Fat Shaming - Why's It Still A Thing In 2019?

Good Lord, the amount of tweets or comments on Insta pictures fat shaming people or making lewd suggestions at their weight and body size is beyond preposterous.

Why is this still a thing in 2019? Is it down to jealousy? Nastiness? Or just dumbfoundedly thinking that it’s still ok to do so in this day and age?

I posted these pictures of me in my bra a few weeks ago, something that this time a year or even two years ago, I wouldn’t have the guts to do. There’s always that small voice of doubt that people may think I’m attention seeking or I’m setting myself up for every snide remark there is to be thought of and said.

Nervously, I tapped the post button on Insta and prayed that I wouldn’t have to deal with any bitchy or horrid comments. I’m happy to say that I was very fortunate and all I received were compliments. However, I know not everyone has the same experience. Some of the nasty comments I’ve seen on other people’s posts makes me incredibly sad and a little angry also.

Why the hell are we worrying about posting pictures of ourselves in our underwear or bikinis? It’s not that we’re objectifying ourselves, it’s showing that we’re body confident and are not afraid to hide our flaws and imperfections behind closed doors. Well, I obviously don’t go out in town in just your Boux Avenue floral bra set, but you know what I mean. It’s a little chilly to do that sort of thing these days.

Fat shaming can have harmful effects on our mental wellbeing as well as our physical wellbeing. I cannot see the reasoning behind shaming people into losing weight. Has it not occurred to others that they may be overweight due to a health condition? Or their overweight as a side effect from medication they're taking? Nope, some people are just bastards and are completely clueless and ignorant to all of that. They just automatically see someone who they feel needs to lose weight, it's wrong on so many levels.

To me, fat shaming does not motivate people to lose weight, it's mainly making them feel terrible about themselves, a reduction in confidence and self esteem is not the way to go about this. How about trying to keep your mouth shut? Hmm, that may the best idea.

In a way, fat shaming is weight discrimination. Not only that, it is a form of bullying, something I have had experience of in the past. Growing up, I had numerous health issues (shock horror). I ended up having to take cortisone steroids which ultimately led me to pile on the weight, steroids made me crave everything that was in the freezer, including the ice. I had people in my year group in comp make comments, say hurtful things and just simply make the point that I had a huge weight increase in the space of a few months. How rude of those people eh?! But do you know what, they thought they were hurting me and only gained a maximum of a few seconds of enjoyment, little did they realise that it would cause me years of hurt.

I feel good about myself now, I've tried my utmost best to embrace my hamster cheeks, my constant bloated belly and visible stretchmarks. It's a work in progress, but something I am going to keep striving for.

What are your thoughts on fat shaming? Let me know your thoughts!
  1. I really cannot bare anyone talking about anyone else's bodies and shaming them in any way, I think it's disgusting. Love that you have shared this post lovely, I'm sending you all of my love! 💜

    With love, Alisha Valerie x | www.alishavalerie.com

    1. It really is disgusting Alisha, it's just so wrong on so many levels. Thank you lovely xx

  2. You look gorgeous! well ..I am fat . I am a size 22. Have been fat half my life really and all started (me putting on weight) because I started being bullied at school at the age of 11/12. I was bullied for things that , to this date, I do not understand why? That constant bullying make me put on weight because the only comfort or shall I say the only way I dealt with it ( i was getting support from NO ONE) was to eat . And this is how I start, what we call those day, an eating disorder. I was binging and throwing up . (30 years later I still live with an eating disorder I am bulimic but I also suffered not so long ago of anorexic and spent a month in hospital for it). And then I started putting on weight and the more I was putting on weight the more I was being bullied the more I was bullied the more I ate. Eating was my only comfort. I was on my own. My parents did not understand a thing and teachers that saw I was bullied a lot did not even help me.
    anyway ...fat shaming wont help people losing weight at all. I learned it the hard way. Even so I am on diet at the minute I sometimes get fat shaming even so I am actually losing weight so its like I can never win. I am to start to go to the gym soon and even so I am excited about it I already know people are going to 'look at me' there and probably laugh about me. Even when you are fat and are trying to do something about it like : sport. losing weight etc. you get fat shaming too. Its just sick and me too it make me so angry sometimes. I might be fat but people look at me and think all I do its sat on the sofa and eat junk. Well the last time I ate junk food was like years ago,I dont even eat take away (like never!!) or go to fast food etc. I even grow my own veg and cook all from fresh but yet again i will still be fat shaming by people seeing me walking up the street while they are eating a burger and fries at McDonald.(because this happened to me once) . Ironic really !


