How I Work Through A Creative Block When It Hits Me

*There are PR products in this post. See the end of the post for more details. 

Creative block is real guys. And when it hits you, it can feel like falling down a black hole. Easy to get into, but sometimes a nightmare to get out of. The thing is, no person in this world can be consistently creative and imaginative. No one can consistently think up brilliant ideas every day. Not even my favourite content creators can be so consistent all the time. 

But that feeling of falling into that creative block slump is the worst. Creative blocks can vary in length. Maybe just stepping away from things for a short period to let the creative juices top themselves up is a good idea. But sometimes a complete break from things for days or even weeks could be the best solution for you. 

A woman with a bunch of flowers

I've been hit with a few creative blocks in the last year or so. All have varied in length of time. I've had blocks that have lasted for days. One I had near the end of last year lasted for weeks! That was quite the inconvenience I can tell you! 

One thing I've most certainly learned from having creative blocks in the past is to not force content. Let me tell you, you can sniff forced content when you read plenty of blogs a day. I won't force content unnecessarily just to please others. I would rather my readers (however many I have) read content that has come from a eureka moment I've had while driving rather than panicking that I'll lose readers because I haven't posted anything in a while.

A horrible feeling I have when I fall into a creative slump is thinking if I'll ever get back to my (sort of) creative best. That feeling of the possibility that I will never have a creative idea ever again. That niggly feeling of trying to force my brain into coming up with the slightest idea for content. But there are ways to work through a creative block.

A woman with a bunch of flowers.

So don't panic guys! If you're in a creative slump right now, here are some methods I've tried and tested to cope and manage when a creative block hits me -

1) Just chill the 'f' out

Ok, if being creative is part of your job, then I honestly can't really tell you to chill. But if you're like me and you're blogging as a hobby/side hustle, then chill. It's ok losing your blogging mojo sometimes. Your creative juices will refill in your brain again eventually! It's temporary, it won't last forever.

2) Figure out what inspires me

Sometimes looking at different sources of inspiration can really get the creative juices flowing. Pinterest is a good one, also Instagram and even Twitter can be great sources of inspo. One photo or one quote could be the epiphany moment you need.

3) Don't be so hard on oneself

It's important for me to not be hard on myself. There's no point beating myself about it because it's not going to help. I could blame my mind and brain for not thinking about ideas when they should be. But a creative block is kind of a sign that my mind needs a rest. A sign that maybe my mind needs a self-care day. Sounds weird I know, but true. 

A woman looking at a bunch of flowers

4) Step away

When the creative cogs stop turning, I step away and focus on something else. Something like self-care, work or spending time with loved ones could be what you need. Refocus, recharge and return when the creative cogs restart themselves. I've taken a break from blogging before and it honestly revitalised me and I felt so refreshed when I returned to it.

5) Check what's trending

This sounds like a weird one, but hear me out. For me, when I check what's trending on social media or in different industries eg fashion, skincare, makeup, travel etc, I sometimes get hit with a lightbulb moment and let my imagination run wild with new ideas. This method may not work for some, but it's a method that seems to work for me! 

A woman stood next to a bunch of flowers.

This is how I manage a creative block!

Seriously guys, if you're going through a creative block right now, it's going to be ok. Don't fret, don't panic and certainly don't worry yourself sick over it. It'll pass like the Sun passes by us every day. Just breathe, sit back and let the creative juices refill again. Sorry for the overuse of the phrase 'creative juices'. 

Let me know if you have any tips on how to work through a creative block!

*The flowers in this post are from Haute Florist and were sent to me as a PR product. All creative block views are my own. For more information, please read my disclaimer. Thank you for your support!
  1. Creative block does get a hold of me every now and then, and to be honest stepping away always helps me out. I step away when I need to and focus on other things for a while, until I get my creative juice back (I loved the phrase, I had to use it). This post is brilliant, Lucy!

    1. Stepping away is always the best solution when you get hit with a creative block! It allows the creative juices to refill again!

  2. These are great tips. I definitely agree that sometimes you just need to take a step back and focus on other stuff.

    1. Absolutely Kelly, it's always better to just step back and just focus on other things until the creative block ends x

  3. You’ve shared some really great tips here lovely which I’ll defiantly be putting to good use. There’s nothing worse as a blogger than a writers block, i feel so unmotivated and I’m proper hard on myself when going through one so I’ll defiantly be using your tips to chill out and re-inspire myself again! Thank you so much for sharing with us Xo

    Elle -

    1. Like you Elle, I'm hard on myself when I have writer's/creative block! It's just better to step away and focus on other things when that happens! x

  4. "No one can consistently think up brilliant ideas every day," that's very true. I work in digital marketing and it's REALLY hard work sometimes! Great tips, Lucy, thank you. x

    1. It's true Lisa, you can't be consistently creative, otherwise you run the risk of complete creative burnout! I can imagine it being hard to be creative constantly as that what your job requires! x

  5. Great tips Lucy! Not being so hard on yourself and stepping away have been super helpful. If it’s not flowing, then take a break and it usually comes to you eventually. Thanks for sharing!

