Staying Positive & Helping My Mental Health In Lockdown

*This post is sponsored. See the end of the post for details. 

Ok, this is not how 2021 is supposed to go. I was not prepared to be writing more posts about lockdowns. But here I am, we're half way through January and in the midst of another lockdown like the one we were in back in March and the Spring. Sigh.

One thing I can certainly say that this lockdown feels a little scarier, as Covid seems to have completely taken over our society and is rife. I never thought this second wave would be this horrendous. The main thing is now that we keep each other safe by staying at home, wear a mask if we need to go out and socially distance, the NHS need us to do this more than ever. So behave yourselves guys!

During this lockdown, I want to keep myself as positive as I can, I want to be able to help my loved ones, online friends and even my neighbours to get through this difficult time. I've always felt that a positive mindset is key. I know that isn't going to be easy on some days. But you got this! And remember, don't feel you're alone in this, there's always someone to talk to if you feel alone. 

As I live in Wales, I've been keeping myself safe for a while now as Wales entered its lockdown before Christmas, my place of work shut on December 4th so I've been shielded away from everyone for a long while now. I'm doing my part in keeping Wales safe. #KeepWalesSafe. Us as a Welsh population can all do our bit to keep Wales safe. Stay home, protect the NHS and save lives. Not just Wales, but wherever you come from. 

During the last lockdown, the whole lockdown and shielding situ had a negative impact on my mental health. Staring at four walls all day every day for six months definitely takes its toll after a while. 

In this new lockdown, I want to make my mental health a priority and look after myself more. Obviously one of my biggest concerns are my friends (offline and online) and my family as their welfare is always one of my main priorities. But it's important that I make some time to focus on myself and my welfare, as you should too.

So yes, I am going to try to stay as positive as possible. I know there will be days where being positive is going to be difficult to do. We're all going to have bad days, myself included. Here are some of the ways I'm going to stay positive to help my mental health in this current lockdown:

This is something I've started doing daily and it really has improved my positivity and mindset for the day ahead. Writing down the things you are grateful for can really have an encouraging impact on my wellbeing and learn to be all appreciative of all the things I do have, even the smallest of things. Remember that not everyone is as lucky as you are.

Now, I've seen enough banana bread recipes and TikTok videos to last me a lifetime in the past 12 months. What about trying something a little different? For example, I've been learning Spanish since the first lockdown last year and I'm loving it! It has really kept my brain active and stopped it from turning into mush. Having a hobby can really break the morphed days up and just give you something to do everyday, even if it's just for half an hour. You could start a hobby such as baking, writing, knitting, exercise etc. Speaking of exercise...

Now, I do not mean driving tens of miles to a beauty spot to climb a mountain or walk through a corn field. Even just walking through your local park or around your local area is just as satisfying and you'll be surprised how much you'll discover just walking around the place where you live, I know I have. You can go out for one hour a day to exercise, so why not use it to your advantage. It would be even better if you had a dog to take out with you too. No, I'm not saying to go and grab somebody's dog from their house, but you know what I mean. 

Don't feel like you have to go through this alone. If you're living on your own and feel lonely, reach out to a family member, neighbour or friend. Social interaction shouldn't stop just because we have to stay indoors. FaceTime them, do a Zoom call with all the family or set up a Zoom games night with friends. Also reach out to those who are struggling, a kind word from yourself can make somebody's day, remember that.

Social media can be a great place where you can speak to online friends and have some banter. But then social media can be the root to anxiety issues. If you feel social media is getting a little too much, limit your time on there. With everything going on now, social media is now piled with thousands of tweets, photos and comments about what's going on in the world right now and that can be quite overwhelming. Don't put yourself through it guys. Maybe when you're scrolling on social media, try this...

Amongst all the doom and gloom, there will be a positive and feel good story floating around in the midst of everything! Sometimes reading a positive story online can really benefit your mental health and instantly put you in a good mood. I know it does that for me! Since I've started doing that, I'll willingly and happily share it all over my social media profiles so it'll hopefully pop up on my followers feeds. 

I hope this has given you some ideas on how to stay positive during lockdown. We are all going to cope with this lockdown in different ways and obviously there are so many other ways to stay positive during this time. Try and stay positive and be kind to yourself, we got this!

*This post is a sponsored post. All positivity and mental health views are my own. For more information, please read my disclaimer. Thank you for your support as always!
  1. I really love this list Lucy, I am definitely finding this lockdown a lot harder. Thanks for some fantastic tips, hopefully I can begin to be more positive as we go into February and the days are a little bit longer! Look after yourself lovely :)

    Emmie |

    1. Thank you Emmie, this lockdown does feel a lot harder, I don't think the darker days are helping much! Bring on the lighter evenings!