  3. Fat shaming is the absolute worst! I've been bullied and laughed at about my weight when I was younger. I even had a girl ask me if I had two stomachs once when I was in elementary school. This has made me become a very insecure adult today. I'm slowly doing little things to step out of my comfort zone, but it can be hard to pretend that I don't worry about what people are thinking. Hopefully one day fat shaming will be a thing of the past. Great post and you look amazing!

    Deandra| Theblackprincessdiaries

    1. That's awful Deandra! That girl who said that to you sounds like a nasty piece of work! People just don't understand the repercussions of their words and actions. Well don you that you are starting to do things out of your comfort zone, that will hopefully help your confidence and self esteem massively!

  4. You look wonderful in the picture, I’m glad your response was positive.

    Fat shaming is just disgusting and completely is bullying!

    Great post x

    1. Thank you lovely! It is disgusting, it's so sad that it's still happening! x

  5. I love this! All bodies are beautiful, no matter what size. Some people are just mean and should just keep their (wrong) comments to themselves! I think it's wonderful that you're accepting your body and showing it off and OWNING it! There is no such thing as the perfect body and people think otherwise, they're wrong. As for fat shaming, it shouldn't be a thing. Nor should skinny shaming or any other type of shaming. You're right, it's bullying and it's wrong. Judge me for my character, not my body!

    Brilliant post, I loved it!!

    Emily | https://www.thatweirdgirllife.com

    1. Thank you Emily! I'm glad you loved this post! I wish people could learn to keep their mean comments to themselves, but unfortunately they just can't help themselves. You're absolutely right, there isn't such a thing as the perfect body, people who think otherwise are wrong. Skinny shaming is another thing that should not exist! x

  6. You look absolutely stunning Lucy! I really love your work in progress comment because I think it's really easy to overlook where someone maybe. I really hate the fat/skinny shaming culture, I just think surely people have better things to do than worry about other people's weight x

    Kayleigh Zara 🥂✨ www.kayleighzaraa.com

    1. Ah babe thank you! The fat/skinny shaming culture is just wrong, it still shouldn't be happening today, but unfortunately there is still a small minority who still think it's ok to make hurtful comments x

  7. Firstly you look incred! Secondly the whole body shaming thing is horrendous and I'm saddened to see it happen, it's so confusing as to why people concern themselves with what others look like! If they spent more time focused on themselves the world would generally be a better place xx

    Han // www.behindthefalselashes.com

    1. Thank you Hannah! You're absolutely right, people need to stay focused on themselves rather than be nasty to others xx

  8. No one should be ashamed or made fun of for their size. Body shaming is absolutely despicable and I cannot believe it still happens. You look beautiful and don't let anyone think otherwise!

    Ellyn x | Life Of A Beauty Nerd

    1. It's so sad that it still happens Ellyn, thank you for the kind words! x

  9. You realize back in the 40s you would have been 'the cat's meow'? Women were to be curvaceous and soft in all the right sort of ways. Good for you in striking back -- in the healthiest way -- to say that I'm fine with all of my features. Shaming of any sort is a simple attempt to control. You look happy and healthy . . . what more is there in life?

    1. Wow, I've never heard of that phrase before! You're right, shaming is an attempt to control and it's awful to think that people think it's ok to do that

  10. I admire you so much, Lucy! The fact that you've discovered confidence enough to show how stunning you are inside and out! I was bullied at school for many reasons from the age of 6 until my early 20s, mostly for my name and how I looked. I've put on weight in recent years because of my meds and losing mum so I get you! We've got this! xx

    1. Aww Daisy! That's made my day, thank you! I'm so sorry to hear you were bullied for such a long time in school and beyond that Daisy, I've never known anybody be bullied for their name, that's so awful. We got this girl! xx

  11. You look absolutely gorgeous. You are so right though, those words that people use in hate stay with us forever.
    I wrote a post about the impact these comments had on me over on https://luvandlifestyle.com last month.

    1. Thank you so much! I'll definitely give that a read lovely x

  12. I thought for a second you were going to say that you got negative comments on that photo and I was so ready to kick off 😂.Fat shaming is awful, no one should have the right to comment on someone's size, big or small. And I really don't think people are aware of the lasting impact their words can have sometimes. Others are just mean...x


    1. Haha thank you Sophie! You're right, people just don't comprehend the results of their actions, they really don't understand how hurtful words can be x

  13. Fat shaming is so awful and it is sad that it is still going on — I hope people learn that health and beauty is not a size and to keep their opinions to themselves! Thanks for this post — really great read!

  14. I've been shamed so many times and it is horrible. I hope that in 2020 things start to change!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

    1. I wish I'd known who shamed you cause I would have kicked off at them big time! I hope things change in 2020 too Amie xx
