The Topics That Need To Be Discussed More Often In Society

The list of topics that do need talking about in 2022 and beyond is just huge. Literally. So many topics go undiscussed when they shouldn't. Topics that go undiscussed because they are seen as taboo or too awkward to talk about. There are topics that have an unwanted stigma attached to them thanks to some ignorant people in society who choose to ridicule the topic. Are people afraid to discuss some subjects because they're afraid of what other people will think? Quite possibly.

I know that years ago, I would never discuss a topic like mental health or smear tests. I just felt that those sort of things was private and should not be talked about with others. Sometimes people want to keep it private. Nowadays, I'm happy to talk about stigmatised topics. It's a great way for me to let people know that it's more than ok to talk about that subject. Only if you feel confident enough to of course. 

A flatlay of a notebook and white mug.

From previous experience, I have been afraid to talk about my mental health status, in total paralysed fear that I would be laughed at or scoffed at for being so open. Believe me, I no longer fear that ridicule. Because I know full well that there are other people in the same boat as myself. 

What I have learnt in recent years as there's nothing to be ashamed of when talking about things like my mental health. Smear tests are another huge example. When the actual flying f*ck did that become an awkward subject?! It's a lifesaving test for women. It's so vital for women to have their smear test when it's due. 

Talking about supposed sensitive or awkward topics can be inspirational for some. It can give them the push to talk about the subject with others. I know it is a little easier to talk about subjects so openly online (for some anyway) but it's a whole kettle of fish talking about it publicly in person. This is something I am trying to promote. Not just talk online but talk in person too. The more we talk, the more stigmas fade away.

A flatlay of a notebook and white mug.

Here are some of the topics that need to be discussed more often (in no particular order):

1) Mental health

*Trigger warning* Hell yes. This has to be number one for me. From anxiety to eating disorders to depression, some of us will experience some effects of mental health. As I said earlier, I used to struggle to speak about my own mental health status. Some days, I keep it to myself and then I'll talk when I'm ready. But I don't mind being open about it, as I know that there's someone out there experiencing something similar to what I'm feeling. There's always someone out there who understands and can empathise with how I'm feeling. Please, if you are struggling, please reach out. Whether it's someone professional or a close family member or friend, reach out. Don't keep feelings to yourself, you'll only end up hurting yourself mentally. If you're struggling, get in touch with a charity such as The Samaritans, whose helplines are open 24/7. 

2) Smear tests

Yes ladies, when you get the letter from your GP telling you that you're due for your smear test, book the appointment. I remember when I went for my first smear test, I was nervous. As much as the first one was awkward, I knew it was well worth it to make sure everything "down there" was ok. Smear tests and women's intimate health should not be a stigmatised topic. End of. 

3) Periods

My first period was at aged 14. I've had about 180 periods (I think) since I started. Why is this topic still so sensitive for some? I know that when it's my 'time of the month', I need some me-time as my hormones can go haywire for days. They're not fun and it's important to fit in some self-care during your menstrual cycle. Look after yourself and don't be scared to admit that you need that bit of time for yourself.

A white notebook

4) Health anxiety

I know this should come under mental health, but I felt this needed to be talked about separately. In recent times, as we all know, we've been through an unbearable pandemic and life has been so up and down because of that. Sorry to touch on the subject that's dominated our lives in the last couple of years! However, now with restrictions lifted and almost non-existent now, health anxiety has well and truly kicked in. It's ok to admit if you're feeling wary too. Don't be afraid to admit that. Health anxiety should be talked about more than ever. 

5) Financial matters

Oh goodness me, the cost of living has increased, hasn't it? It's quite scary and worrying how much everything is costing these days. I know that when I was in school, the topic of money, mortgages, saving money and anything relating to finance didn't get taught in lessons. Which is quite sad and slightly frustrating. I don't have a scooby how mortgages work and I'm almost 29. That's worrying for me. I know I need to learn, which I will do I promise!  

6) Body confidence & body hang-ups

Nobody is perfect. It's important to talk about that, especially for girls that are growing up seeing so many things on social media. If you're a teenager, here's a lesson for you - social media is the BIGGEST highlight reel and some photos are photoshopped. We need to talk about how it is wrong for photos to be photoshopped and send out the wrong message to all of us. I have never photoshopped any photos of myself to make myself look better. Lightroom presets are different as it just enhances the brightness, contrast and temperature. But I've never used an app like Facetune, there's just no need for it. Be confident in yourself, you're beautiful as you are, even if you don't see that within yourself - others will.

