10 Summer Self-Care Ideas I'm Adding To My Daily Routine

*There are PR items in this post. See the end of the post for more details.

Days are longer, days are warmer and days are lighter. Heatwaves are being widely talked about on the news. I'm spending more extended periods in Morrison's because of their air con. I'm eating Rocket lollies on the hour, every hour. Underboob sweat is becoming a regular occurrence once again. It's official, Summer is here. I do love Summer, sometimes the heat is a little unbearable and stifling, but it's still a gorgeous season. 

A woman with a bunch of Haute Florist flowers

More than ever, self-care at this time of year is important. However, sometimes it can be a chore to carry out any self-care acts when it's too hot and humid. If you're struggling to carry out your normal self-care routine during the Summer months, maybe it's time to switch things up and adapt your routine to make it apt for Summer. 

I think it's especially important to do self-care in the Summer as your body needs to be taken care of. The heat can have a negative as well as a positive impact on your physical health. For me, Summer has always had a huge, positive impact on my mental health. Summer just makes me happy and being able to get outdoors more is so satisfying and freeing. 

I've been thinking of how I can adapt my routine for Summer and the self-care ideas I can implement into my self-care routine. 

Here are the Summer self-care ideas I'm adding to my daily routine:

1) Going out for a walk

As I said before, going outside more is so refreshing in the Summer. Being able to enjoy the sunshine and giving my skin that much-needed Vitamin D is so nice. When it's not TOO hot, I like to outside for a walk, particularly in the morning when the temperature is at a reasonable centigrade. It doesn't have to be every day, just 2-3 times a week is more than enough.

A woman with a bunch of flowers

2) Eating fresher foods

Eating hot meals in the Summer feels like a gargantuan task. It feels like I'm eating next to a volcano that just erupted. I tend to either eat snacky meals more during Summer. But I like to eat fresh fruit and salads and it makes me feel so much better. It's a good way to get my 5 a day (that doesn't really get talked about much nowadays) and it makes me feel a lot better within myself. 

3) Update my skincare routine

This is something I am doing this Summer. I've never really changed or slightly adjusted my skincare routine for Summer. The only thing I always do every Summer is slathering the SPF on my skin like there's no tomorrow. I would rather keep my skin protected from the rays than go around looking like the Welsh version of Donald Trump. But I'm buying acne products ready in case I break out because of sweating etc. Sorry for the TMI. 

4) Spend days in nature

Whether it's the park or beach, I want to get out to nature more this Summer. I've not visited a beach since before the pandemic in Brighton, so I'm aiming to drive to either Barry for a seaside stroll or Penarth for a walk down the pier. If I don't feel like driving to the beach, the park will be my alternative. There are plenty of local parks to walk through in my local area, as there are for you too. So pack a picnic and have a day of food, laughs and flicking ants off the picnic blanket.   

A woman with a bouquet of flowers

5) Taking advantage of the longer days - but slowly

What I mean by this is try and do more tasks in my day - but at a slower pace. I don't want to be rushing around completing tasks and getting myself all sweaty. I've adapted my to-do list so I only do things that are needing to be done that day. If it's a task that can wait, rather than rushing to get it done, I'll leave it for another day. There's no point looking like a red, sweaty mess just because you've put ironing on your to-do list for Tuesday.

6) Making sure I keep hydrated

Hydration is SO important in the Summer. Your body needs it to keep going. Buy a new reusable water bottle and keep it topped up! I'll be looking online for some ways to jazz up my water. Maybe add a slice of lemon or some sliced strawberries at the bottom of the bottle. A little flavour goes a long way!

7) Adjusting my exercise routine

I still exercise during the Summer for health reasons which you're more than aware of. But when it's 27 degrees, the last thing I want to be doing is sweating my buns off on a treadmill. So I'll be adapting my exercise routine for the Summer by either walking at a slower pace on the treadmill and/or starting my workout earlier when it's a cooler temperature. 

8) Socialise IRL rather than online

I want to get away from my phone for as much of the Summer as possible. I want to start socialising with others IRL than just tweet them on Twitter. It feels easier for me to not automatically reach for my phone in the Summer. I like to enjoy the warmth, brightness and happiness of Summer with loved ones. 

A sunflower

9) Blog outside

Blogging is like a form of self-care for me. Writing my thoughts down on paper or typing them online is very relaxing and therapeutic for me. Rather than couping up indoors with the fan on full blast with the laptop, I want to start taking a notebook outside in my garden and getting thoughts down on paper. 

