Hyaluronic Acid Serum: How It's Hugely Benefitted My Skin

I made it my goal this year to improve my skincare routine and invest in it. Before the end of last year, I bought Caroline Hirons' skinCARE book and it's been like my skincare bible. Thanks to reading it religiously over a week, I've really upped my skincare game. Caroline's advice is so valuable and you can read about what I learned from her book here. One of the best pieces of advice I took from that book was to start using...hyaluronic acid. 

A woman holding a bottle of hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is naturally produced in your body (your fact for the day). When it comes to hyaluronic acid in skincare, people automatically think that it comes in a serum bottle. Surprisingly though, it can come in the form of a supplement. Personally, the serum is the better option. 

The main function of hyaluronic acid is to retain water to keep your skin lubricated and moisturised. It's a good investment if you feel you have dry skin. Hyaluronic acid is a perfect investment for your winter skincare. You know what it's like, the Winter comes around and your skin starts to feel as dry as sandpaper. So hyaluronic acid is just a godsend during the winter months!

I started implementing hyaluronic acid into my skincare routine a few weeks ago and I have definitely noticed a difference in how my skin feels. My skin now feels incredibly supple, smoother and moisturised. There are so many benefits to using this acid in your skincare routine -

Hyaluronic acid helps with -

  • Anti-ageing 
  • Moisturising skin
  • Reduces wrinkles
  • Treat facial redness
There are other benefits to using it, but the benefits I've listed above are the main ones for me. 

A woman holding a bottle of hyaluronic acid serum.

Now I've incorporated hyaluronic acid into my skincare routine, I won't let it leave my skincare routine, like, ever. It has been so beneficial for my skin and I wish to god I had started using it sooner. I think I always thought that it was one of those overexaggerated skincare trends that didn't really work. I don't like to prove myself wrong, but in this case, I'm glad I did!

Many skincare brands sell their own hyaluronic acid, so have a look around at the reviews and recommendations before buying your first serum. I can't really recommend the best one until I've tried a few more. But I suppose they all do the same job anyway, so I think it's just up to you how much you're willing to spend. 

All I will say is that if you're not using this in your skincare routine, please do. It's honestly the best decision I have ever made with my skincare and like I said, I wish I had started using it sooner. 

A woman holding a bottle of hyaluronic acid serum.

I'd love to know your thoughts on this? Let me know!

  1. Loved this blog post and a huge reminder that I need to get some more Hyaluronic Acid. I was using it all last year and I have just ran out - the benefits are huge :)

    1. The benefits of using hyaluronic acid are so big and I hope this post inspires others to buy it or in your case, re-buy it!

  2. I've been taking hyaluronic acid in a liquid collagen supplement for the last 6 weeks and OMG, the difference is unreal! So pleased it works so well for you too x

    1. It's such an integral part of my skincare routine now, I love it! x

  3. I really need to get the book from Caroline Hirons as it sounds like my kind of read! Hyaluronic acid is such a great ingredient, I need to include it more in my daily routine!

    1. You need to get it Simona, it's such a good read and it's full of amazing advice! Hyaluronic acid has benefitted my skin so much and I wish I had started using it sooner! x

  4. I love hyaluronic acid, I use one by The Ordinary, but I haven't really tried many others yet!
    Amy x

    1. I need to try The Ordinary hyaluronic serum next, I've heard good things about it! x

  5. I loved how you won't be letting it leave your skincare routine, like ever! I totally read that in a sassy way. Haha. I've actually got some store credit with a brand so I'm going to have a look into their hyaluronic acid now. I love what you've taken from Caroline's book. I really should read it! X

    1. I definitely won't be letting it leave my skincare routine now Claire! I'd invest in while you have store credit with this brand, it's worth it! x

  6. I've heard about the benefits of hyaluronic acid, but I haven't tried a serum for myself. I definitely want to know after reading how beneficial it has been for your skin!

    1. The hyaluronic acid in serum form is so good!

  7. I love hyaluronic acid! Works Wonders for my skin x

  8. I used to use HA ages ago but got out of the habit. There's so many benefits of it, I should get back into it.

    Corinne x

    1. I hope you get back into the habit of using it again Corinne, it's worth it! x

  9. Sounds like it’s worth the buy!

  10. I really love hyaluronic acid but haven’t used it in ages! Must get back to it, so hydrating x

    1. You need to get back into using it more often Gemma, it's so worth it! x

  11. Oh I so need to read this book and try HA and this serum you convinced me!

    Allie of

    1. You really need to read the book Allie, it's full of valuable advice! HA serum has made the world of difference to my skin!

  12. I am going to have to get my hands on this soon!

    Danielle | thereluctantblogger.co.uk

  13. I absolutely love adding hyaluronic acid into my routine!

    1. It's so beneficial to my skincare routine now!

  14. I'm a little bit clueless when it comes to skincare products. I only use about 4, and they have been the same for a few years now. I had no idea that hyaluronic acid had so many benefits. I'll take a further look x

    1. I'd definitely recommend buying Caroline Hirons book to help with skincare lovely, it's so helpful and I'm sure you will gain so much knowledge from it! x

  15. I really want to add hyaluronic acid into my skincare routine as likewise have heard how it has changed so many people's routines! I'm just totally overwhelmed with all the different ones to chose from! Will have to get stuck in somewhere xx


    1. I know that there are so many to choose from, but I would say they all relatively do the same job, but still have a loom around lovely! xx

  16. I'm a big ol' Hyaluronic fan - I switch and change what acids I use a lot but it's always Hyaluronic I go back to when I need an hydration injection!

    1. Hyaluronic acid is the best for keeping skin hydrated!

  17. I am so into my skincare routine at the moment and I am loving it! This is great that this is working so well for you I make so hyaluronic acid is also in my skincare too xx

    1. I love that you are loving your skincare routine right now Gemma! I'm happy to hear that HA is in your skincare routine also xx

  18. It was wonderful reading these benefits of HA. I recently included Hyaluronic Acid and Retinol into my skin care. Hope it works well for me.

    1. I'm sure that adding these two things to your skincare routine will benefit your skin so much! x

  19. I used to love using hyaluronic acid but have got out of the habit. I definitely need to re-introduce it into my skincare routine.

    1. I hope you get back into the habit of using HA again Kelly!

  20. I actually have a hyaluronic acid serum from Q+A. I have used it before, I will be using it again soon. Thank you for sharing your experience.

    Lauren - www.bournemouthgirl.com

  21. I need to try adding a few drops to my body lotion, that's a brilliant idea!
