Blog Reads of August

Ok, I've had quite a manic August. From starting a new job to taking two trips away and being a new cat mother, I haven't stopped to sit down! Like I said, it's been a pretty busy month. It's been nice to sit down and do some blogging over the last couple of days cause I literally haven't had the chance in the last 10 days or so. However, just because I haven't been writing much, doesn't mean I'm not reading other blogger's content!

Here are my favourite blog posts from this month of August:

Blog Reads of August

We've all faced online negativity or trolling in the past, I know I have. However, learning how to ignore all that and not take it to heart is really difficult. If you're someone like me, I definitely feel hurt and even useless when I receive negative comments. Jordan is absolutely right when she says the best way to combat trolling is to ignore it. Writing something just as harsh back doesn't do you any favours, if anything, it brings you down to their level. Jordan has such a brilliant attitude to online negativity, something all us blogger's can learn from.  
2) 6 Different Poses To Capture During Your Brand Photoshoot | Sunday Stylings
One thing that I am hopeless at is posing. I just look like an awkward lemon. Ok, that does sound a bit unfair to compare myself to a lemon, lemons are good things. As I'm writing this, I'll be off to Brighton to have a photoshoot with the lovely Ellie and I cannot wait! This post has really helped me as I always feel awkward and uncomfortable standing in front of the camera. This will definitely help me when I meet Ellie for our shoot and I cannot wait to see the finished photo's!
3) "Get a Real Job" And Where Influencers Fit In The Career Ladder | Petite Ellie
It seriously does my nut in when people think that being an influencer isn't a genuine career. Well, let me tell you, it is. If you are earning a living wage, it's a job. The fact that some ignorant and rude people had a go at Ellie about this is inexcusable. Like Ellie has said in this post, just because it doesn't fall into the standard 9-5 office job, it doesn't mean it's any less justified to have a career as an influencer.
4) How To Discover Your Writing Style | Emily Clare
I remember when I started my blog, it was nerve wracking and I wondered whether anyone would read anything I wrote. Emily has got it bang on - your writing style is YOURS. You write whatever you want as it's your blog, nobody else's. Like Emily, when I look back to my first few blog posts, one word I can describe them as is 'cringe'. They really were, honestly. If any new blogger is worried about their writing, head straight for this post.

5) Instagram Tips and Tricks | Of A Glasgow Girl
Anyone who writes a post about tips and tricks about for Instagram, I am all for! This post I really loved from Jordanne, all these tips are straight to the point and so true. For example, when Jordanne says 'likes cost nothing' - I love this and I think a lot of people could really follow this mantra too! It doesn't take a second to like someone's picture, why can't we all do it?
Blog Reads of August
So Summer is almost over and Autumn is just around the corner, I wonder when I'll be wearing my first jumper?
Let me know your favourite posts from this month!

  1. I love these posts! I Walsh find new blogs to take a look at and read. I’ve also read the post about the Instagram tips and tricks which was actually really helpful! My posing is also really tragic so I definitely need to check out that post too x

    1. Oh my posing is awful too! I just look so awkward all of the time! x

  2. I love these posts for catching things I've missed. I love Jordan's content and I haven't seen that post yet so I need to catch up ASAP. I loved Jordanne's instagram post too, it was so honest and to the point. Need to check out Ellie's post as well, that sounds like a great read x


    1. Jordan’s content is so good! Also Jordanne’s post we can all learn from! Ellie’s post is brilliant if you doing photos and not sure how to pose (like me!) x

  3. This is such a great roundup and I love reading Jordanne's blog.

    I've had this thought in the back of my mind on how can I be more active in supporting fellow bloggers and I'm really trying to genuinely read their posts.

    I loved a post written by Emily from That Weird Girl Life about "Small Ways to Support Your Fellow Bloggers" and she had some incredible suggestions that I really want to start implementing.

    Thank you for showcasing the work of this amazing bloggers.

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Ooh I’ll have to read Emily’s post, I always like to support bloggers where and when I can! I hope you have a great weekend too!

  4. Omg I need to read some of these, especially the posing one I'm so bad at not posing for pictures, I just stand there so awkwardly and then the picture just looks so awkward haha. I have already wore my first jumper yesterday!!

    Chloe xx

    1. I’m bad for posing for pictures too Chloe! Ellie’s post is a great read to help with that! Aww no way?! I’m not wearing jumpers yet unless I’m absolutely freezing! xx

  5. I love these round up posts you do, as I always find a post that I have missed. I couldn't agree more with Jordan's post but I can be so hard to ignore hurtful comments can't it?
    I think I need to read the posing one; sometiems you think you look great but then the picture comes out and its horrible!

    Thanks for sharing and happy September!

    Aimsy xoxo

    1. Yes absolutely, I struggle with ignoring hurtful comments, but I'm getting better at it! Ellie's post is full of great posing tips, I always look awful when I'm posing! xx

  6. Great post with a huge selection of awesome posts as well! Loved it :)

    Shannon x

  7. You always post the greatest blog round up posts!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  8. I really love hello miss Jordans Instagram and blog posts, thanks for sharing your round up x

    Kayleigh Zara 🌟

    1. She has a gorgeous Instagram doesn't she?! x

  9. I've not actually read any of these, so I'm off to check them out! Thanks for sharing, I love posts like these xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush

  10. I have been the opposite the past few months, I've had so much content to write and been so insanely busy that I haven't had the time to show other bloggers love which is something I really need to get back into the routine of and make time for! Honestly, all of these posts sound like an absolutely great read, I'm going to bookmark this post for my day off on Friday and work my way through them :-) The writing style one sounds particularly appealing, I think I may have nailed mine now but to be honest I have no idea how I'd identify/name it! Also, what a great idea for a post! Great way to support each other :-)
    Alice Xx

    1. I have periods where I forget to read and comment on other bloggers posts, usually due to my life being crazy! I’m glad you liked the post! xx

  11. I've not read any of these so far but they've all intrigued me! Looks like I'll be having a good read throughout the day- thanks for the recommendations!
    Soph - x

    1. Happy reading Soph! I hope you have a lovely day! x

  12. This is a great way of finding new posts/blogs to read.
    Thanks for the recommendations!

    Louisa |

  13. Love this post. It's a great way of spreading a bit of love in the blogging community and sharing posts that you know you readers will love x

    Steph |
