7 Reasons Why I Feel I Was Born To Be A Blogger

How have I been blogging for seven years? Like, where has the time gone?! 527 posts later, my blog is still going strong and I'm more in love with my blog now than I've ever been!

A woman sat by her laptop.

Thinking back to when I started my blog, I had my reasons for wanting to create a blog. When I think to the present day, I blog for different reasons now to what I did back then. My blog has helped me grow as a person and has allowed me to grow my creativity too. I literally had zero creativity skills before I started blogging. Nowadays, I still wouldn't say I'm the most creative person in the world, but it's a lot better thanks to blogging.

In some ways, I think I was born to be a blogger. Regretfully, I wish I had started blogging a couple years sooner than I did. I often think about where my blog would be now if I started it a couple years earlier. Would I be blogging full-time? Would I have made my blog a big money earner for myself? Unfortunately, I don't own a crystal ball so I can't predict this, but it doesn't fret me much thinking about what could have been.

A laptop, a candle, a pair of gold-framed glasses and a pink leopard print notebook.

But yes, as I said, I think in some ways, I was born to blog and be a blogger! 

Here are the 7 reasons why I feel I was born to be a blogger:

1) I love writing

Seems quite an obvious reason to want to blog. But yes, ever since I was in school and could do joined-up handwriting, I've loved writing. Whether it be about a dragon living in a castle, writing Haiku poems or even trying to be descriptive in my reasoning for why George was the way he was in Of Mice and Men, I've loved writing. Blogging and writing go hand in hand, so it seemed the perfect option for me to start a blog!

2) I like to share my experiences to (hopefully) help others

I'm not saying I like to overshare, but I like to share experiences that I've gone through as a way to help those who have gone through or who are currently going through the same thing. Whether it's something to do with mental and even my own physical health (CF), I think it's good to share and be able to talk and empathise with each other.

3) I love aesthetically pleasing places

When I go out, I'm always looking for a nice place, object or background to photograph, even if it's just for Instagram Stories. I love places that are great on the eye and are great things to photograph, even if it's just a nice flower or a delicious plate of food. Yes, I am one of those who takes photos of their food before eating (not all the time, I promise!)

A woman using her laptop.

4) I love being able to express myself

One thing I do love about blogging is the ability and freedom to be able to express myself through writing. I like to share my thoughts and opinions and be able to word dump online. I like to share how certain topics make me feel and my stance on them. The Internet and social media is a great platform to share your thoughts and feelings, as long as it's used in the right way. Unfortunately, there is that small minority who are ignorant, bigoted or just downright rude who use the platform to share opinions that rile up so many. But the easy way to resolve that is to not follow them!

5) I love recommending things to people

Some blogs are full of reviews for different things. Whether it's a book, a moisturiser, a hairspray, a Netflix series or a brand of coffee, there's always a review on someone's blog somewhere. I love being able to recommend items to people who need suggestions. I love having knowledge on something which I am happy to recommend!

6) I love speaking to like-minded people

Blogging has allowed me to speak to some wonderful bloggers online. It's great to speak to people who I have something in common with. It's hard to be able to get people who don't blog to understand the blogging world and what it's like. This is why I love going to blogging events, it's a great network to speak to like-minded people and just talk about a passion you love!

7) I'd love to start my own lifestyle magazine

This has been one of those pie-in-the-sky dreams for a few years now. But yes, since I started blogging, this is something that I've aspired to do. I'd love to publish my own lifestyle magazine and get other bloggers involved to write for it. I remember I used to write for a blogging magazine for a few years. Unfortunately, the blogging magazine closed last year and that kind of made me realise how much I would love to have a magazine for myself. We can all dream, right?!

A woman holding a white mug next to her laptop.

These are the 7 reasons why I feel I was born to be a blogger! 

I just wanted to say a quick thank you to those who have been there with me from day one of Lucy Mary and to those who have given me encouragement and advice and have been my cheerleader over these seven years. I hope you will still continue to read my blog now as I go into my eighth year!

I'd love to know your thoughts on this. Do you feel you were born to be a blogger? 

  1. That's wonderful you still feel so passionate about blogging! I'll be honest, how I blog now is very different to how I started out, but like Jenny says, it's been a wonderful avenue for me :) x

    1. Like you, my reasons for starting a blog back then are now completely different to what they are today. I'm glad you see it as a wonderful avenue for yourself Lisa! x

  2. Love this! Wonderful to get to know your motivation as a blogger! :D Sounds like you had lots of good reasons. Thank you so much for sharing this!

