pulse. All views are my own. For more information, please read my disclaimer. Thank you for your support!
  1. Oh my gosh, this sounds like such a gem! I haven't heard of this journal actually but I'm so glad you talked about it! I've been getting into the habit of practicing gratitude for years now and it's amazing how it shifts your perspective xx

    Lenne |

    1. This gratitude journal has only just been released so it's quite new to the market! I can't believe how much it's shifted my perspective in just a few days! xx

  2. Practising gratitude has literally changed my life. I need to get back into writing more down because it's always massively helped me!

    1. That's amazing that practicing gratitude has changed your life Rosie!

  3. This sounds like a really useful guided journal. It lays things out really clearly and seems to be a bit more structured than some others I have seen. I will have to look into this!

    1. That's what I love about this gratitude journal, it sets things out clearly and gives me a different prompt to do every day x

  4. Love this, it seems like a really inspiring way to start/end a day! I learned to utilise gratitude while I was jobless after graduating from Uni and completely miserable in a country I didn't want to be in. To stop myself from descending into depression I forced myself to name 3 things I was grateful for every morning. I wasn't allowed to get up before I had named 3 things. After a month it became a habit that I still practice. And my life has gone uphill since then, for sure! x

    Teresa Maria | Outlandish Blog

    1. I love that you named three things you were grateful every morning to help your mood. I do something similar by thinking of three good things that are going to happen today, even if it's just something simple as doing a workout or doing my skincare routine! x

  5. What a beautiful book. I practice gratitude in my bullet journal, not Dailey though. But it definitely is such a useful grounding tool 💜

    1. Practicing gratitude definitely does keep me grounded too Fiona!

  6. Practicing gratitude is so important to me! I find that finding things I am grateful for makes me feel less depressed and less anxious about everyday life. When the world seems dark, gratitude helps us find light in the darkest of places.

    1. I like how much practicing gratitude means to you Winnie!

  7. Thanks for the great read! Practicing gratitude has become a daily ritual for me. Writing down what I'm thankful for, big or small, helps me appreciate life's wins even more. It's incredible how such a simple practice can bring so much joy.

    1. That's good to hear that practicing gratitude has become a daily ritual for you! Practicing gratitude has really allowed me to appreciate the smallest things in life!

  8. This is such a special way to help reflect on your day to day life and appreciate the small moments more. Writing has always helped me, so I think a guided journal like this would be something that could really benefit me too. I loved reading this post, thank you for sharing! :)

    1. I think this journal can benefit you if you're looking into practicing gratitude more often Melissa!

  9. I love this post, Lucy! I've been keeping a little gratitude journal by my bedside table as I'm trying to make a habit of practicing gratitude daily, but this journal will be on my wishlist! Thank you so much for sharing. x Penny /

    1. Thank you Penny! I'm glad you're practicing gratitude daily too lovely! x

  10. What a lovely, helpful journal! I like to think of things I am grateful for in the morning when I first wake up, before I get out of bed. I also do this at night as I am falling asleep :)

    1. It's great to practice gratitude when you wake up in the morning and before going to sleep at night!

  11. This looks like a great journal! I need to start doing this! xx

    Danielle’s Beauty Blog

    1. It does help to change your perspective on things Danielle! x

  12. I've really gotten into wellness, and I love the look of this! I haven't heard of it before, but it sounds like something that I would really benefit from. Thank you for sharing, this will definitely be going on my wishlist xx

    Hannah |

    1. If you've just gotten into wellness Hannah, this gratitude journal is perfect for you to try! xx

  13. Practicing gratitude is something I've been doing a lot recently. This journal sounds really good!

    Emilia |

    1. I'm glad to hear you've been practicing gratitude a lot more recently Emilia! This journal sounds like it would be perfect for you lovely!

  14. The journal that I use has a monthly section specifically reserved for writing down things you're grateful, and ever since I started putting everything that I'm grateful on the paper it really helped me put some things to perspective. This sounds like a great thing to have! <3

    1. Like you, this gratitude journal has put a lot of things into perspective for me too Jelena. I'm sure you would love this journal too!

  15. I started practicing writing my gratitude in a journal and I can agree that it does help with the manifestation and personally it help me stay more in touch with myself.

    1. I like that practicing gratitude has helped with manifestation and helping to stay in touch with yourself x

  16. This looks like a great way to incorporate gratitude x

  17. Ohh I love the sound of this! I love the introductory section that gets your head in the right mindset of practicing gratitude. The cover is lovely too!


    1. That's one aspect I love about this journal too Claire! Also the cover really is nice isn't it?! x

  18. This sounds like a great idea to start appreciating the finer things in life x

    1. This gratitude journal has definitely helped me appreciate the finer things in life! x

  19. Such a beautiful post! I am tying to practice gratitude more myself. My family and I have a little tradition where we put names in a bag and we pick out a name. The name you pick is who you have to say nice things about. You have to say what you appreciate about them. It’s been a great way to bond! Thankyou for sharing this post!

    1. Thank you lovely!
      That is such a lovely tradition to have within your family! What a lovely way to bond as a family!
