Why Travelling On My Own Really Benefits Me

The thought of travelling solo to another city or even country may fill some people with dread. I won't lie guys, I felt the same once upon a time. Before, I wouldn't even entertain the notion of travelling on my own to a city I had zero knowledge of. I would always have little worries about whether I would like the place. Sometimes I would worry about there being a travel issue eg train cancellation or car trouble. Sometimes I'd worry that being alone would really not help my mental health. However, I've learned that travelling on my own has such huge benefits for me.

View from Albert Dock, Liverpool

I love the feeling that travelling solo gives me. It gives me that bit of independence, it betters my decision skills, and it allows me to explore new cities and meet new people. Most importantly, it gives me a sense of freedom.

Taking the first step into booking that trip on your own is scary, especially if it's something that is completely out of your comfort zone. It may make you feel lonely, I thought it would be like that for me. It's hard to take that first step of stepping out into a new city where you don't know anyone or anything about the area. But once I made that first step, it boosted my confidence to another level. 

The Three Graces of Liverpool

I won't lie guys, there are little snags when it comes to travelling solo. The costs are the major issue. Well, I wouldn't say major, but it can be a little problem. As you're not sharing the costs with someone else, a solo trip can be one hell of an expensive trip. However, if you budget and save enough, it shouldn't be too much of a problem. One thing I do months before a solo trip is put aside a small amount of money every month to help pay for things like travel, food etc. 

Also travelling solo can make you feel lonely. Not being able to talk to people close to you often can have an effect on your mood and your willingness to do things. One thing I have learned is keeping in touch with family and friends can help with loneliness. Whether it's something as simple as a text, phone call or tagging them in a meme on social media. Just hearing that friendly and familiar voice can make the world of difference.

As I said though, travelling solo really benefits me and the positives certainly outweigh the negatives. I like to try and think positively when travelling solo. Sometimes it's not always possible for someone with anxiety like myself, but thinking positively allows me to enjoy the trip more.

The Pumphouse, Liverpool

One tip I would give when travelling on your own for the first time is to travel somewhere closer to home. It could be a night stay in a hotel in the next city nearest to where you live. That'll give you the chance to see how you like your own company and how you perceive travelling on your own. If you enjoy it (hurrah!), then when you can afford to, book somewhere where you would really like to stay. 

Usually, my solo trips are to Liverpool, a three-hour arduous car journey - but always worth it when you get views like this. Liverpool has become my comfort blanket when it comes to travelling solo. Liverpool has given me such confidence and I always feel comfortable being there and I don't feel like too much of an outsider. To be fair, scousers are some of the friendliest people in the world and make me feel so welcome. 

To sum up, travelling on my own has benefitted me in so many ways. I love how good it has made me feel. I love the confidence it's given me. It's brought me such happiness and joy throughout the years. I cannot wait to plan, book and go on some more trips by myself.

So, what's next on my travel list?

I'm hoping to head back to Liverpool again before the end of the year. I would also love to visit the Cotswolds as it's been on my travel hit list for years! 

The Liver Building in Liverpool

I'd love to know your thoughts on travelling solo, is it something you have done or would consider doing? 

  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on travelling solo, I do a lot of solo travelling as well, as sometimes family or friends are not interested in going places with me, but it does help with my confidence of exploring on my own and knowing what I can do in certain places. I have yet to do any this year but hopefully soon :)

    Nic | Nic's Adventures

    1. I feel the same Nic, friends and family haven't got the time or want to go to the same places as I do. It definitely helps with confidence to go travelling on your own. I hope you manage to book a solo trip soon! x

  2. Lovely post Lucy! I loved your tip for staying close to home if you're traveling solo for the first time. I'm glad to hear it's been such a wonderful experience!

    1. Thank you lovely, it's good to stay close to home when you're travelling solo for the first time!

  3. I love travelling solo and being able to just do what you fancy. I moved to France on my own in my early 20's and that's kind of taken the fear out of it for me!

    Corinne x

    1. Wow that is amazing that you moved to France on your own in your early 20's! That definitely is an amazing experience that you had! x

  4. Apart from work trips I don’t think I’ve ever travelled solo, sounds like I’ve been missing out on a lot of amazing experiences! Thank you for sharing your tips, Lucy, a very inspiring post x

    1. It's definitely something to experience, even if it's just the one time! x

  5. I haven't ever really travelled solo which is a bit sad. Now I'm a mum, I think it'll be a while till that happens. But I do love a solo lunch date and just having time for and with myself!


    1. I love that you go on solo lunch dates, it's good that you can then have that bit of time to yourself!

  6. It was wonderful reading about your experience with solo traveling and how it has benefited you! Liverpool looks like a fantastic city to visit, and I hope you can go to Cotswolds! I've been on solo trips before, but it was to Sweden multiple times for school, so it would be nice to actually go on a solo trip and explore a new city.

    1. I hope you get the chance to go on a solo trip soon Karalee!

  7. I think traveling along is super exciting, I kind of do this when I go to Paris. My step family lives there but during the week they are busy with work and school so I am on own. The best of both worlds. Did you ever see the Expedia No Excuses commercial with the Grimes song? I love it.

    Allie of

    1. It must have been exciting to be able to explore Paris when your step-family were in work or school! I need to check out that advert!

  8. this is so inspiring. i've always wanted to travel solo. life is too short & there is so much to see. :)
    B | Mind Beauty Simplicity

    1. Absolutely, life is too short and there is so much of the world to see!

  9. Oh I'd love to visit the Cotswolds too! I'd love to do a bit more solo travel, if I did though I think I'd have to have a pretty extensive itinerary to make sure I wasn't bored on my own. I've been loving Groupon recently as well for saving money on trips, it's kind of addictive haha. X

    1. Yeah it's definitely a challenge to keep yourself entertained on a solo trip! I need to look on Groupon! x

  10. I’ve never actually travelled alone before but I think I definitely need to book a solo trip for myself! X

  11. I think it's great that you've grown so much in yourself through solo travel. For me, it's not something I'd do. Just purely because I used travel as more of a social thing. But I admire anyone who does do solo travelling.

    1. That's fair enough Kelly, travelling is a social thing for a lot of us!

  12. I would love to solo travel I think I'd find it really relaxing! I'd love to visit the Cotswolds too, it looks stunning there.
    Amy x

  13. I'm not a fan of the idea of travelling solo, I'd rather go with my family but I think that's because I'm a mum to two littles! x

  14. I didn't travel much solo before getting with my partner, however it does sound like it would be lovely but definitely an adjustment for more folks. I like how you mentioned budgeting can look different for a solo trip!
