My Personal & Productive Morning Routine

Having a morning routine definitely helps me to get motivated and tackle the upcoming day better. A morning routine may not work for some, but it can work well for many others. My morning routine does differ on a daily basis, but only slightly. It depends on if I am at work on that day or not, otherwise, it pretty much remains the same. 

A woman sitting on a bed in a pink jumpsuit.

Back in my college days, my morning routine was very specific and sort of immaculate. I had to carry out my morning routine so precisely that I'm surprised I ever got ready on time at all! I'm not joking guys, I even had to get dressed in a certain order. If I went wrong or got ready differently from what I usually would, I would automatically think my day would go horribly wrong. I think it was a bad superstition to have, but I promise guys, I'm over that now!

Nowadays, getting my morning routine right means making sure I meet my specific needs, whether that be physical or mental wellbeing. Planning your own morning routine doesn't need to be that difficult, it's just creating a routine that works best for you, your time and your needs. 

My morning routine may look completely different to that of yours. After all, I have Cystic Fibrosis, I have personal and physical needs which are a lot more different to yours. My morning routine which I'm going to describe to you now is one based on if I am not at work that day and is also on a weekday. My weekend morning routine runs a couple of hours behind cause I have a long lie-in! 

A woman sat on a bed holding a cup of tea.

So here you are, my personal and productive morning routine:

7:30am - Time To Wake Up 

This is the time I tend to wake up in the morning. I wake up like a sloth, I sloth my way to the window to open my bedroom curtains and sloth my way to the bathroom to put my lenses in. I also take a puff of my inhaler and spritz my nasal spray up my nose. I try not to grab my phone first thing as otherwise, I'd end up staying in bed a hell of a lot longer than I should! Social media can wait until my eyes have woken up and I don't feel so sleepy!

7:45am - Let's Do Some Skincare

I absolutely love my skincare routine. I will ALWAYS make time for this in the morning, this part of my morning routine that is non-negotiable. I find it very satisfying knowing I am in charge of waking up my skin and preparing it for the day ahead. My skincare routine is quite simple - cleanse, moisturise, serumise (is that a word?) and spritz. I also apply my hand and foot cream and use a glow spray to give my skin a nice glow for the day ahead. I like to take my time with it so my skin feels nourished for the next 12 hours or so. 

8:00am - Did Someone Say Morning Medications?

You read that right, don't worry. As I said a couple of paragraphs back, I have CF, which means my morning comprises of taking some medications to start the day. After my inhaler and nasal spray, I inject some insulin and start my first nebuliser of the day. This tends to take about 10-15 minutes. After this, I take my Mam to work and drive back and eat my most important meal of the day...

8:30am - How Do You Like Your Eggs In The Morning?

Breakfast is ultimately and scientifically proven to be the most important meal of the day. I tend to have something quick and easy for breakfast - cereal. A bowl of Shreddies will do me. I'm one of those odd people who can't eat their cereal cold...sorry guys, I warm the milk prior to pouring the cereal into the bowl. I can feel the weird looks piercing through my laptop screen. But anyway, as I'm a diabetic, it's vital for me to eat in the morning to make sure my blood glucose levels don't drop below a dangerous level. 

A woman sitting on a bed drinking a cup of tea.

8:45am - More Medication?!

Yep, more meds. Unfortunately. It doesn't stop there for me. I now inhale another nebuliser and do my physiotherapy to help my lungs clear the gunk that may have been sitting there from when I've been asleep. It's then time for one of my favourite aspects of my morning routine...

9:00am - Let's Squeeze In Some Exercise

I love exercising. My current exercise routine really works for me and I love it. Some days I don't feel like working out, but I never regret it when I do. Exercising helps to wake my body up. It gives my legs a good stretch and gets my heart rate up. Exercising doesn't just mean running a marathon before breakfast, it can be something as simple as pilates/yoga or even meditating. Exercise boosts serotonin levels, so it's definitely worth it. I try and exercise for at least 45-60 minutes a day. Exercise is a vital part of my morning routine. It's not only good for my physical wellbeing but my emotional wellbeing too!

