Yes! Welcome to my newly updated website!
I've been debating about changing my website for a while, as much as Wix did me well since I started blogging last November, I wanted to broaden my horizons, take my blog to the next level. But also the fact I've never had a chance to! Having Cystic Fibrosis does take up a lot of my time, I still find it unbelievable how I manage to write posts on a weekly basis! But blogging is a good distraction for me right now from the strains of having CF, and I really enjoy it too.Anyway, I've digressed. Ah yes, so I've completely given my blog a overhaul and a clear-out as well. I got rid of the posts which weren't my best work and kept the ones that really reflect my writing style and the posts that reached out to people the most.
Then it was the big decision of where to purchase a new template from. From looking at other blogger's templates, one website stood - Pipdig.
I browsed through their website to find the template and I purchased one! I would highly recommend Pipdig to any blogger looking to update their blog or just fancy a change of template, not only do Pipdig have professional looking templates but they also install it for you for free. I'm not completely tech savvy yet so with Pipdig being able to offer that free service was a big load of my mind.
So after days of blood, sweat and the odd bit of swearing at my laptop screen and drinking umpteen amounts of green tea, I've finally finished making my template my own and I am happy and a teeny bit proud to show it off to the blogging world!
I want to make this blog work and possibly make a tiny bit of success out of it. I would never have started a blog in the first place if I didn't want to make it work.
The name of my website 'Lucy Mary' which obviously is my name, but in a way, it's kind of like a dedication to my late Grandad, bless him. Every time I went to see him, he always used to greet me by saying 'She's Lucy Mary' or 'She's Lucy Taylor'. That was our little thing. Hence why my domain and website title is named this way.
I really hope you like my website! Let me know that you think!
Lucy xx
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