Taking Time For Yourself: Ways To Relax

It's #NationalRelaxationDay - a day to just take time for ourselves (when and where possible) and just chill. However, some of us (myself included) do struggle to put down our tools to just simply relax. This is something I would definitely like to improve on, but I am somebody who does like to be up and about getting through my to-do list.

As someone who has a lung problem, I do need to make more of an effort to just sit down and give my lungs a break. I make that sound like a bad thing, like I'm saying that relaxing is the worst thing to do on this Earth. Believe me, there's nothing I love more than lying down on the sofa watching This Morning with a cuppa in my hand.

Taking Time For Yourself: Ways To Relax

However, I have this weird notion in my head that if I admit to myself that I need to relax, it's like admitting defeat. It's like I'm saying to my lungs "Ok, you win, I'll park my backside on the settee for an hour until you're ready to calm down!". I've always said in the past that I won't let CF beat me, so I hate conceding to my lungs and allowing them to breathe. Well yeah, they need oxygen, otherwise I wouldn't be here, but you know what I mean. I never want to reach the point of being physically burnt out, but I won't lie when I say that I have almost reached that point a few times before.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Relaxation is needed for us everyday in order for us to keep functioning and to carry out our daily routine. In a way, relaxation is a way revitalise and re-motivate ourselves to do our next task. I have a few ways which I practice to help me unwind when I need to, they are:

Taking Time For Yourself: Ways To Relax

This is a recent discovery in the last few months for me. There are so many meditation videos on YouTube, you definitely won't be stuck to find one. Having that time to meditate, that quiet time to gather your thoughts and just slip into a world of calmness really can help. It really refreshes your mind and it can help you feel calm for the rest of the day.
Immersing yourself in a good book is a feeling like no other. It really is like a form of escapism, it's a great way to focus your attention and really absorb into a fictional story, even if it's Fifty Shades of Grey, it's good to absorb into the life of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele. Oh, is that just me? Ok then...
I can't go more than 1/2 days without putting my headphones in and just unwinding to my favourite songs. I wouldn't say I have a chilled Spotify playlist, I'll listen to anything that is kind relaxing and not too loud. Ed Sheeran is always a go to on my playlist when I need to chill out.

Taking Time For Yourself: Ways To Relax
Dropping that Lush bath bomb into the tub and stepping into a rainbow is, well, vibrant. Even if you haven't got a bath bomb at hand, even just a simple bubble bath, with candles lit all around, a glass of wine to one side with your iPad sitting on one of those bath trays with Friends lit up on the screen. I really need one of those bath trays, they look the biz.
Whether it's a soap opera like EastEnders, a comedy like Friends or a nature show like Planet Earth, a little bit of binge worthy TV is one of my ideal ways to relax. You could be a Netflix series binge watcher or even someone who watches films for hours on end, it's great immerse in the drama of who attacked Phil Mitchell in EastEnders or how many whales will we see David Attenborough describe in detail.
What are your ways to relax?

  1. I do pretty much all of these too relax, but like you said in the beginning, sometimes all you need is a cuppa and a bit of This Morning! I used to love a good Lush bath bomb too, they're so pretty and you always smell amazing afterwards!

    1. Oh they smell good even before you drop them in the bath!

  2. I've been making more of an effort recently because I need it to!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  3. Reading always helps me relax too! I love a good book. Also your photography here is absolutely beautiful x

    Kayleigh Zara 🌿 www.kayleighzaraa.com

  4. Love all of these ideas! It's so important to take the time for yourself. We get too swept up in life sometimes and forget about our mental and emotional well being. I personally love to take the time out to read. It's my perfect way of escaping real life and disappearing into another world. But I do love a good Netflix binge-watching session too!

    Great post!!

    Emily | https://www.thatweirdgirllife.com

    1. Thank you Emily! Like you said, we all need to find time to relax, it’s so important for our wellbeing x

  5. It's a shame to hear about your lung problems but as someone who massively overworks too I can understand not finding enough time or struggling to relax! I personally enjoy a big bath with a glass of wine x

    Kayleigh Zara 🌿 www.kayleighzaraa.com

    1. You can’t beat a bath with a glass of wine! x

  6. My best way to relax and wind down is to cook (which I know will sound crazy to some people!) But it really chills me out after a long day. I also love to write in the peace and quiet.

    1. Nothing wrong with that! I know a lot of people who consider cooking as a way to unwind!

  7. I'm sorry to hear about your lung issues, it must be a horrible thing to live with. Even for the healthiest among us, switching off is such a hard thing to do these days. We're all expected to be so 'on' all the time, it makes me feel guilty whenever I try to take time out for me. Watching a good movie on the sofa with my cats is my favourite way to unwind. It makes me feel like I'm doing something for them so I don't feel so bad. Thanks for sharing some ideas, I'll definitely try to incorporate some of those into my busy life x

    1. Aww that sounds like the perfect evening to me, sat in front of the TV with a cat cwtched on my lap! x

  8. That is correct, there's more to the saying take time for yourself. Most people look and read that statement superficially, not going into the deeper meaning behind it.
    Performers Academy

  9. I love taking a bath, reading, and meditation! It's so relaxing<3 I love the meditation minis podcast for guided meditation :)