A flatlay of a white notebook and white mug

7) Abortion

The long and short of it is that women should be able to decide what they want to do with their bodies. Obviously, there are people out there who are going to disagree, unfortunately. What is it that Rachel says in Friends? - "No uterus, no opinion" It's horrifically mind-blowing that it is illegal in some US states and other countries to have an abortion, it really sickens me. 

8) Racism 

A topic which should never go off the table. Racism still exists in 2022, in the twenty-first century and that is incredibly disheartening. People pretending that racism isn't a thing are a huge part of the problem. Just because it's not mentioned or discussed enough, it doesn't mean it's gone away. There is no room for racism in society - end of. Keep talking about it.

There are a bunch of other topics that don't get discussed enough. 

I won't mention them in case they are triggers for those who read this post. I have mentioned some trigger subjects here and I am available on my DM's if you ever need a chat. 
  1. I definitely agree all these topics need to be talked about more & they shouldn't be considered too sensitive, taboo or unimportant to talk about.
    It would've definitely helped my body confidence when I was younger if there were discussions on what you see in magazines & on social media isn't real & that the images are edited.
    It's also terrible that the US supreme court is considering overturning Roe v Wade which gave women the right to have an abortion.

    1. I definitely think the media has a huge part to play when it comes to low body confidence and low self-esteem, especially those teen magazines who kind of vilified women for being a certain size.
      It's horrendous that the US Supreme Court are considering overturning the Roe vs Wade case x

  2. Yes, yes, yes! Yes to all of these, another couple I would say is men’s mental health and suicide. There are so many people suiciding and it is so sad. More needs to be done to help people. Thank you for sharing.

    Lauren -

    1. That's a really good point Lauren, men's mental health and suicide is definitely not talked about enough and should be highlighted a lot more in the media and in society.

  3. mind beauty simplicity5 May 2022 at 13:33

    you are so right! these topics need to be talked about more often. Good for you for speaking out and spreading the word.

    1. Thank you lovely, it's so important to keep discussing these topics!

  4. I really think we should talk about money more! Things like how much a house cost or how much someone earns is always a big secret. Like you shouldn't tell others what your salary is but then that's how we end up with pay gaps as nobody knows what the norm is!

    Corinne x

    1. Money is a subject that definitely needs to be talked about more, especially things like mortgages, wages etc. Pay gaps is definitely an issue and one that needs to be corrected! x

  5. I wrote a post on this in January and included smear tests in mine too. Health anxiety is a good one - that’s the reason I ended up on anxiety medication because mine got so bad x

    1. Health anxiety has been a big problem for me in recent months, I am hope the anxiety medication is working well for you x

  6. We need to start conversations on about all of these topics, you are so right! Anxiety and periods are so undervalued when opening up about taboos!

    1. They really are undervalued and not spoken about enough Simona! x

  7. We definitely need to start talking more about these subjects. I'd like to think I'm pretty open and happy to talk about these sorts of things but I know as a society we definitely aren't. I'm glad you mentioned health anxiety, I don't personally suffer, but I have someone close who really does. I found it really hard to navigate at first and that's probably because people don't talk about it - I never did before becoming subject to it. Such an important post Lucy! Thanks for sharing. X

    1. I'm the same Claire, I am more than happy and comfortable to talk about these subjects, but I know that there are plenty of people in society who are not. I hope the person you know who has health anxiety is keeping well, it is like a minefield! x

  8. I cannot agree with this post more! This is a huge reason as to why I speak out about certain topics and especially 'taboo' topics, because nobody else does! x

    1. That's amazing that you speak out about those "taboo" topics, I love your attitude and stance Lea! x

  9. I couldn't agree more! We need to have conversations in order to educate one another and get rid of the stigma surrounding these things such as mental health, periods, racism, and more. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Conversations should be had all across society in order to get rid of the stigma attached to these topics!

  10. I so agree with everything you've said! These topics do need to be discussed more and the stigma attached to them. Sometimes I forget that there's still a lot of people who turn a blind eye or feel uncomfortable chatting about such things, but the more we open up, the better. Thanks for sharing.

    Jordanne ||

    1. It's slightly frustrating and sad that people will turn a blind eye to these subjects, especially if it doesn't effect them in some form or another!

  11. A great post. There are a few things on this list that I am starting to open up to talk about like period and smear tests. I am very open with my battle with mental health. The rest of the topics I would not know where to start. Thank you for sharing.

    1. That's great to hear that you are being very open about your battle with mental health lovely, I hope you are doing ok!

