Five Feet Apart: A Film EVERYONE Needs To Watch


With all the hype surrounding the new film about CF, Five Feet Apart as a must see for me in the cinema last weekend. Last time I went to see a film was Fifty Shades Freed last year, two VERY contrasting films and romances. I obviously took the risk just in case there was someone with CF in the same screening as me. There wasn't many other people in the screening thankfully and we were all sat quite far away from each other - well, at least five feet apart.

I won't lie, I was quite apprehensive about going to see it at first. I read the Five Feet Apart book a few weeks previous. I've never cried at the end of a book - that was before I read this one. I think that's why I felt more nervous about going to see the film as I didn't want to sob loudly in the screening.

This film has been perceived to be just a soppy teenage romance, which it kind of is, but adding Cystic Fibrosis into the mix gives the film a whole other meaning.

Think of it like this, imagine not being able to touch someone you love because it could be so damaging to them? Hmm, that's something for you to think about. Because of cross infection rules, in the UK, we cannot be in the same room as another person with CF. This is due to passing on bugs to each other, if we contract these bugs, they become very resistant to antibiotics. In America, they have the 'six feet apart' rule. It links in with the title of the film, but you'll have to watch it to see why number changes from six to five!

What shocked me the most is how much I am like Stella, the main female character. I am very organised with my CF routine. I like to have control over it, it gives me that sense that I have a good grip on Cystic Fibrosis. I don't think I could ever be like Will, the main male character, be completely rebellious with my medication regime and live to the day where I can say I can stop taking my medication.

Not to give too many spoilers away, but I cried in parts of the film which I didn't cry at when reading the book, but obviously I sobbed at the end! Only me and my friend would forget to bring bloody tissues with us so we ended up using toilet paper instead!

One line which really hit home for me was this -

"People with CF are living on borrowed time"
That is the one sentence from the film that kept ringing in my head for days after. Is it true? Are people with CF really living on borrowed time? Is it really worth it even though I know where I'm going to end up anyway? Being put on the lung transplant list, petrifyingly waiting for the call for new lungs that may never happen. Is it really worth the swallowing and inhaling the endless medication, carrying out the tedious physio and the countless pots of phlegm I'm trying to cough up on a daily basis? CF is a degenerative illness anyway, why am I doing all this for? Who am I trying to prove myself to? My drowning lungs?!

Some would say I'm being a very pessimistic cow, some would say I'm being a honest realist. However, after a few days of replaying that sentence repeatedly in my head, I had this realisation, like a light shining at the end of a tunnel -
"It's what you do with the borrowed time that counts"
AMEN TO THAT I hear you say! (Hopefully)
I'm going to live each day as it comes, there's no point in me overthinking my future and what it holds, it just depresses me. People may think I'm putting up a smoke screen in terms of my CF, that's fine. I know the reality of the illness, but there's no point thinking about it over and over because it just makes me unhappy. Life is too short to be a miserable cow!
That's my honest view of how the film had an impact on me. This is coming from someone who has had CF since she was a foetus.

One thing I need you all to do for me is to buy the cinema ticket and watch the film. It's a great way for you to kind of empathise with what all people with CF have to deal with on a daily basis. One thing I learnt that maybe organising my tablet box on a Sunday evening could be seen as a bit of foreplay. (you'll know what I'm on about if you see the movie!)
If you have already seen Five Feet Apart, let me know what you thought!
  1. thanks for sharing Lucy. i never heard of the book or movie but sounds really good. like your perspective as someone who has CF!

    Joy at The Joyous Living

  2. I actually had no idea about the 6 feet apart rule so it's great that you're spreading awareness about CF, I know that I could certainly benefit from a little more education on it. It's pretty cool that you related so strongly to the female lead and that you think the film represented well. I've not actually heard of the film or book until now but will definitely look out for it!
    Soph - x

    1. Yes please read the book or watch the film Soph! x

  3. Thanks for this. I read the book, cryed like a baby, so I was sceptick about the movie.

    1. I sobbed at the end of the book too Marta! Go and see the movie honestly!

  4. This was already on my list of films to see, but thank you for sharing your honest opinion. I had no idea about the rule, so it is really interesting to both hear your insight and learn about it through film. ��

    1. Thank you Paris, I hope you go and see the film!

  5. I've been trying to make an effort to read more books this year so this is defo going on my to read list!

    Ellie //

    1. You’ll love it Ellie! But be prepared with the tissues though!

  6. Hey Lucy.

    Recently came across this film on Instagam & now I really want to see it! It kinda reminds me of The Fault In Our Stars a bit and I'm sure it will just as good. I do think it's really important that films like this are mainstream so that everyone gets to see it & becomes more aware of how people live with CF. 💕
    I do want to read the book now though! Xo
    Sarah x

    1. The book is amazing Sarah! You'll love it! x

  7. I really want to see this film now i've read this - I hadn't heard of it before! I don't know a lot about CF and so I think it'd be really useful to inform myself a little more. :) <3

    1. It's a great film and a great way to raise awareness of CF Chloe! x

  8. I didn't realise the film was a book first. Its one I have popped on my list to read, and I will keep my tissues handy as I know I will be blubbering. That's for both the book and film!
    I didn't realise the 5 feet apart rule either! I can't imagine what it is like living with CF, but you always seem so positive and up beat. Definitely an inspiration!
    Thanks for sharing, and for highlighting CF!

    Aimsy xoxo

    1. Make sure you have a full box of Kleenex, Aimsy!
      Thank you so much for saying that lovely! Comments like this are the little things that keep me going and motivated! x

  9. I never knew about the cross-infection risk and being more likely to be antibiotic resistant strains! I'm really glad that you shared that.
    I think that I would be more likely to read the book than sit through the film, and I'm going to add it to my wishlist now before I forget. Thank you for drawing my attention to it.

  10. Gosh the thought of you sat there for days dwelling on that borrowed time quote really got me! I'd heard of the six feet thing on a TV show (typical) but I didn't actually know if that was real or not so thank you for educating me. This sounds great, I'm making an effort to read more right now so I think I'll pick up the book! x


    1. Please the read the book Sophie! You’ll love it, but be prepared with a box of tissues! x
