My Top Three Books of 2024

I set a target at the beginning of 2024 to read 15 books by the end of the year - I've read 14. I'm halfway through my 15th but I just couldn't get through it quick enough to complete it before January 1st! I may be one book off, but I'm so pleased I almost reached my target! I got back into reading midway through 2023. I'm so happy that my love affair with reading continued throughout 2024, and I'm pretty confident that it'll continue throughout 2025. 

A stack of three books on a pink and white striped blanket.

Which books did I read in 2024 I hear you ask! Here's the list:

  • Only Love Can Hurt Like This by Paige Toon
  • The Worst Thing You Ever Did by Karen Perry
  • Really Good, Actually by Monica Heisey (ok, I technically didn't finish this book, but I did read half of it!)
  • Wildfire by Hannah Grace
  • The American Roommate Experiment by Elena Armas
  • Love, Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood
  • The Visa by Lizzie O'Hagan
  • The Ex Talk by Rachel Lynn Solomon
  • Icebreaker by Hannah Grace
  • All Signs Point to Malibu by Jennifer Snow
  • The Dream Home by T.M. Logan
  • The Wake-Up Call by Beth O'Leary
  • Don't Look Back by Jo Spain
  • The Fiance Dilemma by Elena Armas

Now I've looked at that list, I'm thinking to myself - "How the hell have I managed to read that much in one year?!". The simple answer is - no kids (just a cat) and WFH.

So, which three books were my favourite reads of 2024?

1) Love, Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood 

Out of all the books I read this year, this was the one I just couldn't put down. I adored the plotline, loved the main characters and I just loved the romantic story within the book. I have made a promise to myself that I will read more of Ali's books through 2025. If any of you have read any of Ali's books and have a recommendation, let me know in the comments! Read my review of 'Love, Thereotically' by tapping here. 

A stack of three books on a pink and white striped blanket.

2) The Ex Talk by Rachel Lynn Solomon

This story had a podcast/social media theme running through it, maybe that's why I loved the storyline within this book. This book also made me want to start listening to podcasts again. The podcast storyline in this book is the type of podcast I would happily listen to if there was one similar to listen to on the Podcasts app. Read my review of 'The Ex Talk' by tapping here. 

3) The Dream Home by T.M. Logan

The one thriller I read this year that had me hooked from the first chapter. This was the first book I read by T.M. Logan and I'm excited to read more of his books this year. One genre of book I do love is a thriller/domestic thriller, alongside the classic rom-com. The plotline had me guessing until the last couple of chapters and the twist completely surprised me and it was so unexpected. 

I can't wait to continue reading more books throughout 2025. I'm not going to set another book target for this year, I'd rather just go with the flow! If you have any book recommendations for different genres, please let me know! Don't give me recs for sci-fi or mystery, I can't get on with those kinds of books!

Please let me know your book recommendations!

  1. I haven't read any of these! I really want to read more this year! The only book I read last year was Think Again by Jacqueline Wilson! xx

    Danielle’s Beauty Blog

    1. I used to love Jacqueline Wilson books when I was young! x

  2. The Dream Home is on my TBR for 2025!

    1. I hope you get the chance to read it Rosie!

  3. I absolutely love book reading round-ups and yours is great! I have a post like this that will be posted later on in January, and it's so great to look back on what has been read. I really like the sound of The Dream Home as I read quite a few thrillers. Happy reading for 2025!

    1. I'll look out for that post of yours Molly! If you like thrillers, I'm sure you will love The Dream Home x

  4. I love that your goal list was similar to the amount I aim for - and being half of 1 book off totally counts in my eyes!! Love the sound of Love, Theoretically! <3

    1. I'm glad you think that half a book counts as one book too Katherine! I'm sure you would love Love, Thereotically!

  5. Targeting 15 books a year is good enough. And being able to read 14/15 books is simply awesome. Yay you!!!!!!

    Love, Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood is also on my TBR list. I read Ali Hazelwood's Bride last year and fell in love with her writing. Btw, you read a lot of awesome books in 2024. That's an achievement. Quality is more important than quantity. That's my motto. Hehehe ^_^ Hope you will read more awesome books this year. Happy New Year.

    1. Thank you Fadima!
      I hope you get to read Love, Thereotically soon, it's a wonderful read! I need to read more of Ali Hazelwood's books this year.
      I agree lovely, quality over quantity when it comes to books!
      Happy New Year to you also!

  6. That's great you read 14 books in 2024!
    Love, Theoretically is on my bookshelf, but I haven't read it yet. It's great to see it was one of your favorites! Also, I'm a big fan of thrillers, and The Dream Home sounds intriguing.

    1. You seriously need to read it Karalee, you will love it!
      If you're into thrillers, I'm sure you will love The Dream Home!

  7. 14 books and halfway through the 15th? That's seriously impressive Lucy! Can't wait to see what you read in 2025 xx

    Lenne |

    1. Thank you Lenne!
      I'm looking forward to reading plenty more books in 2025!

  8. I need to finally check out some of Ali Hazelwood's books, I have heard amazing things about her work! Thanks for sharing your favorites! :)

    1. Ali Hazelwood's books are fantastic reads, I'm sure you'd love her books Melissa!

  9. Ohh love this! I loved Dream Home but I've not read the other two, I'll add them to my list! I'm super happy to be reading more this year. X