  12. I couldn't agree more with all of these!

    Danielle |

    1. Thank you Danielle! I'm glad you agree with everything I've written in this post!

  13. I agree, we should be talking about these topics more. And it women should be given the platform to talk more about issues effecting them like period and abortion.

    1. Abortion and periods should be spoken out a lot more!

  14. I do agree that there should be no stigma for the subjects you mention. People should feel free to share their problems and opinions on each one of them. I know lots of people who went through really hard times because they where feeling uncomfortable to admit they were going through mental health issues. Thank you for sharing such an important post.
    Eri |

    1. Absolutely Eri, we should all be able to share and speak opinions on each of these subjects freely. It's hard to know that people are scared to admit and talk about their MH issues x

  15. Thank you SO much for sharing this post lovely, I totally agree with you, each of these topics should be spoken about more. Why these topics have such a stigma around them I’ll never understand, we are in 2022, we should be open and honest and shouldn’t be made to feel bad when talking about these topics. We all go through each of these topics, wether that’s women with periods or women with financial problems, at some point we all face these problems and we should be able to openly and confidently talk about them. I love this post! Xo

    Elle -

    1. I'll never understand how these subjects still have a stigma attached to them either Elle, it's so frustrating! It's important to talk more about these subjects as long as we feel comfortable enough to x

  16. Love this post and totally agree! I definitely used to be a bit more private with certain topics, but I think there are ways of talking about things and raising awareness without sharing overly personal details if that makes sense!
    Amy x

    1. Yeah there is definitely a fine line in how much you share about each subject, but it's so important to open up! x

  17. I am and have always been quite open in terms of not feeling embarrassed about these topics. Mainly because I have always felt they should be spoken about and they are a part of our life. I definitely always spoke about periods at university to the boys I lived with and they actually always wanted to ask questions and were never disgusted or anything. Similar to smear tests I went straight away as soon as my letter came through because it doesn't bother me, but I then made sure to tell my friends and get them to go to but also let them know I am happy to go with them. I think we speak about these topics more then it becomes more normal. I definitely feel finances and mental health are still tricky subjects for people to talk about but we are heading in the right direction x

    1. That's quite refreshing to hear that the boys you talked to about your period were inquisitive and wanted to ask questions, it's not very often you hear that!

  18. A huge YES to these post! There are so many topics that we should talk about more openly and make them part of the conversation! Period and abortion, as well as suicide and mental health. Thank you for sharing this x

    1. These topics definitely need to be talked about more often Cristina! x

  19. So many subjects used to be taboo or ones you didn’t discuss outside the family home and I’m so glad it’s not like that now x

    1. It's gotten a lot better over time hasn't it? x

  20. Agree with these all so much! Especially the smear tests! I had my letter back in December for mine, I’d obviously heard about them / know of them but I didn’t really know the details of it at all! Anytime someone spoke about a smear it always negative too!

    Courtney x

    1. Smear tests aren't pleasant, especially if it's your first one, but it's a procedure that's quick and it's definitely worth it! x

  21. Yes to all of these topics that need to be discussed more than they are currently - great list, Lucy! x

    1. Thank you Lisa, it's so important to discuss these topics a lot more in society! x

  22. Do you think things like female masturbation should be spoken about more openly? I’m very shy about it, but I don’t think enough detail is given about it, what are your own experiences and thoughts around it? I like to know more about the sensual and gentle side of it all

    1. Absolutely! I think Jenny In Neverland wrote a post on her blog about it and how it shouldn't be such a taboo subject, such a good read! I do agree though, I don't think enough detail is given about it x

  23. Thanks for sharing, it sometimes hard to get the conversation started on matters like these you discussed, so anyway to get the conversation started is good for me :)

    Nic | Nic's Adventures

    1. Absolutely, any way to get the conversation started is a huge plus!

  24. I agree with all of these, especially about periods. It's so important to have these conversations and I will make sure J knows about these too xx

    1. I love that you're going to make J aware of it too Alice xx

  25. There are so many topics and I agree. On my case finances and anxiety are two peas in a pod due to I wish I learned how to save proper money, pay my taxes, mortgage and etc...Something that all school should teach kids onces they become independent.


  26. This is such a great post.. I so agree on many of these. I have to say as a Gen X'er I love that mental health is not stigmatized as much as before.. There were so many people suffering and struggling who couldn't deal with it and were totally isolated when they needed support. Also, reproductive health is such an important topic and women especially need to talk to each other about this. I will tell you as a woman in her 40s I am so grateful to have women I can talk to about things they don't teach you enough! Thanks so much for this post!
