Vegamour GRO Collection: A Review of the Haircare Range

*This post contains PR items from Vegamour. Please see the end of the post for more details. 

When it comes to my hair, I feel like a million dollars if it feels and looks good. Especially when it swishes nicely and just 'goes' right. I like to use good, quality haircare products as I want my hair to feel conditioned and look its best. So when Vegamour contacted me, I couldn't wait to try their GRO range.

The Vegamour GRO haircare range.

Who is Vegamour?

Vegamour is a haircare and hair wellness brand that offers haircare and hair wellness products to help with various hair problems including dryness, dandruff, damage and ridding grey hairs. They also offer haircare products that aid hair growth and combat hair loss. Vegamour also sells lash and brown serums. 

Is Vegamour sustainable?

Vegamour uses clinically tested plant-based ingredients that work in tandem to promote healthy, beautiful hair naturally. Vegamour's products do not contain any harsh chemicals. The brand's products are developed with four core pillars in mind - 

  • Bioavailability
  • Clean, 100% vegan ingredients
  • Holistic hair wellness
  • Science-backed results

Vegamour ethically harvest their ingredients through fair-trade partnerships.

Tell us more about the Vegamour GRO range!

The Vegamour GRO range consists of four products:

  • GRO Revitalising Shampoo
  • GRO Revitalising Conditioner
  • GRO Hair Serum (Pack of 3)
  • GRO Scalp Detoxifying Serum
  • GRO Biotin Gummies (not included in my package due to my medication)

Vegamour GRO haircare range

The GRO range is designed to help strengthen the strands for thicker, fuller hair. It aims to lessen hair fallout. As someone who experiences a lot of hair left floating in the bath after washing it, this range could be seen as a godsend for me. My hair does need that extra bit of thickness, particularly on the temples on the side. 

Let's start with the GRO Revitalising Shampoo and Conditioner. 

Vegamour GRO Revitalising Shampoo and Conditioner bottles.

When applying the shampoo, it lathered amazingly well and it smells delightful when I massage it in my hair. I use a scalp brush to help massage the shampoo in so it gets that extra latheriness. This lovely shampoo aims to gently cleanse the hair as well as helping to thicken the hair.

The conditioner has a lovely luxuriousness about it. This conditioner aims to strengthen thinning strands of hair and support the process of thickening the hair. Since using this conditioner, I have noticed a lovely shine in my hair. 

I have loved using this shampoo and conditioner and my hair has loved it too! 

Let's move on to the GRO Scalp Detoxifying Serum.

Vegamour GRO Scalp Detoxifying Serum bottle.

Vegamour believes that the secret to healthy hair is a healthy scalp. I couldn't agree more! This detoxifying scalp serum contains vegan proteins and minerals designed to maintain scalp health and hair wellness. The serum only needs to be used once a week. You need to use this before moving on to the shampooing. It's best to be left on your scalp for 3-5 minutes on dry or damp hair so it can do its magic, then rinse thoroughly. 

Since using this serum, my scalp does feel a lot healthier and there's less itching. It feels incredibly soothing when it's on my hair, it has that sense of coolness about it, which means it's doing its job. 

Lastly, the GRO Hair Serum

Vegamour GRO hair serums.

I won't lie, I was slightly nervous about using this product as I was worried it would make my hair greasier in between hair wash days. But, as long as you properly massage it into your roots, it's absolutely fine! One dropper full of the serum is enough to apply to the roots and massage in. The serum has definitely aided in my roots looking clean and feeling soft!

Vegamour GRO Hair Serums

The important question - has the Vegamour GRO range helped with hair growth?

I have definitely noticed a difference in terms of thickness and fullness. My hair feels so much thicker and fuller since I started using this range about 4 weeks ago. 

In terms of growth, it's difficult to assess that aspect as I had my hair cut recently. I didn't have too much chopped off, but it is slightly shorter than it was when I first started using the range. But I shall let you know if I notice a difference in the coming weeks! 

Also, as I only wash my hair every 5 days, I don't think there would be a noticeable difference right away anyway!

Another thing I have noticed is that my hair is shedding far less than prior to using this haircare range. I'm not noticing a puddle of hair on the floor after combing/brushing it! So that's a massive plus for me!

Would you recommend the Vegamour GRO range?

I would most definitely recommend this range! 

I love how it's made a remarkable difference to my hair and my hair feels so nourished, soft and swishy since using these hair wellness products. 

The packaging is just so aesthetically pleasing and looks lovely sitting in my bathroom. Each item comes in a blush pink bottle - that for me is a massive plus! I've always loved a bit of nice packaging on a product. 

So if you're looking to help your hair and its growth, buy yourself this gorgeous range of products and see if you notice a difference!

I'd love to know your thoughts on my Vegamour review! 

*These items from Vegamour were sent to me in exchange for a review. All views are my own. For more information, please read my disclaimer. Thank you for your support!
  1. These products (and brand) sound really good! I like what is on offer, and it's good to hear the hair serum does not leave things greasy (I'd be worried about that too). I need to update my hair care routine, and something like Vegamour would be great!

    1. Yeah the serum doesn't make my hair too greasy which is great! I'm sure you would love Vegamour Molly!

  2. I have thin hair so maybe this product may help me on having a bit more hair. I should definitely check them out. Thank you for the lovely review.


    1. I think these products will definitely you to get thicker hair Michelle! I hope you do check out Vegamour lovely!

  3. This hair brand sounds amazing. I hope it will be available in Malaysia soon.

    1. I hope it will be available in Malaysia soon Fadima!

  4. I love how the Vegamour products have made such a difference for you. Thanks for sharing your honest review! I like that it’s both effective and beautifully packaged. Definitely giving it a try!

    1. It's definitely made a big difference to my hair Doris! I hope you give this brand and haircare range a try!

  5. ohhhh i need to focus on my hair care more !!!

    1. You need to take a look at Vegamour lovely!

  6. I absolutely love your review, Lucy! Your description of how the products have transformed your hair is so convincing. I've been getting PR emails for this range, and your experience is making me lean towards giving them a try! I might just have to reply to their email and take the plunge hehe :D

    Lenne |

    1. Thank you Lenne! You seriously need to give this range a try lovely, I'd highly recommend it! x

  7. The blush pink packaging is definitely beautiful! The hair serum looks interesting! I have itchy and dry patches on my scalp sometimes, so I will look into this product :)

    1. It really is pretty isn't it?! I think the detoxifying serum would help ypur scalp Melanie x

  8. These products sound lovely! Love that the serums not too greasy, as that's what I'd be worried about too. I really need to invest in a scalp brush too! X

    1. Yeah I was quite wary of the serum being too greasy for my hair, but it's not thankfully! x

  9. I've seen a few posts about this now and it looks great. The packaging is basically everything I want in a product that's displayed in my bathroom, haha. Love it!

    Corinne x

  10. We're both reviewing them at the same time! Your feedback is so on point, I agree with everything. I am loving Vegamour too, it's lightweight but also works on my built up hair

    1. I love how lightweight the product is too Rosie!

  11. I have been hearing so many great things about these products! Thanks for sharing your experience using them, I am definitely going to check out some of them! :)

    1. I hope you do check out Vegamour's products Melissa!

  12. I've tried the Vegamour GRO products, and they are fantastic! It's good to see you recommend them too!

    1. I'm glad you like this Vegamour GRO range too Karalee!
