Things We As Bloggers Need To Consider Before Working With Brands

I started blogging in November 2016 and never did I dream that I would work with some amazing brands like I have done. I almost do a happy dance when a brand reaches out for a potential collaboration. Or when a brand is interested in working with me after I've reached out to them. But, before I agree to any collaboration, I always research the brand. 

This is where my FBI skills (just to make it clear, I don't work for the FBI) come into play. These days, I like to research a brand's ethos and values before agreeing to any collab. 

A pink planner and a white mug.

Blogging is such a diverse and inclusive place and it's always been that way. We need to be working with brands who stand by that also with their products and customers. I don't want to work with associate myself with a brand that doesn't show diversity and inclusivity within its company. 

I will confess guys - when brands started reaching out to me, I never really considered these factors before and wholeheartedly apologise for that. Coming into blogging, I was incredibly naive about these things. I just felt honoured that a brand wanted to work with me. But that's changed. Before I consider working with a brand, I do my research before I say yes. It does take time, but it's time I'm more than willing to take now.

So, before working with brands, as I said, there is a kind of checklist I go through before working with a brand. These are the major factors they have to meet before I say yes -

1) Are they diverse and inclusive?

This one is at the top of my list. Are they being diverse and inclusive within their brand and through their social media channels? Are their campaigns embracing diversity by including people from different backgrounds? Is the campaign showing something we could all relate to somehow? If they show no sign of that, then it's a red flag and a big fat no. 

A pink planner and a white mug.

2) Does the brand practice sustainability?

Sustainability has become a major part of our lives in recent years, particularly with climate change taking hold. I like to know if a brand is practicing sustainability methods, eg recyclable packaging, eco-friendly products etc. Climate change is affecting us all and it's important that brands help to support the environment.

3) Is the brand allowing me creative freedom? 

Creative freedom is very important to me. I won't work with a brand that doesn't allow me creative freedom. Brands need to have the final word and I completely understand that. I will always send a final draft of a blog post or Instagram post before hitting publish. It's always important to get the go-ahead before posting.  I don't want the brand to be dissatisfied because they haven't given me the thumbs up. That could mean unwittingly putting myself on their red list for future collaborations. 

4) Would my followers be interested in the brand? 

My followers are the reason I keep doing what I'm doing. I will only work with brands I know that my followers may like to know more about. I've promoted and tried out so many different items over the years and written reviews on them. I like to work with brands that work well for the people who follow me. For instance, I wouldn't work with B&Q on a lawnmower collaboration when my followers have zero interest in lawnmowers. Well, a couple may, I don't know. But you know what I mean.

A pink planner and a white mug

5) Is it a brand I use in my everyday life?

There's no better feeling than when a brand you use every day reaches out to you for a collab. That's when I know that I'm doing things right! When you have been a dedicated customer for years and then they finally reach out to you, it's so satisfying! I think there's always a risk in working with a brand you have never used before. I always like to read the reviews on a brand before agreeing to anything. 

6) Have bloggers/creators had good experiences working with the brand in the past? 

I like to know which bloggers have worked with a brand in the past. Did they have a good experience with them? Did they do all of the above? If a blogger even says no to any of these factors I have already listed. then it'll be a no. There's been a few times where I have almost agreed to a collab to then find the brand doesn't treat the blogger well. Then it would be a goodbye from me!

These are the important things I think we as bloggers need to consider before working with brands. 

I was going to discuss the 'B' word - budget, but I think that's another post for another day. 

I'd love to know your thoughts on this - let me know!
  1. This is so important! They're definitely things I always consider too, but I'll be honest and say that I didn't at all when I first started blogging too.
    Amy x

    1. I think a lot of us didn't consider these things when we started blogging Amy! x

  2. This is so true! I am so picky now with who I work with. I love sustainable brands now!

    Corinne x

    1. Sustainable brands are the way forward I think! x

  3. This is a great topic. I'm definitely more choosy about who I work with these days. I don't want to work with someone who doesn't share the same values as me.

