Why It's Ok To Lose Your Blogging Mojo Sometimes

Blogger's, I hope you can relate to this - ever feel like you've lost your blogging 'mojo' as it were? That feeling where you stare at a blank screen, absolutely stumped as to what you're going to write next? Struggling to come up with content ideas and just lacking that inspiration that you once had before? Yep, good, I'm glad you can (hopefully) relate.

That is what I have been feeling recently. I've really struggled with blogging, my ideas have been scarce and I've just been feeling like my creativity tank is empty. Perhaps it could be a sign that I need a break. Perhaps I need to sit back, let my creative tank refill itself and just focus on other things. Or I could just battle it head on and try and find those creative juices for myself and not give up. I'm not really sure which is the better, healthier option, but I like the latter best.

Why It's Ok To Lose Your Blogging Mojo Sometimes

Losing my blogging mojo recently hasn't come as a surprise to me, it's been a long time, or, actually, I've never experienced this since I started blogging, that I haven't wanted to write anything and couldn't think of anything to write. I've always said that I will never force content on my blog and I will never post anything which I'm not happy with. I wouldn't want to lose my audience in that way. You can always tell when reading a blogger's content whether it's forced or not. Maybe that's just me, if you're a blogger, let me know if you agree!

What I have come to realise is that I can't be creative all the time. It's not like a switch I can just switch on like a light switch and turn off when I've done enough. I actually think my blogging life would be great if it was as easy as that. Even the greatest creators suffer with creator's block now and again and struggle to find that spark, even the smallest of blogger's like myself can relate to that. 

Losing Your Blogging Mojo

My blogging mojo has been absent quite a bit recently and I have come to the conclusion that it's more than ok to lose your blogging mojo sometimes. It's given me the chance to evaluate when and how long I may need a break from blogging, rather than constantly be on the go. I do think I have a serious case of blogger brain. For example, I recently went to Liverpool and the fact that I wasn't continuously thinking of new photo opportunities when I was out and about rather than just enjoying the moment really resonates how much my blogging mojo had been lost. Saying that though, I did get some banging photos up there, courtesy of one of my closest friends. 

Ok, to sum up, if you feel that you have lost your blogging mojo recently, don't go into a blind panic - it's gonna happen, whether you like it or not. It's like a storm, you just gotta ride it out. It won't last and it'll be here and gone before you know it. Don't fret over it, just let nature take it's course. Before you know it, you'll be back at your creative best and you'll see that losing your blogging mojo, however many times you do lose it, will do wonders for your creativity tank and, most importantly, your wellbeing.

Losing your blogging mojo

I'd love to know your thoughts on this one, have you lost your blogging mojo before or recently? How did you regain it back? Let me know!
  1. It's always okay to lose your motivation or mojo in anything, and there's always a way to get back on the horse when you're good and ready :) thanks for sharing x

    1. Absolutely lovely, there's nothing wrong with losing that bit of motivation in blogging! x

  2. I've never lost it in terms of content creation, I've gone through a few phases where ideas have felt harder to come by but I always manage to find enough inspiration to come up with something I like. But sometimes when i get blog burnout, I lose appetite for the social side of it completely. It takes a real effort to keep up with my comments, something that I usually just slide into my evening somewhere without thinking, and I'll avoid all threads for a week or two. Like I still love running my blog but it's all too much to keep up with sometimes. But it's all fine and normal, we're only human and it takes a lot to run all aspects of one. Needing a little break every now and again is nothing to worry about x


    1. That's good that you managed to come up with inspiration even when you went through those phases Sophie, I think people (especially non-blogger's) don't realise how much effort is needed to maintain and keep a blog up and running, so sometimes a break is needed! x

  3. I do relate to this a little at the moment - I've been trying to do too many things at once! P.S love your new blog theme xx

    1. I'm like you Caroline, I try to do too many things at once to the point of almost reaching burnout. Aww thank you lovely, it was time for a change! xx

  4. Yes, I've definitely lost blogging motivation on a number of occasions. One time was through an epic bout of writer's block (like you, I just couldn't think of anything to write and when I did the words just weren't there). Another time was back in 2020 when I took about 9 months off blogging because of life stuff that was far more important than writing anything, and again this year for a few months (for the same life stuff). At first I was concerned about it but realized that it's okay to not focus on my blog for a while. If the motivation isn't there I wasn't going to force it. Taking a break from it is also perfectly okay and may even reignite the love for it as it can be refreshing to take a step back. Great post -- very encouraging!