A woman sat on a bed in a pink loungewear jumpsuit.

10:00am - Tackling My To-Do List

Now, this is where I really get stuck into my day. I usually write my to-do list the night before so I'm not faffing around trying to figure out what I need to do that morning. My to-do list consists of trying to balance the four aspects of my life - my CF life, my working life, my blogging life and my general life admin. The first hour is crucial to me. It means technology is put on silent, TV is switched off, Alexa plays my favourite songs and I crack on with things!

I'd love to know if you have a morning routine yourself and how you tackle your day! 
  1. Skincare always follows my wake up, these tips are amazing!

    1. I love doing my skincare first thing in the morning!

  2. My morning routine is very similar to yours - minus the medication! I get up around 7:30, particularly now that my boyfriend has a new job so that's our new alarm. I always eat first - can't function until I do. Then exercise, shower, skincare and ready to get started on the day!

    1. I agree lovely, you cannot function properly without food in you first!

  3. It sounds like you've got a great routine in place that allows you to be productive but still do some things for yourself.

    1. I like that I've made sure that my routine is both productive and beneficial to me Kelly!

  4. My morning routine used to look a lot like this too! Although, I've gotten really lack with mine latently so you've inspired me to get back into action. You can't beat a skincare routine - I always find it really relaxing

    1. I'm glad I've inspired you to get back into your morning routine Katie! I find my skincare incredibly relaxing too!

  5. Do you have one of those jacket thingies that do the chest massage/PT for you? (Oh that's so vague! Hopefully it makes sense!). We attempt to have a sort of routine but it usually falls to pieces if Rex won't settle or does settle and sleeps for longer lol.

    1. No I know what you mean babe! No I don't, I've never tried one of them before! Haha babies/children can mess up the routine sometimes! x

  6. Loved reading your morning routine! I might try the skincare first thing and getting into a routine of putting on my foot moisturiser as they’re so dry atm! Then eating breakfast would save rushing about so much I think xx

    1. Foot cream has become an essential part of my skincare routine as my feet can get terribly dry! xx

  7. omg i love this morning routine! just perfect!!

  8. I do love a bit of meditation and/or exercise in the morning, it really helps my body to wake up and be ready for the upcoming day! x

  9. Love this! I really wish I was a morning person, but couldn't be further from it x

    1. To be honest Lea, I never used to be a morning person, in my early twenties I was terrible with the early mornings! Nowadays I don't mind getting up early so much now! x

  10. i love reading about people's morning routines - it's like an inside look to their lives and quite motivating as i am not a morning person. i'm trying to force myself to wake up earlier because when i do, i'm always far more productive.

    1. I'm always far more productive when I wake up early too!

  11. I'm absolutely loving your blog posts - this one specifically was amazing. Loved reading about your morning routine xxx

  12. Other people's morning routine is something that always fascinates me. My body clock seems to be early these days - much earlier than it used to be so I'm up earlier and getting things done which feels amazing! I love logging on at 7:30 and getting my brain in gear for a big day!

    1. I like reading about other people's morning routine too Rosie! I like that you log on and begin your day at 7:30!

  13. I'd love to have a rigid routine, but I work shifts so it's hard to, however I always start with breakfast and a coffee first to wake me up, whatever time I'm getting up!
    Amy x

    1. I can understand that being able to establish a routine when you work shifts is hard, I'm glad that you always start your day with breakfast and a coffee Amy! x

  14. What a great morning routine. I really need to get my act together and be more productive in the mornings!

  15. I used to really hate mornings but since my little one started school, a good morning routine is a must!

    Gemma Louise

    1. I'm glad you have a good morning routine Gemma!

  16. Your routine sounds great! I'm trying to prioritize skincare and it is a great idea to include it in the morning routine.

    1. I'm happy to hear that you're prioritising skincare in your morning routine, it's the best time to do it! xx

  17. I don't really have much of a morning routine at the moment. With two kids I just sort of take what comes at the moment. Haha. I love yours though! And I'm actually SO with you on the warm milk in your cereal thing! I do like cold, but having it warm tastes so much better. Perfect for this time of year too!