    1. It's always best to take a break when it happens and not be so hard on yourself!

  6. Thanks for sharing, I agree taking some time out to gather your self together when your having a creative block does help, I makes me think of more ideas and what to do when I'm ready to come back :)

    Nic | Nic's Adventures

    1. Definitely, I always find taking time out helps me to have new creative innovative ideas!

  7. Great points! For me, I try to rememeber why I began my blog & what I am passionate about. I had a bit of a creative block a few weeks ago, mainly because I was too busy. But I am so glad I decided not to post as like you said, it would have been forced and rushed. Quality over quantity definitely x

    1. Quality over quantity is always the way forward when it comes to blogging Caroline! x

  8. Stepping away is a big one for me. Even if it's just for a short while. I was struggling to do some work yesterday and knew I needed to reset, so I took willow out for a walk, came back and managed to get my post written super quick. Having time out didn't sound like it helps with motivation, but it really does.

    1. Stepping away can be the hugest benefit when it comes to creative blocks, just focusing on other things can really help. That's good that a super quick walk with Willow really helped you get that blog post written Claire! x

  9. I always find that taking a break and not forcing anything helps! If I force myself through a creative block I usually only end up with more of a block! Sitting back and consuming rather than creating content usually inspires me too.
    Amy x

    1. It's the same for me too Amy, I always end up having an even bigger creative block than I already did if I try to force content! x

  10. This was me for the whole of May so I stepped away and I seem to have found some burst of inspiration again? I have so many blog posts I want to get out and I'm writing them again so here's hoping! x

    1. Aww I'm glad you have found your inspiration again Alice! Can't read to read these posts of yours! x

  11. I get bouts of creative block and also the dreaded writer's block where I have the creative ideas but the words fail me. This is a really great post to help out in those moments; and to remind us that we all go through this at some point. Thanks for sharing!

    1. We all definitely go through this at some point, creative blocks can be so annoying!

  12. It can be so annoying when you have a creative block! I often find there are times I am fully of ideas and don't have time to do them all, so I keep a list for when I'm struggling for content. That seems to do the trick for me!

    Corinne x

    1. I like that you keep a list of ideas to use for later Corinne! x

  13. These are some helpful tips to overcome creative block, it can be so frustrating! Thank you for sharing these good suggestions for when you are struggling with inspiration.

    Lauren x

    1. It can be really frustrating can't it Lauren?! x

  14. I loved this Lucy. I have been working on something similar since I also felt like I was going through a creative block and as trying to find a solution I just wrote about it. Thank you for these ideas!
    Eri |

    1. I like that you wrote about going through a creative block yourself Eri, I bet that must have helped!

  15. Creative blocks suck big time, but my theory on them is to just ride the wave! Forcing content, as you said, it's just not going to cut it and people will realise!

    1. That's how we should all handle creative blocks Simona - 'ride the wave'!

  16. Definitely need to come back to this post for future motivation tips x

    1. Make sure you do when you need to Lea! x

  17. I honestly think a big part of me losing my creativeness is being too busy and forcing myself. If you force it, it doesn't work! And i often need to remind myself of that. But with that being said, I know being un-creative long term can really bum you out. So i try and do things that I KNOW will motivate me!

    1. It's always good to do things that you know will motivate you, it can definitely help get that creativity back!

  18. All of these are exactly what works for me! I feel like it's a mix of not being too hard on myself, while also brainstorming and just freely writing things. It may not be quality, but sometimes just by writing, I find something I actually want to write about! Another thing that helps is to read a lot. Sometimes by reading and watching things, it gives you inspiration about an idea you want to write about. Great post xx

    Melina |

    1. Never be too hard on yourself, it's not worth getting worked up over! I like that you keep brainstorming whilst you're in a creative block. Reading and watching something to get ideas is such a good way to beat creative block! xx

  19. I struggle a lot with #3 - I can be way too hard on myself considering everything I've accomplished in my personal/private life. I think it's great to challenge ourselves and push us to new limits. However, you reminded me of how important it is to practice compassion towards ourselves as well. Thank you so much for sharing! x

    1. It's so hard not to be hard on yourself, especially when things don't go your way! I completely agree about challenging ourselves and pushing ourselves to new limits! x

  20. I'm taking a moment to step away and re-focus at the moment and it's easy to see things are starting to flow again, not to mention I've given myself the chance to rebalance my stress levels! It feels like a blow, but I'm not going to berate myself for taking the break I so clearly need. Thank you for this lovely post, it's a great reminder!

    1. I'm glad you're taking a step away to refocus and take time for you!
