Why I'm Focusing On My Blog In 2020

This happened a little while ago, but I won my first blogging award! A day at the Dead Canary in Cardiff led me to come away with the 'Best Health Blog Post' at the House 21 Awards way in December (I say way back as it feels like centuries since December was here)

An award I never expected to win. Sitting amongst so many incredible bloggers and creators, I never thought I'd be walking up picking up my award and goody bag. To win something because somebody loved my writing makes the whole blogging thing truly worth it. That is the whole reason I started blogging. Not just to win goody bags filled with Charles Worthington Volume Spray (which has performed magical powers on my hair) and Clinique vouchers. Although they are perks. 

I started blogging to write, to fulfil my passion, and to show the world what I can potentially do in terms of writing and creating content.

That's why I have made a little pinky promise to myself to focus on my blog more in 2020 than I did last year. Don't get me wrong, I was still churning content week in, and week out, but I subconsciously think I focused a little more on Instagram and creating my banging content for the app rather than my blog. For that, I apologise to my blog, I should have never put all of my complete attention into Instagram. With all the (dare I say it) algorithms, theories of trying to beat it, hashtags, post timings and engaging all of the time, I've gotten to a point where I think there's absolutely no point in concentrating my attention on the photo-sharing app. My blog is more important to me. Even though Instagram does allow me to stare at photos of the meal I'm eating, my writing and blog do need to come first.

At the end of the day, in the blogosphere, you win awards for writing, not for what you share on Instagram. Instagram does play an important part in the world of blogging, as does Twitter, Facebook (sometimes) and Pinterest, but the writing is the vital part. Remember why you started blogging? It wasn't to be Insta famous was it? It was purely to write your thoughts online. Simple as.

That's why this award meant the world to me. I won it, like all the other bloggers who also won awards that day because somebody enjoyed what I wrote. That thought alone fills my heart with joy. I won't ever put Instagram first again. I'll just post on there as and when I want to.

Where's my award right now I hear you ask? It's taking pride of place in my bedroom, precisely on my chest of drawers. It's kind of motivational to have a blogging award in your house, no matter how big or small. It has made me want to work harder on my writing, my blog and my content. I want to keep the small group of readers I do have, so I need to work my backside off!

So let's raise a glass (or mug of tea) to my blog Lucy Mary, let's conquer 2020 together!

  1. Wow, massive congrats on your blogging award! Well deserved, of course! I'm looking forward to seeing what 2020 brings for your blogging!

  2. Congrats on your award :) I'm to focusing on my blog to, mending broken links and updating old posts :)

    Nic | Nic's Adventures & Bakes

    1. I'm aiming to update old posts now Nic, it's a job that's well overdue for me!

  3. Congratulations on this!! Glad to hear you are concentrating on your blog. In fact I just did an indepth post on this very subject how so many bloggers are giving up and just using IG. But they don't own their content. And IG is so saturated with everyone looking the same and doing the same thing and not everyone has a blog but everyone has a phone and everyone has IG. So it super hard to stand out.

    Allie of

    1. Thank you Allie! I will definitely be giving that post of yours a read, it sounds like my cup of tea! I completely agree with you, my Insta feed looks very samey right now and that's why I prefer reading blogs right now to scrolling endlessly through Insta looking at the same photos x

  4. omg, congrats on your award! That's something you should take huge pride in. I completely agree, in 2018, I really concentrated on Instagram, and came to the same realization that you did. There's really no winning when it comes to Instagram, but there's always a lot you can do in terms of your blog! Can't wait to see what you come up with in 2020! Followed you :) xxx

    Melina | www.melinaelisa.com

    1. Thank you Melina! You're right, you can't win with Instagram but you can develop with your blog! xxx

  5. I think it's great that your award made you think this way! I once saw quite a big YouTuber answer the question 'if you had to get rid of all of your other platforms and only keep one, which would it be?' and she said she'd keep her blog because at the end of the day it's the only platform you own and have complete control over and that stuck with me so much! With all the changes to social platforms etc, that comment really made me think! x


    1. I'm so happy that I have this new mindset with my blog now Sophie! That Youtuber is right, I never thought of it that way! x

  6. Congratulations on your blogging award! You should be so incredibly proud.

    I promised myself I'd focus on my blog more this year and I'm certainly so proud of my content so far as well. I've even started drafting a post about why I want to focus more on my blog this year and step away from Instagram somewhat - it's just a complicated subject that I'm finding difficult to finish.

    Wishing you a fantastic 2020!

    Kate | thelittlecrunch.co.uk

    1. Thank you Kate! That's so great to hear that you're proud of your content, I will take a look a little bit later! I hope you get that draft post of yours finished!

  7. Congratulations on the blogging award - that is so awesome! I can definitely see how winning that could help you prioritize your blog again. It can be so easy to get distracted with other things. Focusing on my blog this year is working its way up my priority list as well ♥

    1. Thank you McKenzie! You're right, you can get easily distracted by lots of things, that's why I intend to make my blog my number one priority! x

  8. Congratulations on winning, that's such an achievement! I've started focusing on my blog too, and I'm loving getting back into it properly xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush

    1. Thank you Hannah! I'm loving focusing on my blog right now! xx

  9. Massive congratulations!! This is so well deserved!

    Here’s to an amazing 2020 for you and your blog x

  10. congratulations on the award! i literally have gotten rid of all my other platforms and kept my blog. lol! p/s: your outfit is mad cute.

    1. Thank you! Good on you for keeping your blog!

  11. Oh wow congrats on your award, you must be thrilled! I'm focusing on just my blog this year, I'm so done with social media xo

    Makeup Muddle

    1. Thank you very much! I'm glad you're taking the same attitude in terms of your blog as I am! x

  12. A massive congratulations on your blogging award lovely!
    Amber | www.amberatlanta.blogspot.co.uk

  13. Ah this is amazing, congratulations on your award! Such great recognition and well deserved! xx


  14. Congratulations on your award!!! Instagram is a real time suck - I don't understand it myself.

    1. Thank you! Instagram is a puzzle to us all!

  15. Congratulations on your award - very well deserved!


  16. Huge congratulations on your award - you deserve it and I love your blog! Can't wait to read more from you over the year 😊 x
