Six Goals For The Rest Of The Year

Now we're approaching the months that end in 'ber', I feel the need and want to look at the goals I want to achieve by the end of the year. Perhaps it's because of the onset of Autumn, the fact we're in the last stretch of the year, the thought of crunchy leaves, who knows. 

As much as I will miss the Summer, I am welcoming Autumn with open arms. It's the one season of the year that is romanticised by most of us. However, it may not be so romanticised when we're struggling to get up on dark mornings and freezing our tits scraping ice off our windscreens. 

A woman holding a bunch of white flowers.

Anyway, let's get back to the topic at hand - my goals for the rest of the year. 

1) Start Autumn right

My start to Autumn last year was a bit of a shit show, to be honest. It started with a hospital stay which was then followed by my first bout of Covid. But, (hopefully) this Autumn I want to start Autumn properly by making my Summer to Autumn wardrobe transition and stepping in lots of crunchy leaves. As you do. 

2) Think about my plans for 2023

At this time of year, I sit down with a green tea and ponder my plans/goals for the upcoming year. Now, I'm not saying I am planning to set resolutions before January 1st. Far from it! But I like to start to gather plans of the goals I would like to achieve in the new year. It's also a good time for me to assess how the year has panned out for me so far and see if there's anything I need to change for next year. I'm all for progression and improvement people! 

A woman holding a bouquet of white flowers.

3) Keep my mental health in check

After a sucky start to 2022 due to my mental health, I aim to try and help my mental health for the rest of 2022 and for when I head into 2023. I don't want to be in the same position and mindset I was in the first few months of 2022 ever again. I know that I should prioritise my mental health all year round, and I do. It's just that I don't want a repeat of the beginning of the year like I had this year (if that makes sense?).

4) Embrace the limited daylight

As the days get shorter, daylight does become somewhat limited. Rather than sulk about it while trying to wrap myself up like Yoda, I'm going to make an effort and embrace the limited daylight we'll have. Maybe adding more items to my to-do list (un-overwhelmingly of course) so that I can complete more tasks when I'm indoors. Go out for walks as long as it's not raining. Do Autumny/Wintery things. Then cwtch up in front of the TV as soon as it gets dark at 4:30pm. 

5) Assess my career

I turn 30 next year. It's time to assess my career path and what I really want to do. I like my job, but it's not my dream job. It's time for me to take ownership and decide what I really want my job to be. I need to decide what is best for my career well-being. Is career well-being a thing? Anyway, I need to assess things and see how I would like my working life to pan out in 2023. 

A woman holding a bouquet of white flowers.

6) Have some more downtime

I've had a busy Spring and Summer guys, I won't lie. A close friend's wedding, birthday celebrations (myself/family/friends), a trip to Liverpool, an Ed Sheeran concert, socialising, yes, I aim to end the rest of the year in more of a relaxed mode rather than a hectic one. Autumn and Winter are chilled seasons, so I may as well chill for the duration!

What are your goals for the rest of the year? Let me know!

  1. Some great goals for the rest of the year, Lucy - and yes, career well-being is most definitely a thing! x

  2. Great list Lucy! I like how there's a blend of personal and career driven goals here. It's always a positive thing to reflect and prepare for what you want the rest of your year to look like.

    1. Thank you lovely! You're right, it's always good to reflect on the previous months of the year and see how I want the rest of the year to pan out!

  3. Hi Lucy. Some great end of year goals there, I hope that they serve you well. I'm not a fan of the 'Get up when its dark, go to work, come home in the dark' season but you just get used to it, don;t you? Out of interest, what sort of pet were you looking after? Dog? Cat? ... Goldfish? ;-)

    1. Yeah you do eventually get used to the shorter days in the end! I dogsit for my neighbours when they're in work!

  4. I agree it's great to start thinking ahead to next year and a new season always motivates me to set set some light goals (apart from winter when I just want to hibernate!)
    Amy x

  5. I don't set new year resolutions. But i think this time i would for the job life and personal development goalsfor the whole year. Good to know about yours! The downtime is a requirement in these years. xx
    Isa A. Blogger

    1. New Year's resolutions aren't my thing either Isa, I would rather set long term goals! xx

  6. These are all great goals and actually taking some for myself, like downtime and appreciating more autumn! Hope you will manage to get to your well being career step!

    1. I hope you take some downtime in the Autumn Cristina!

  7. These are some great goals for the last quarter of the year. I cannot believe we are in September already. I want to have all my content planner for the rest of the year and at least the first half of January. I want to finish my university application. Hopefully I will get even more things done. Thank you for sharing.

    Lauren -

    1. I know what you mean Lauren, 2022 has flown by and I can't believe we're in September/almost October! I hope you manage to get your content planner completed for the rest of the year and into January 2023. Good luck with your uni application!

  8. Thank you Claire! It is scary, I don't blog for a living but I know for people like you who do, it can be a little scary about what you would like to do after blogging. I have no doubt you will figure this out Claire! x

  9. Loved reading this! Some great goals for the rest of the year x

  10. Good goals, really balanced and positive

  11. It's so great to hear your goals for the rest of the year. I love reading these kinds of posts. I totally relate about not letting the mental health slip. It's sometimes difficult to fit in self care.

    1. It can be difficult to fit in self-care, especially when life gets a little bit hectic!

  12. I personally can't wait for the colder months of the year, to be all warm & cosy in the moments I get at home.

    1. I do love that feeling of being warm and cosy!

  13. I think my biggest goals for the rest of the year is to realise that there's only a limited time left for the rest of the year, lol. I didn't know how fast time could pass me by, so I best remind myself what I had set out to achieve. Anyway, thanks for this post, Lucy!

  14. There are some great goals here! Like you I want to make sure I try and keep my mental health in check and I need to start thinking about what jobs I can do with my health issues and what would suit me as I would really like to find something more stable job-wise next year if possible. I also need to get some medical appointments booked in that I’ve been putting off x

    1. I hope you find a job that suits your health needs Kirsty, that is something I will be doing also. I hope you manage to get those medical appointments booked in too x

  15. These all sound like great goals and I do hope Autumn & the rest of year will be good to you. I definitely want to have more downtime too because during the summer I visited my parents in the US, moved to a new apartment, went to 2 weddings, went to Sweden & celebrated my birthday so I'm ready to relax!

    1. Thank you Karalee!
      Wow you definitely need to relax after everything you have done this Summer! It sounds like you have had a fantastic Summer though!

  16. These are great goals and I wish you all the best in achieving them. I definitely want to concentrate more on my physical and mental health in the remaining months of the year.

  17. I love this, goals should be set anytime of year whenever one feels they need a refresh.

  18. Thank you for sharing this post Lucy, it is so important to think about your goals at any time of the year- not just January :) I like the idea of assessing how your career is going. A fellow freelancer told me that she re-assesses her work and processes every 3 months to check if she is still happy with everything, and I think that is great advice for your work or personal life :)
