Have I Ditched My Habits From The Start Of 2019?!

I made some goals (not resolutions) at the start of 2019 to kick out some habits which kind of took over my life and affected my wellbeing. I even wrote a post about it so I knew that there was no denying what I had set myself to do!

What I've learnt over these last twelve months is that breaking a habit is easier said than done. It's like trying to stop your nail biting habit, or for others, maybe smoking or drinking. The theory is that you can break a habit in a matter of 21 days. Nah, that's a load of crap! Saying that, we're all different, it may take that 21 day period to break a habit for some. However, I can safely say that I'm not a part of that group. The habits I had listed that I wanted to stop took a longer period of time to break.

Have I Ditched My Habits From The Start Of 2019?!

To be honest, I didn't really want to rush the process. From my personal perspective, I think that if you REALLY want to stop doing something altogether, it takes time and if it takes 21 days or 21 weeks, then let that be the case. I'd rather take longer to break the habit cycle than rush the process only for me to go back to my old ways later on.

Ok, enough jibber jabber, let's take a look at what habits I wanted to kick out of my life and whether I succeeded or not:

Have I Ditched My Habits From The Start Of 2019?!

Did I kick out the habit? - Most definitely!

I'm pleased to say that this one I achieved! I'm not constantly reaching for my phone anymore to see if my latest post has a few more likes on Instagram or if I need to reply to any tweets on Twitter. It's done me the world of good and also given my life a sense of being well-balanced. My writing, I feel, has improved considerably as I'm thinking of new ideas and concepts, which has a great influence on my blogging. Away from blogging, I've grown to appreciate my surroundings from staying away from my phone. Plus my thumb gets a rest from the scrolling. My right thumb is happy.

Have I Ditched My Habits From The Start Of 2019?!
Did I kick out the habit? - Hmm, debatable.

Overthinking is one of the difficult habits to break. As I suffer from paranoia (can you suffer from that?) which stems from me being bullied in school , it's hard to stop feeling suspicious about things and also I'm one hell of a worrier, I worry about not worrying about something. I would say with this habit in particular I am not as fretting as I used to be, but it still needs a lot of work going into 2020.

Have I Ditched My Habits From The Start Of 2019?!
Did I kick out the habit? - Almost, but not quite!

This one I really wanted to stop, purely because this habit in particular has led to a little sadness in my life. Getting my hopes up too much has been a little bug bear in my life which I've never been able to shake off. I've really tried to get out of this habit, purely for my own wellbeing. I'm happy to say that this habit I did kind of stop! Just a teeny bit more work then I should be ok!

Have I Ditched My Habits From The Start Of 2019?!
Did I kick out the habit? - Hmm, fail.

Yep, I think I was born a procrastinator and I think it will also stay that way. I wouldn't say I'm a completely lazy bitch, just a little lax in getting things done. I'm usually one of those people who puts off cleaning their car cause it's too cold or thinking that I need to get through those bag of Dorito's first before ringing the GP surgery. Yep, this habit will never change and I'm kind of ok with that.

Have I Ditched My Habits From The Start Of 2019?!
Did I kick out the habit? - Could I really?

I really do believe that is a natural instinct in us all. Comparing yourself to her/him is a compulsion which will never leave some of us. I have learnt to love the uniqueness and personality I bring to this world as I know nobody else could really be me but only me. I think the one constant comparison I do make on a daily basis is wishing I could be as healthy as my everybody in my social circle. I'm writing this feeling like dog shit, my chest is playing up something terrible and I've had to fully accept the fact that I shall be ill this Christmas. Not good at all.

So what habits do I plan on giving up this year? Hmm, I struggled giving up some of these in 2019 let alone think of some more to give up on in 2020!

  1. It's tough breaking habits, even ones that we know aren't doing us any good, so I think you've done a great job cracking as many as you did!

    1. It is a hard job breaking habits! It's been tough but I'm glad that I've broken a few habits now x

  2. Aw this is great! And they're all habits that I have too, so I know how difficult it can be to try and stop them! Some things are just programmed into us to do as instinct, so it's good that you managed to make a few changes at least, especially with stopping scrolling through social media - that's hard! x

    1. You're right Hannah, some habits become a natural instinct in us, it's small changes but they've made a big difference! x

  3. I think these were some good habits to try and break and it’s great to see how you have progressed. I would not be able to break some of these habits my self and think that with these it is best to try and control them and not break them.

    Abigail | abigailtalksabout@gmail.com

    1. Some I have gained control over more than breaking them, sometimes it's better to break habits that way x

  4. Great post! The nail biting thing... I pick my nails and have done so for like 20 years. It's a seriously bad habit that I'm seriously trying to stop this year because my nails are literally disgusting! Overthinking is so easy to do - I'm working on that too. I definitely need to work on the endless scrolling too! x


    1. Nail biting was a huge habit for me growing up, I'm not too bad with it now, I only bite when I'm really bored! Overthinking is a natural thing for us all to do, it's about not letting it escalate too far! x

  5. We sound so similar here! I made a goal a few months ago to have less (phone) screen time and did well with that. I feel like stopping the comparisons has been a goal forever and something I go through phases of being good and bad with. As for procrastination? Yeah...that's me x


    1. I think the comparison thing is something we will always do, it's quite hard to stop that one! Oh I'm a terrible procrastinator, I don't think that will ever change! x

  6. This is such a great article — I definitely can relate to the putting tasks off part!

  7. I'm definitely stopping putting tasks off, I want to take my dreams into my own hands!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  8. I've definitely cut down on my scrolling too! Well done on the habits you managed to kick xx


    1. I think I knew that habit was the most doable in terms of getting rid of Gemma, I'm so happy that I managed to achieve it! xx

  9. Sorry to hear you've been poorly over Christmas. Hope you're feeling better now! I also need to cut down on my scrolling and overthinking. For the scrolling side of it I've started with bedtime, as soon as I go up to bed the phone is put down until the next morning. If I can manage that long enough I'll work on doing it more frequently throughout the day. As for the overthinking that's going to be the most difficult!

    1. Thank you Amy, I'm feeling much better now! That's a great start lovely, I usually have my time away from social media when I'm in work or when my phone is on charge. Overthinking is an incredibly difficult habit to break as it's such a natural instinct in us all I think!