  2. This is great advice Lucy. You're so right that this time around feels much harder and so bleak if I am honest!

    I have found blogging and reading to be the place I escape to. I keep away from the news and use social media very minimally. Not quite burying my head but certainly being more aware of where I put my energy.

    Thanks for sharing. I hope things start improving quickly for us all x x

    1. Thank you Claire, it does feel a little bleak doesn't it? I think the darker days aren't really helping matters!
      They are great tasks to escape to when things get overwhelming, well done you for finding those ways to help.
      I hope things improve very soon too lovely! xx

  3. Great advice that we could all do with taking on board!

    1. Thank you so much lovely and thanks for reading!

  4. I really loved all this advice Lucy! It's so important to take care of your mental health especially in our third lockdown. I've fallen in love with my local area and my daily walks are really keeping me sane. Love that you're learning a new hobby! Hope you're staying safe xx

    1. Thank you Della!
      It sounds like the daily walks you are taking are doing you the world of good, keep doing them!
      I hope you're staying safe too lovely xx

  5. This lockdown has felt worse than the others for sure but I'm doing what I can to stay positive. Going for walks on my own have been a life saver x

    1. Yes Jenny it definitely has, I'm here if you need a chat about anything. I love going for walks on my own too, it gives me a great chance to gather my thoughts and to just have time to myself! x

  6. I definitely think this lockdown feels so much worse than the others. Maybe its because we know that it can go on for so long. I'm trying to keep myself in a positive mindset by going for daily walks and doing some exercising at home when I feel like it.

    1. It really does Kelly, I hope that it will end sooner rather than later, we just need everyone to stay safe and follow the lockdown rules!
      Exercise is always a good way to take your mind off things, plus it'll keep you fit! Two birds and all that!

  7. Thanks for this Lucy! I recently started embroidery and although im not very good at it, i find a new hobby breaks up the days!

    1. Embroidery is a good hobby to undertake and I'm sure you will get better at it Ellie!

  8. This latest lockdown feels like the hardest one yet, and there's no end date in sight. But these are lovely suggestions, Lucy, thank you. Completely agree with going for walks outside! x

    1. Yes I agree Lisa, I'm hoping that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel soon though!
      I love going for a walk, it's good to get that much needed fresh air and also clear your head of any overwhelming thoughts x

  9. This is such great advice, Lucy, thank you so much for sharing. It's so tough at the moment and I'm going to try & follow these tips to help my mental health too!


    1. Thank you Abbi!
      It's so tough right now for us all, I hope you are staying safe and well lovely.
      I hope these tips help you!

  10. Loved reading this post, really great advice. So important to stay positive and take time to look after your mental health in this strange time!

    Molly -

    1. Thank you Molly!
      Absolutely, it's so important to look after our mental health right now, we're all going through such turbulent times!

  11. These are some really good positive tips to focus on during this lockdown. Mental health is so important especially during times like these. Talking to someone everyday is a good idea. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you Lauren, I agree, talking to someone at least once a day is always a good way to help your mental health x

  12. These are such great ideas for staying positive during this hard time! Thanks so much for sharing!

  13. This is a beautiful list! It's really important to stay positive, especially during such trying times.

    1. Thank you Lovely, I think the only way to get through this period right now is to remain as positive as possible x

  14. I have found this lockdown so much harder as I now haven't seen my parents since last Summer and with travel looking so unlikely I don't know when I'm going to see them next. I think I need to get better at limiting my social media, I find it increasingly difficult to see people around their families which I know isn't fair, but social media has a real detrimental effect if you spend too much time on it! xx

    1. I remember you saying about not seeing your parents lovely, I can't even begin to imagine how hard that must be for you right now. Limiting time on social media is something I know a lot of people are trying to do right now as social media can be an overwhelming place at the minute, sending you lots of love! xx

  15. Writing down what I'm grateful for each day has been amazing for my mindset!

    Katy |

    1. I can imagine that it has Katy! Keep doing that lovely!

  16. OMG hoping you're ok! I really need to set up more Zoom calls with friends and family, because I always feel better when I do!

    Katie |

    1. As much as people slate Zoom sometimes, it's a great way to keep in touch with friends and family!

  17. These are lovely ideas. Finding a positive news story is so uplifting these days. I need to make an effort to do that too. I need to make an effort to speak to people daily too to stop the days blurring into one. Sorry you're having to shield again. I hope we see the other side of this soon X


    1. Thank you Sophie, a positive news story can really lift your spirits and instantly improve your mood can't it?
      I'm hoping we're all on the other side of this soon! x

  18. Some really lovely ideas. I love the idea of reading a positive news story each day - much better than doom scrolling!