10) Buy some fresh flowers

I love having fresh flowers in the house. This British Summer Meadow bouquet from Haute Florist is just the perfect bunch of flowers to display in your home this Summer. The sunflowers, orange lilies, purple allium and gypsophila really symbolise what Summer is all about - vibrance and freshness. 

A bunch of flowers

I'd love to know what your self-care routine is like during the Summer - does it change at all? Let me know!

*These flowers from Haute Florist were sent to me as a PR item. All Summer views are my own. Please read my disclaimer for more information. Thank you for your support!

  1. It's a big yes from me to fresh flowers and staying hydrated is a must. Like you, I love being able to work outside in the fresh air! x

    1. There's nothing like working in the fresh air! x

  2. I’m awful with self care so these are useful ideas to know how we can incorporate everyday routines into self care. I love standing in a supermarket at this time of the year too. The frozen aisle especially!

    1. The frozen aisle is the best at this time of year! So cool and I could stay there all day! x

  3. I try to do all of these for my summer routine too! I especially love getting fresh flowers this time of year too! Stayimg hydrated is always a must too! Thanks for sharing this, I hope you're having a great summer so far!


    1. Fresh flowers is just the best at this time of year!
      It's so important to keep yourself hydrated in this heat!
      I hope you're having a great Summer so far too lovely x

  4. Love all of these ideas! Fresh flowers are always a great way to show yourself some love and as well as spending days outside. I haven't been to the seaside in almost 3 years, so it calls for it! x

    1. I hope you get yourself down to the seaside soon Cristina! x

  5. Great list of self-care ideas! I especially love spending more time outdoors and buying fresh flowers. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Spending time outdoors is always a good thing!

  6. Walks are a must for me in the summer! I love getting outside and enjoying the the sunshine while getting a little exercise. This was a lovely list to read! :)

    1. Getting outside to enjoy the sunshine is so nice isn't it?!

  7. Thanks for sharing, these tips, getting outside for a walk is one my favourite things to do, as I can explore and see nature of course when it's not 40 degrees!! I find that getting cut flowers does not work for me they wilt in the heat, but my garden flowers make up for it !!

    Nic | Nic's Adventures

    1. Exploring nature in 40 degree heat is not the best idea Nic, I don't think any of us could do that! I'm glad you have nice garden flowers to make up for not having fresh flowers in your home lovely x

  8. Those flowers are stunning! Also a rocket lolly on the hour every hour seems like good self care to me!

    Corinne x

  9. Fab summery chill out ideas. I'm loving the freshest raspberries from my garden and the peas and courgettes are nearly ready. I feel a quiche coming on. Xx from Smelly Socks and Garden Peas smellysocksandgardenpeas.com

    1. That's so nice that you have all that lovely fresh produce growing in your garden! x

  10. All of these are such great tips! I love getting outside too, it's amazing how it impacts mental health when it's something so simple. Also fruit is just so much better during the Summer xx

    Hannah | https://luxuryblush.co.uk/

    1. Getting outside has such a positive impact on mental health! xx

  11. Thanks for sharing sweetie!

    Danielle | thereluctantblogger.co.uk

  12. I usually like to update my skincare routine as part of my self-care. I love all things skincare. Also being outside and in nature is very relaxing.

    1. It's always good to update your skincare routine as the weather changes Laila!

  13. Eating more fresh food is one of my faves! Nothing better than a summer salad in the garden!

    Kathleen / www.madeinthe1990s.com

    1. Absolutely! You can't beat a fresh Summer salad Kathleen!

  14. My main self-care routine… is sitting in front of a fan all summer so I don’t marinate in my own sweat haha. No but seriously, the main thing I do throughout the summer is try to spend as much time in the garden as possible to help my body absorb some vitamin D and get some colour back on this pasty body! I think it’s important to take advantage of the sun whilst it’s here as it won’t be long before England is back in hibernation again with rotten weather. You’ve shared some great ideas here lovely which I’ll defiantly be doing myself. Xo

    1. Elle - ellegracedeveson.com

    2. I'm all for sitting in front of the fan for the entire Summer too Elle! It's so good to be able to get outside and let your skin soak in the Vitamin D! x

  15. Definiteley never underestimate the Vitamin D fix in the summer it's definitely something I love to keep me sane

    1. Absolutely Alice - never underestimate the power of Vitamin D!

  16. Self care in the summer always sounds so much more enticing to me in the summer than it does in the winter haha, that may be down to fact I love summer way more! Love the idea of blogging outside, I love being outside in the summer so to tackle two birds with one stone is such a good and productive thing! :-)

    Courtney x

    1. I agree Courtney, self-scare seems easier to practice in the Summer than the colder months! Blogging outside is the one lovely! x
