The Benefits Of Doing Guided Meditation Every Day

Meditation is a form of holistic practice that has a lot of misconceptions surrounding it. Some will say it doesn't work, others will say there's no real benefit to it. Those who don't practice guided meditation don't understand how much of a positive impact it can have. For those who are wondering, guided meditation is when the practitioner guides you through the meditation process. Yep, pretty self-explanatory I know. I came across meditation by accident when I got my Fitbit watch two years ago. When scrolling through the free videos on the app, I came across guided meditation videos and thought it might be good to give them a try. Since then, I haven't looked back.

A woman doing guided meditation

I won't lie, I was always somewhat sceptical about meditation. Like so many, I never really thought it would have many benefits or I didn't see the point in it. It's best to go into the practice of guided meditation with no or little misconceptions or perceived notions. Otherwise, you won't see the benefits it can bring you in your daily life. Once I banished those misconceptions from my mind, meditation has well and truly worked for me and helped all aspects of my health. 

If you are new to meditation, then maybe try one video once a week or when you feel you really need it to see if it helps you. If by then you start to feel more relaxed and switched off from doing meditation, try and do more videos during the week. I find the best time for me to do a guided meditation is before going to sleep. I usually find myself drifting off to a more natural sleep if I complete some guided meditation before bed. 

A woman doing guided meditation

However, if you are still wondering if meditation has any benefits, here are some benefits of doing guided meditation:

1) It lowers stress

Meditation is a great form of relaxation and stress reliever. This is because when doing guided meditation, the production of cortisol (the stress hormone) reduces, allowing you to feel less stressed. There's your Science lesson for today!  

2) Improves sleep

We all love a good night's sleep, I know I certainly do! Meditation has the power to help us fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up feeling more refreshed. As I said a little while ago, I like to do some meditation before bed as it allows me to drift off to natural sleep. 

3) Helps to perform daily tasks better

I love to be a proactive and productive person during the day. I like to complete tasks efficiently and effectively. To my surprise, meditation helps with helping me perform tasks better. Whether it be work or exercise, meditation helps me achieve those tasks to the best of my ability!

A woman doing guided meditation

4) It improves attention and focus

Now, sometimes I have the tendency to procrastinate and get easily distracted by devices like the TV or my phone. Meditation lets me focus more on and concentrate on the things that I need to do!

5) It aids the body

I always assumed that meditation helps the mind more than the physical side of your health. Apparently, doing meditation can improve your skin, reverse heart disease (quite sceptical on that one), help with digestion problems and improve your immune system. It's amazing how such a simple practice can bolster so many aspects of your health. 

6) Allows you to experience calm and inner peace

Quite an obvious benefit when you think about it. Meditation is the perfect practice for when you want to experience calmness and inner peace. 

These are the benefits of guided meditation! Let me know if you've ever tried meditation and if it's worked for you.

  1. I have tried guided meditation before (both watching/listening to videos and in person), and I enjoyed them. For me, I liked taking a moment to just relax and not think about the 50 other things I have to do that day. I haven't tried guided meditation before bed, but I can imagine it does help with sleep.

    1. Taking that moment to relax and not think of any problems or worries you may have is so important! Guided meditation definitely helps with getting a better night's sleep x

  2. This was really interesting, I didn't realise guided meditation had so many benefits, thank you for sharing, Lucy! x

    1. It surprisingly does have a lot of benefits Lisa! x

  3. I have never tried meditating but I really do think I could benefit from it. Thank you for sharing this, will try to make time for it.

    Soffy /

    1. I hope you try to make the time to give it a go Soffy!

  4. I try to do some meditation a few times a week, usually I just try to rid my mind of everything and focus on my breathing. I don’t think I’ve ever properly tried guided meditation though so I might give it a whirl soon x

    1. I like to focus on my breathing too Kirsty, there are plenty of guided meditation videos on YouTube to try! x

  5. Lovely post! I've heard great things about meditation but never got round to trying it x

  6. I have tried to get into meditation before but just couldn't switch off! I would love to try it again though!
    Amy x

    1. It may be worth it to give it a try again Amy! x

  7. I need to try this! The benefits definitely sound like things I could do with. X

    1. The benefits and positives definitely outweigh the negatives Claire! x

  8. I won’t lie, I’ve always been sceptical of meditation but it’s defiantly something I’m willing to try the older I get. It sounds like it has really great benefits which I could defiantly do with in my life at the moment. I’m defiantly liking the sound of this so I’m going to look into it now. Thank you so much for sharing with us lovely Xo

    Elle -

    1. I hope you try it Elle, it does have some really good benefits! x

  9. I’ve always wanted to get into meditation especially for its benefits to reduce stress! thank you for sharing these tips!

    jessica |

    1. It definitely helps to reduce stress Jessica!

  10. I enjoy guided meditation. I've found several free ones on YouTube and they always help you unwind, relax, and have the best night's rest!

    1. There are some really good free meditation videos on YouTube!

  11. I've never tried meditation before but the benefits do look amazing. Think I'll have a look on youtube, thanks for sharing.

    Liv |

    1. There are so many good benefits to doing guided meditation, I hope you give it a try Liv!
