“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”
Yes its nearly Christmas Day, the run up to Christmas has certainly flown by!
I love Christmas, it’s such a hopeful and loving time of year, with everyone having their own Christmas traditions, it’s such a joyous occasion.
But Christmas has a whole new meaning for people with CF, it means we have the perfect opportunity to show our dietitians what we’re made of when it comes to consuming Christmas food. Now, I know that we have to put in so much hard working effort to put on weight throughout the calendar year, our weight can go up and down like a yo-yo.
But when Christmas comes around, and you see all the special Christmas treats that are in the supermarket, your face looks like the emoji with the heart shaped eyes. Everything looks delicious on the packet!
With having CF, you need to eat as much high calorie foods as possible to keep up the weight. Here’s a couple of things I do at Christmas when it comes to food:
1) Add butter to the potatoes – Butter = yum, especially when it’s melted over food. Butter and potatoes is one of the best food combinations ever, without a doubt. Whether the butter is slowly melting over roast potatoes, mash or normal spuds, it’s one simple way to get calories in your tummy!
2) Pigs in blankets – These are probably my most favourite food at Christmas, bacon and sausages, whoever came up with that idea was a genius. Make sure that they’re cooked with your turkey this year!
3) Cranberry sauce – Cranberry sauce is a tricky one, it’s not everybody’s favourite sauce, but I do like a bit of something sweet on my Christmas dinner, so Cranberry sauce ticks all the right boxes for me, but if you don’t like Cranberry sauce, parsnips have a nice sweetness to them which I really like.
4) Extra meat – Come on, you can’t just limit yourself to just eating one meat at Christmas, have some beef, chicken or even lamb next to your portion of turkey. Gobble, gobble, gobble!
5) Pudding – Being a diabetic, the temptation to eat sweet foods is unreal, but you have to resist it on a daily basis. But when at Christmas, you can allow yourself to have a good helping of Christmas pudding, or whatever tickles your fancy! For me it’s got to be strawberry cheesecake! Well, the strawberry’s on top of the cheesecake are part of your five a day, surely?
There you have it, some foodie tips for Christmas!
I find Christmas a bittersweet time of year, as I’m celebrating a special day with my family, I find myself thinking about what nebuliser I need to do next and whether I’ve remembered to test my blood sugars to make sure that little slither of cheesecake hasn’t made my glucose levels rise to a sky high level. People with CF can’t take a day off from CF. We can’t just stop for the day just because it is Christmas Day, we have to carry on, we have to keep taking medication and doing treatments even on special occasions. We’re troopers! And that’s one of the main reasons I admire us all.
I hope that you all have an amazing Christmas stuffing your faces, spending time with your families and celebrating the holiday! See you in the New Year!
Lucy xx
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