    1. It definitely ok to focus on other things in life instead of blogging. Life, family etc are the most important things! Taking a step back is what is needed at times x

  5. Feel this so much at the moment especially as I'm due to go on maternity - will I get too out the loop, who knows! Xx

    1. I hope you don't get too out of the loop Alice! How quick have these last 9/10 months been lovely?! xx

  6. Hi Lucy. I don't think that it is unique to blogging - if you do anything continuously then after a while you'll burn out and become a little jaded. Time for a break! Do something different. Or do nothing at all. Just don't do blogging for a while - the world won't end and your blog will still be there when you return :-)

    1. No I know it's not, it's good to have a break once in a while!

  7. I defiantly go through phases of feeling like I’ve completely lost my mojo! I didn’t realise how common it was. I’m learning that sometimes giving myself a break is what will actually bring back my inspiration and give me a boost again. Loved this post, thanks for sharing lovely Xo

    Elle - ellegracedeveson.com

    1. Yeah it is definitely quite common amongst blogger's! Taking that time away can do you the world of good! x

  8. I can relate to it at some point! I think it's best to have a little break, do something else or do nothing. And then come back when you're ready. Thank you for sharing your part, Lucy xx

    lenne | lennezulkiflly.com

    1. Exactly Lenne, go away from blogging and come back when you're ready! xx

  9. Ruth| Ruthiee loves Glamour24 August 2021 at 02:13

    I just checked out your blog after a long time and the new theme is fabulous! I love it. I have been blogging for 8 months now and in those eight months, I have lost motivation to do anything blog related quite a number of times. I took a blogging break for about two months this year. In all, I have learnt that it's okay to not always be motivated when it comes to blogging. And it's okay to take breaks.

    1. Aww thank you Ruth! I've only just recently installed it as I haven't changed my theme up in a long time and I'm happy that I did! I agree lovely, it's ok to not be motivated all the time in blogging, a well earned break is needed at times!

  10. I love this post!! It's so important to acknowledge losing your blogging mojo and taking that break, otherwise you'll lose the motivation and passion to do it altogether. Also, loving your new blog theme x

    1. Absolutely Della, it's definitely important to take a break sometimes!
      Aww thank you, it was well overdue a change! x

  11. Definitely feeling this at the moment, and I love your point that, "I can't be creative all the time," that's so true. Life gets in the way and that's fine, we need to remember taking a break is sometimes the best thing x

    1. Life does get in the way and it's good to step away from blogging when you need to x

  12. Such an important post! I think so many are worried about loosing it that it almost draws all the fun out of blogging with trying to postpone the inevitable. It's normal and OK to feel the slump and just go with it.

    1. You're right lovely, when you feel the slump from blogging, ride through it and it'll be ok!

  13. It's definitely okay to lose your mojo, if anything I think it can benefit your health and your motivation! It's always nice to come back feeling refreshed. Great post.

    1. Absolutely Anika, it can be beneficial to take a break and refresh!

  14. I've lost my blogging mojo once. I stopped blogging for almost a year! It felt like I was going nowhere with it. So while having that break I read a lot about blogging, I did a lot of research, and rebranded my blog so it felt like mine!

    1. That's good that you rebranded your blog when you took time away Daniela, that's a great way to fall back in love with blogging again!

  15. Love your new theme by the way! I definitely relate to this post, there are times when all I want to do is blog but recently I have been feeling a little burnt out and loosing my mojo a bit, it is starting to come back though! X

    1. Aww thank you Aaliyah, it felt like my blog needed a little change! I'm so glad that you're mojo is coming back lovely! x

  16. I think you're so right! It's like anything, you can't feel motivated to do everything ALL of the time! You've just got to ride it out, like you say. I usually find coming back after a bit of a break to be more beneficial anyway.


    1. Exactly Claire, you can't keep the motivation up 24/7! Breaks are so important and you can benefit from them so much x

  17. I’ve definitely felts this a few times over the years. What I’ve found works best for me is to take a little break, share and work on older posts and then come back to it when I’m abit more inspired :)

    1. I like that you work on older posts when taking a break away from writing new content, I think I need to start doing that!

  18. I can totally relate to this. I have been in a slump before, and I think taking a break is good idea. Once I stepped away for a bit, I was recharged and had lots of post ideas that I was excited to create. Thanks for putting yourself out there and being so honest.

    1. I think giving yourself a recharge in terms of ideas is so beneficial! x

  19. My blogging mojo has been wavering for a while now. I'm so busy with work and my deadlines are piling up but I'm just not able to give it 100%. I have days where I'm completely on it and others when I can't face it.
    I think it's healthy to step back if it's not right!


    1. I think when your busy with work and life in general, blogging can get in the way and you lose that inspiration for it, it's good to step back and re-evaluate! x

  20. I think we all lose our mojo sometimes, but I think a break makes the world of difference. Love the new theme too!

    1. I agree Amie, a break can make the world of difference. Aww thank you lovely, I felt like I needed a change!

  21. I can completely relate to this post. Ever since things have been getting back to normal, I've struggled with my blogging mojo because there are so many other things I want to do too.

    1. I feel you Kelly, I've been struggling with trying to get some blogging done now things are reasonably normal again x

  22. Love this, Lucy! I can totally relate. Sometimes I feel like I lose my blogging mojo and I rethink if my hard work is worth it. I like to take a break then come back to it. I hope you regain your creativity soon! xx

    Lynn | https://www.lynnmumbingmejia.com

    1. I get what you mean Lynn, sometimes I wonder whether the hard work is worth it! xx

  23. I've had periods where I had no motivation to blog & I think it's normal & perfectly okay. I would just take a break, focus on other things & eventually I was ready to get back into blogging.

    1. I think it's so normal to lose that motivation for blogging, especially when you are doing it constantly. It's good to take a break and go back to blogging when you're good and ready!
