Blog Reads of June

Well, June has been a complete wash-out, hasn't it?! The weather has been beyond terrible and I'm literally praying to see a bit of sunshine at some point in July *fingers crossed*. It's been an up-and-down month, mentally, not brilliant, but I'm hoping things are on the up and July will be a great month for me.
Blog Reads of June

As always, I've been scouring Bloglovin' and reading countless blog posts, but here are my favourite reads in June -

1) 10 Simple Ways To Help Save The Planet | Lily Loves
Let's face it, we all need to do a hell of a lot more to help save our planet and live more sustainable lives. Lily has listed some easy and essential ways that you could do to help with our mission to help our planet. Whether it's turning the tap off when brushing our teeth, refusing to buy wet wipes, recycling or even reusing water bottles, doing all these things that Lily has listed can really help. Imagine if we all did this, imagine the huge impact it would have...
2) What They Don't Tell You About Your Twenties | Blush & Noise
Remember those days when you were sitting in a Science lesson in school and counting down the days when you could finally leave your school days behind and become an adult. Wow, if only we knew back then what life in our twenties would be like now. Abigail has summed this up so well. Back then, we all looked forward to the day when we could go to Tesco Express to buy a bottle of vodka without being ID'd or we will have a full-time income straight after entering adulthood. Boy, how wrong were we? Abigail is right, in your twenties, you don't have your shit together, and that's ok. We're all just going with the flow and things will happen naturally.
3) How To Find Time To Read | The European Closet
I've always loved reading, remember those Jacqueline Wilson books? God, I loved those books in primary school. However, I'm struggling to find the time to sit down with a cuppa and a good book these days. Life does get in the way of that. Rita has come up with some ways to easily reintroduce reading into our everyday life. From setting ourselves reading goals, creating reading routines and choosing books we love, it can be so simple to just bring reading back into your life. I've tried these tips from Rita and I have now made sure I've set myself time for reading every day, thank you, Rita!
4) No Insta Boyfriend? No Problem - How I Shoot My Own Content | Emily Becca
I have this problem on a daily basis, I want to shoot photography outside but - oh I have no one to help me! I would never have the guts to go outside with my phone and tripod and shoot pictures of myself in random parts of my home town. Emily has written some much-needed advice for us blogger's who are in the same situation. For me, it would make me feel self-conscious shooting outside on the street, that fear of people staring at me as they tried to walk past me. But reading Emily's post has made me feel better about wanting to attempt to venture outside on my own!

I have to admit, I am a big procrastinator. I lack the motivation to get things ticked off on my to-do list sometimes, I annoy myself sometimes! However, after reading this post from Victoria, there are definitely some things I will take on board to help me get rid of my procrastinating ways. From remaining as organised as possible, even when other things crop up to mismanage your day to prioritising our tasks and reassessing what's more important, this is a brilliant post for all those procrastinators out there like myself.
6) I Got Measured For A Bra For The First Time, At 21 | Maria J
I wanted to include this post from Maria as 1) She's one of my favourite bloggers EVER and 2) If you haven't had a bra fitting yet, then you need to ASAP! I remember when I first went to have my bra measured, it was at the same store as Maria went to, Boux Avenue. Anyway, when the girl measured me, I was aghast when she said what size bra I should be wearing, I was WAY OFF! That's the thing, you should never rely on your mother to just "guess" your boob size in Tesco by putting the bra up against your chest and hoping for the best. Like Maria, I never felt the need to get measured, but it's something that she is encouraging all us ladies to do and we should all take note!
I adore the honesty from Elin in her post. Life can definitely get a bit too overwhelming for us all sometimes and it's important to address that. It's important that we take ourselves away from things so we can recharge our batteries and give ourselves a little self-care. Elin was really brave to publish this post and I'm so glad she did! I'm sure this post will help others out there who are struggling with life and just need to accept that they need to take a break.
8) Bathing Suits For Every Body Type | Take Aim
With Summer (hopefully) arriving, we're all going to the high street or scouring online for some swimwear. I won't lie to you, I hate buying swimwear. It's such a nightmare trying to decipher what type of bikini or swimsuit suits my figure. With me being incredibly self-conscious about my CF tummy and being big-chested, it's really difficult to choose the right swimwear to suit my body type. But thanks to Michelle, she's written such an excellent guide on what swimwear to buy according to your body type. This post is definitely a bikini bible!
If you're not planning on taking a Summer holiday, then, like me, you'll want your body, legs in particular to look like you've just come back from 2 weeks in Santorini. Em has written this tanning bible about what the best tanning products are for this Summer. The tanning sheet she has listed is an absolutely genius idea! I know that in the past, I've woken up to my sheets being caked in fake tan and it's highly annoying! Mousse tanning products are my go-to tanners because I don't get a patchy result afterwards like I would if I use water-based products. Read this post as Em has you covered with what tanning products to buy!
Blog Reads of June
Yes, I have achieved quite a lot of reading over the last few weeks! I hope you enjoy reading these posts as much as I did!
What posts grabbed your attention this month?

  1. Omg needed some new reads so thanks for this girl! Defo going to read the ten ways to save the planet - so important!!

    Han //

    1. You're welcome girl! Yes give that one a read, a real lesson for us all!

  2. All of these sound like great posts,especially the no Instagram boyfriend one I'll have to give a read! Thanks for sharing x

    Kayleigh Zara 🌿

  3. I absolutely love these posts from you, you always have the most amazing post shares, I love finding new blogs to read too

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  4. Some really great recs this week!!! I loved the piece in your 20's, which I can definitely relate to, especially since I'm nearing my 30's LOL.

    Flor |

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed these posts Flor!

  5. Loved Em's no Instagram boyfriend post. A great read! Totally agree with these choices! X

    Megan |

    1. It was a great post, I’m glad you enjoyed the rest! x

  6. I love round ups like this! It's great to find a few new people or catch up on a couple of posts you've missed from your favourites. I really enjoyed Em's Insta boyfriend post, it was so relatable! Some great picks here x


    1. Absolutely Sophie! That’s why I love writing these, it gives bloggers the chance to read other content! x

  7. I'm defo going to look at some of these blogs thanks for sharing the love xx

  8. Aw I love this post idea so much, it's lovely for you to share fellow bloggers!! x

    Grace Louise ||

    1. I'm glad you liked the idea and post Grace! x

  9. I loved InTheFrow's post but haven't read any of the other ones you've mentioned! The one about what no one tells you about your twenties sounds right up my street so I'm off to read that now! Soph - x

    1. Victoria's posts are always so good! Yeah that twenties post from Abigail is really good, so relatable! x