    1. Thank you Andrea! I'm gald you enjoyed reading this post!

  3. These are all wonderful reasons! Blogging is such a great way to express yourself creatively and connect with like-minded people from around the world. Thanks for sharing Lucy!

    1. Blogging definitely is a great way to connect with like-minded people and also help and show creativity!

  4. I totally agree! I've always had a passion for writing and expressing my true self, so bringing the two together sounded perfect. Can't believe I'm about to publish my 1000th post x

    1. Bringing those two passions together is a perfect combination when it comes to blogging! Wow that is such an amazing achievement lovely, well done you! I hope I can reach 1,000 posts soon! x

  5. Love reading posts about why people started their blogs. I feel the same as you. I was compelled to start my blog, to share a message and I've always loved writing. Sam - Roaring Pumpkin

    1. It's so good to be able to share a message across your blog and to raise awareness of anything you are passionate about!

  6. I love this, I can't believe you've been blogging for 7 years that's amazing!! The over sharing is definitely something I am guilty of!


    1. Oh I know Rosie, I can't believe it's been 7 years now!
      I used to be guilty of oversharing too lovely, I've learned over the years to tone it down a bit!

  7. This is very much how I feel about blogging too, and I would love to have a lifestyle magazine too (I basically try to make my blog reflect this in style and content). I think blogging is very much a labour of love, but one so many of us take to naturally. Keep up the great work, it's important to do something we love!

    1. I love your blog Molly and I like that it reflects a lifestyle magazine! I agree there, some take to blogging like a duck to water. Thank you lovely, it's great to be able to do something you love!

  8. I also believe that i’m born to be a blogger, author, and artist. I like sharing my imaginations and thoughts with others.

    1. I like that you like to share your thoughts and imaginations with others Fadima!

  9. I can related to most of this! I love being able to express myself though writing, especially because I struggle in real life to be outgoing and talk with confience.

    Corinne x

    1. That's great that you love being able to express yourself through writing, it's so freeing! x

  10. I can relate to so much of this! I miss house 21 too btw! It was SO good. I was never really into writing at school, I took English Language at A-Level but I always bunked off. I found it so boring. Haha. I think my problem though is that I write like I talk, which in school/collage/uni is a bit of a hindrance, however when it comes to blogging I think it's a massive positive.


    1. I do miss House 21 too, it was such a great platform and magazine for bloggers!
      Haha I always bunked off Sociology, I found the subject really boring!
      Like you, I like to write the way I talk too, it seems so much easier, that's why blogging goes hand in hand for us Claire! x

  11. I adored reading this post!

    The Reluctant Blogger | thereluctantblogger.co.uk

  12. I see many bloggers sharing their lives or experiences, and then I think about whether I want to share my life like this. Looking back on it in the future is also a record of the past time.
    However, there are many factors that have not been resolved yet, thank you for sharing~
    cloisonne handbags

    1. I think it's each to their own when it comes to how much blogger's are willing to share online Kristen!

  13. I love to write as well, that is why I to started blogging. The community is wonderful and I am so glad I started my blog.

    1. That's amazing to hear that you are glad that you started a blog!

  14. I'm like you, and I wish I started blogging sooner too! I've loved writing since I was a kid, and I do enjoy sharing my thoughts and connecting with others!
    That would be amazing if you started your own lifestyle magazine!

    1. I'm glad I finally know someone who loves writing as much as I do Karalee!
      Aww thank you lovely, I hope to start one in the future!

  15. As a blogger, I really like your reasons. I personally prefer blogger because it allows me to be creative in this world. You become a quality content writer through the expression of your thoughts. Your blog content is authentic and valuable.

  16. Yes, you are! I love reading this because I feel the same. Blogging has been my outlet, too. Continue sharing your stories.

    1. Blogging has become a complete creative outlet for me and I love it!

  17. Thanks for sharing, I dont think I was born to do blogging, I wanted to keep up my skills that I had at uni and food, seemed perfect at that time, but passions do change as we grow as bloggers, so travel made more of a fit for me, I hope to do some events soon to hopefully get a press trip to a lovely destination :)

    Nic | Nic's Adventures

  18. Yes to all 7 of these! I've been doing this for close to 16 years now. I honestly don't know what I'll become if I wasn't a blogger haha.

