The Road Trip by Beth O'Leary - A Review

I can officially say that I have found my love for reading again! It's been quite a long time since I put down my last book and I'm so glad I finally found the time and motivation to start reading again. I can't say why I've gotten back into reading, it just happened! So, which book brought me back into reading again? -

The Road Trip by Beth O'Leary

The Road Trip by Beth O'Leary book.

I fell in love with Beth O'Leary's first two books (The Flat Share and The Switch) so my expectations were high for this one. The story centres around Addie and Dylan, who were in a relationship for a couple of years and then broke up. Fate brings them together again when they have to attend their mutual friend's wedding in Scotland. A slight accident involves the pair travelling in one car with Addie's sister Deb, Dylan's (rather annoying) friend Marcus and a random acquaintance that is Rodney.  

Their journey up north to Scotland from Chichester is tumultuous, but ultimately one where we find out what happened to Addie and Dylan's relationship prior to this road trip. Secrets are spilt and we get to see the real reason why the two of them split up and how it impacted them both emotionally. 

The Road Trip by Beth O'Leary book.

What I love about this book is that the chapters alternate between Dylan and Addie and also between the past and the present. What's brilliant is that we only know the real reason why their relationship went sour later in the book. Beth really keeps us in suspense and adds subtle clues throughout the book as to what happened in their relationship. 

The characters of the book are brilliant, all with unique personalities. Even the ones who I disliked somehow redeem themselves near the end. This book does slightly delve into the topics of sexual assault, depression, and alcohol abuse. But it is written sensitively by Beth. 

So, would you recommend The Road Trip? 

If you like romance/contemporary romance, then this book is for you! I have loved Beth's writing style since her first book, The Flat Share so I kind of knew I was going to enjoy reading The Road Trip. Most of the characters are likeable and relatable, It's an easy story to follow, even if the chapters are split into past and present. This book is a good one to read on a flight, car/train journey or sat out in the garden in the sunshine. 

The Road Trip by Beth O'Leary book.

Have you read The Road Trip before? Let me know your thoughts!

  1. I must be one of the few who still hasn't read The Flat Share but I like the sound of this one. Switching between characters and time frames keeps a reader interested and guessing - great review, Lucy! x

    1. The Flat Share is such a good read Lisa, I'd highly recommend!
      I also like that this one switches between characters and time frames, it keeps the reader interested x

  2. I've heard great things about this one! Sounds like a perfect summer read. Great review Lucy!

    1. It's definitely the perfect Summer read!

  3. This sounds like a really good read. Reading the story from both character's point of view sounds interesting.

    1. It is great how the story bounces between two viewpoints!

  4. this seems like the perfect summer vacation read!

    B |

  5. I'm glad you've been able to get back into reading again. I wish I could!! This book sounds great though. And I absolutely love the sound of Rodney haha. X

    1. It took me a while to get back to reading again, but I'm so glad I have got back into it again! Rodney is a unique character! x

  6. I have heard of Beth O’Leary and see people share the books. The cover would already have me hooked in. Thank you for sharing.

    Lauren - bournemouthgirl

    1. The cover is really eye-catching isn't it?!

  7. This book sounds very interesting. I've never got on with books where the point of view changes and the tense chances - I get a bit confused. Probably because I'm usually reading right before bed and tired.

    Corinne x

    1. Do you know what? I used to feel the same with point of views in books, but this one was quite clear and I was understandable x

  8. I'm going to have to read this soon!

    Danielle |

  9. ohhh perfect for the summer!! _shy

  10. I love YA contemporary reads and have a few of her books but still haven't got round to reading them yet, but this sounds amazing x

    1. I hope you get around to reading them soon Lea! x

  11. I haven't read The Road Trip or any of Beth O'Leary's other books, but now I'm intrigued! It does sound like a great book, and I'll have to check out The Flat Share and The Switch too

    1. Beth O'Leary's books are so good, some of the best I've read!

  12. I am so happy to say that I am back into reading, I've read lots of books already this summer and the bug is back! I would love to add this to my reading list, it sounds like a great summer read!

    1. I'm glad you've caught the reading bug again Rosie!
      This one is a really good Summer read, would highly recommend!

  13. I've got the flatshare on my reading list so I'll have to look into this one after I've read that!

    1. The Flatshare is amazing Gemma! If you read it and like it, you'll definitely like The Road Trip x

  14. I haven’t heard of this title but heard of Beth O’Leary before and heard good things. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    Lauren -

    1. Beth O'Leary's books are some of the best reads, I would highly recommend them!