    1. Thank you Rosie, it can really improve your mood when you read a positive news story!

  19. Ah very inspiring and helpful. It can be hard to stay positive in these circumstances for sure. I wil be glad when this is all fully behind us, thanks for posting :)

    Allie of

    1. Thank you lovely, I hope you are doing ok in these circumstances lovely!

  20. Currently under lockdown here in South Africa so this is much needed! Thank you for sharing these.
    Online courses, working out and not reading too much of the news has helped me stay sane during this lockdown!

    1. I hope these tips help you in some way lovely, I hope you are coping ok in these current circumstances!

  21. This is a wonderful list Lucy, and as someone who's been struggling a lot more with this lockdown I really appreciate you sharing it. This particular lockdown is so much scarier and it's so important to do what we can to look after our mental health! I've been trying to keep up with my gratitude list and I've found that taking some time out to read or just do a little self care task like a face mask or doing your nails can make a world of difference! Lots of love to you and take care of yourself xx

    Amy |

    1. I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with this current lockdown Amy, it's been so difficult for so many of us right now, I hope you're doing ok. I'm glad that you're taking time out for yourself and practicing self care, it sounds like it's helping you! Take care too lovely xx

  22. This was a lovely post! It can be easy to fall into a trap of just focusing on all things negative but I definitely agree we should look to the positives. I have been learning German (again) and really loving that! Plus I have my knitting which I love to do xx

    1. Thank you Gemma! I agree lovely, it can be so easy to fall into the traps of focusing on the negativity.
      I love that you're learning German and knitting to keep yourself occupied xx

  23. Thank you for sharing, I have found that limiting one type of social media and going out for walks has helped a lot during this time :)

    Nic | Nic's Adventures & Bakes

    1. I'm glad to hear that you have found something that helps you Nic!

  24. These are all great tips and yes everyone needs to do their part. Thanks for creating awareness huni xxx

    1. Absolutely Victoria, thank you so much for reading! xxx

  25. Love the list Lucy! It's important to take care of yourself when you're having a bad mental health day/s. I always find going for walks helps clear my head. x

    Zoey |

    1. Thank you Zoey, I agree lovely, taking care of yourself on a bad mental health day is important. I always love going for walks too, they do help to clear your head! x

  26. So important to focus on mental health esp during things time! thanks for opening up love !
    shy -

  27. This is a great article Lucy, and I must admit that I feel the same. I live in England (although very close to Wales!) and although the country shut down quite late, our place of work had already closed down and I had been online learning for quite a while. I hope you are doing okay, and that you are happy. These are some great tips, and certainly some that I shall be following.

    Paige // Paige Eades

    1. I hope you are doing ok with this lockdown Paige, it's been incredibly hard and it feels like it's never going to end right now. Like you, I've not been working for a while now (4th December to be precise) and I hate being at home so much right now!

  28. Love this list! Especially about finding a positive news story as it's often so hard to watch nowadays.

    Tash - A Girl with a View

    1. Yeah I think finding that positive news story is so important in keeping your mental health and wellbeing positive!

  29. Hobbies have really helped me get through these various lockdowns! But this is such an amazing list!

    Katie |

    1. You can't beat a hobby to keep your mind occupied Katie!

  30. Some really amazing tips here. I've started writing a small highlight of everday, finding the positives in the current climate is a must for our mental health x

    1. That's a lovely idea to write a small highlight everyday Kelly, I bet it's great to find a positive in each day and write it down x

  31. I love all of these ideas! I love writing out gratitude lists t really helps me stay positive!

    Amber | The Unpredicted Page |

    1. Gratitude lists are a great way to stay positive, there's always something to be grateful for everyday, you just got to find it!

  32. I never thought we'd still be talking about/ experiencing lockdown in 2021 either. These are all such amazing ideas, especially talking to someone everyday it can be so easy to become lonely so reaching out is super important xx

    Hannah |

    1. I never thought so either Hannah, can't believe we're still going through this in 2021! xx

  33. I love this post! It is so so important that we take care of our mental health during these weird times. I'm feeling much more positive now that I've had the vaccine but I also know that there is a long way to go. Speaking to friends is definitely helping me the most ❤

    1. Ah thank you Caroline!
      It really is important to take care of our mental health during these tough and strange times. I'm so pleased to hear that you have had the vaccine, it made me feel positive when I had mine too! It's always good to have friend that you can speak to when needing to x

  34. Proud to say that I am going through your old posts to comment on now, Lucy! I actually feel the opposite for some reason. I feel that I've got a rhythm from 2020 going into 2021. I don't feel as uncertain and am comfortable staying home. I'm terrified of how I'll be after the pandemic is over. Thank you for sharing x

    Lynn |

    1. That's good to hear that you feel ok being at home, I think I'll be the same when leaving the house again, there will be a sense of anxiety when going out in public! x