    1. OMG I'm so glad that I have found somebody else who loves warm milk on their cereal like I do! x

  18. Hi Lucy,

    7:30am start?! That's a lie-in! :-)

    I was going to say that I don't have a set routine. But then I thought that most days I typically do the same things, in the same order, just out of habit. So, that IS a routine, isn't it?

    Always interesting to read what others do in the morning.

    6:15 Alarm goes off. Head for the bathroom.
    6:30 Downstairs to let the dog out and then give him his breakfast
    6:45 Have our breakfast and watch some breakfast TV to see what is going on in the world
    7:15 Dog play / training
    7:45 Check emails and other online stuff
    8:00 Get ready for work
    8:15 Travel
    8:30 Work

    1. You have a very set morning routine, I like how organised you are!

  19. I do to have my morning skincare rountine very vital for me before I leave my house. I personally wake up around 4:30am-5am. Before I leave my house at 6:30.

    I enjoy reading your post!


  20. Finding time for exercise is so important in my routine!

    1. And for me, a good workout at the start of the day can set me up proper for the day ahead!

  21. I love to have a productive morning, it really sets me up for my whole day!

    Danielle |

  22. It's grew to read that you have a routine that works for you and that you've been able to remind your readers that having a routine, no matter how you do it/of it's different from others; it's worth having one. I have a sort of routine in place but I need to work on it a bit. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Having a routine definitely helps me, but I know for some it can't be that way, especially those who are mothers! I hope you get to work more on your routine Molly x

  23. I'm so nosey, I love reading about people's routines and how others set up for the day especially as ours is all over the place at the moment with juggling the children and ourselves xx

    1. Like you, I'm nosey about things like this too Alice! I can imagine how incredibly busy your life is with juggling children and yourselves also lovely xx

  24. This sounds like a lush morning routine! Mines very much wake up and drag myself around getting ready to leave for work in the hour slot I have haha!

    Courtney x

    1. Haha waking up and dragging myself around is my exact routine on the weekends Courtney! x

  25. I really need to get back into the swing of taking care of my skin! Lately my morning routine has gone a bit skewed so I definitely need to start afresh and find a new one. Thank you for reminding me :) x

    1. I hope you get the chance and time to start your morning routine again Caroline! x

  26. It was interesting reading your morning routine & seeing how it is different from mine. During the week I have to take my daughter to school then I have classes Monday-Wednesday morning, so I am quite busy, but on the weekends I have a lie-in

    1. It's nice that you let yourself have a lie in on weekends!

  27. I definitely need to develop my skincare routine. I've asked for a few bits for xmas to get me started, at the minute the pregnancy hormones are making my skin horrendous so I'm hoping once bub is here I'll be able to get back to some normality

    1. I hope you begin your skincare again once you've had your baby Alice!

  28. It seems like you have an amazing morning routine Lucy! I am honestly so bad at it, the only constant is applying my skincare. Sleep is a bit all over the place as well as the rest and I am very bad at having breakfast unless I am off, hopefully will change soon x

    1. I hope you manage to fit your skincare routine in again soon Cristina! x

  29. Ooh your loungewear looks so cosy, Lucy :) Also so impressed that you exercise in the morning haha, I can never drag myself to the gym until the evening! x

    1. It's so cosy Gabrielle, I love it! I think that's the best time for me to exercise as I won't have to think about doing it during the day then! x

  30. It's amazing to see you've got such a structured routine - I wish! I'm someone who plans and schedules all moments of their life, but I can't do mornings haha! I'm impressed with all your items and the time spaced out between them, definitely something for me to work towwards.

  31. This is beautiful in so many ways, a productive and thoughtful morning routine helps you get so set up for the day. Great post. x

  32. I love doing my skincare of a morning too, I find it relaxing. It's an enjoyable part of my morning routine.

    Amy x
    The July Rose