    1. That's good to hear Kelly, it's always better to work with brands who share the same values as you do x

  4. This is so important, and something we should all think about before saying yes. I hate that I didn't know this when I started, and was very much over excited when someone reached out xx

    Hannah |

    1. I was the same Hannah, I was so excited when a brand reached out to me that I didn't take their values and ethos into consideration xx

  5. Such important advice! My biggest thing that I consider is whether it's relevant to me, what I do and my audience. If the answer is no then I won't work with the brand just for the sake of it x

    1. It's always better to work with brands that are relevant to your audience and yourself x

  6. So many great tips here - creative freedom is such a big thing, I don't want to be made to do something someone else has already created! Also relevant to your audience is top of the list, there would be no point otherwise really!

    1. I won't work with any brand who doesn't allow me creative freedom, that's a big must for me! It's better to work with brands who my audience would like too x

  7. Fantastic advice and much needed not only for new bloggers, but veterans! I suppose at the moment with things being so difficult to come by, we're likely to just take what we can get. But we have to stop and think about who we're working with first and foremost. And are getting compensated correctly!

    1. It's always better to stop and think about the brand we could potentially be working with!

  8. This is so important. I'm the same in the sense that I didn't really consider anything like this when I first started blogging. Although I do think the blogging world has changed quite dramatically since I first started out. They're all really important things to consider! X

    1. Blogging definitely has evolved and changed a lot since I started! x

  9. I find creative freedom a huge thing, I always find the brands that want the most are prepared to offer the least and it often reflects in their brands overall philosophy

    1. Absolutely Alice! The brands who want the most are prepared to offer the least, which is wrong!

  10. Completely agree with all of these! I think that everyone at the beginning felt flattered that brands even considered them and we did it so many times! Right now, research is so important as inclusivity, sustainability and creativity are so important to check x

    1. It's always good to do your research into a brand before saying yes to the collaboration! x

  11. I am really picky about the brands I choose to work with, I have to like them enough to want to promote them x

    1. There's nothing wrong with being picky with the brands you work with, it shows that you take everything into consideration before saying yes to a collaboration! x

  12. I could not agree with this post more!

    Danielle |

  13. Absolutely! It's good to go through this checklist before saying yes to a collab!

  14. These are really great suggestions of questions you should consider when collaborating with brands. I always make sure they are a great brand that I use and love too. Thank you for sharing.

    Lauren -

    1. I like to collaborate with brands that I love to use daily too Lauren x

  15. These are all important things to think about when you want to work with a brand. When I first started working with brands, I didn't look into the brands either because I was just happy that they wanted to work with me.
    I also agree that it's good to know if other bloggers & creators had a good experience working with the brand!

    1. Yeah I definitely think that a lot of blogger's were/are guilty of making that mistake Karalee. It's so easy to get sucked into the hype and excitement of being asked for a collab from a brand that we didn't think to check a brand's credentials! x

  16. Amazing post. So many great points to think about when considering working with a brand. Thank you for sharing.

    1. It's good to consider these points before working with a brand!

  17. It's definitely good to do a bit of research before agreeing to work with a brand, but lawnmowers? I would have found that useful last year haha! x

    1. Absolutely Victoria! It's good to do the research before agreeing a collab with a brand! x

  18. These are some really good things to think about before working with brands!

    Gemma Louise

  19. 100% this. Over the last 2 years, I've been really cracking down on the brands I work with!

  20. I completely agree that what I look for now is totally different than when I started. And their ethics and sustainability practices are near the top of my list too, especially now more and more brands do operate in a more inclusive way. Great list x


    1. Thank you Sophie, it's so important to consider these factors before collaborating with a brand! x

  21. Thank you for sharing this. I am yet to work with brands with my blog, but I have often being concerned with the above. Especially where creative freedom is concerned.

    1. Always make sure that the brand allows you creative freedom, otherwise the collaboration can feel forced and you won't enjoy it!

  22. I love all these things to consider, Lucy. Creative freedom is such an important one for me! x

    1. I agree Lisa, creative freedom is such an important consideration when it comes to blog collaborations! x

  23. These are great tips to go by. I need to also think more about the brands I work with. I'm trying to only work with clean beauty brands at the mo. xx

    Zoey |

    1. That's great that you are trying to work with clean beauty brands right now Zoey xx

  24. These are fantastic tips! I've just started collaborating with brands and you've raised some incredible points I'll now think about and look into when approached or approaching brands! Thanks Lucy!

    1. These points are definitely worth considering when collaborating with brands now Alex!
