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Shop My Wardrobe

If you're unsure of how to incorporate printed pieces into your capsule wardrobe, this post is for you.

I do like a printed piece. Years ago, I remember my wardrobe being half-full of printed pieces like leopard print, floral, checked, polka dots etc. Nowadays, since creating a more curated, minimalist curated wardrobe, I own only a few patterned pieces. 

Two printed pieces hanging from a wardrobe, a blue and white striped shirt and a blue leopard print blouse.

Our style and what clothes we prefer to buy change over time. It's natural. Over the last year, I've purchased more timeless, classic and versatile pieces. Pieces that I can create multiple outfits with. I found that with some printed pieces, I could only create 1-2 outfits with them. From a fashion perspective, it's not sustainable. Wearing the same patterned piece multiple times means you grow bored of wearing it and end up purchasing another patterned piece. Then this vicious cycle develops - 

Wear the same printed piece all the time - get bored - buy another printed item. 

What I have done since creating more of a versatile wardrobe is adding patterned pieces like stripes that can be worn with different looks and outfits. If you own more classic items than printed pieces - it's ok to add a patterned piece here or there. Rather than wearing the same neutral colours all the time, wearing a little printed piece doesn't hurt. 

Here are some tips I've picked up for adding printed pieces to your closet:

1) Buy timeless prints

Stripes and leopard are my favourite timeless prints. I do like a floral print for Spring. Groundbreaking, right? When choosing a timeless print to buy, it's important to consider how many wears you will get out of it. Can you wear for example a striped shirt with different outfits? Is a polka dot top you like going to be versatile? That's the first stepping stone when it comes to buying a patterned item. I find that printed pieces like stripes are a perfect item to have in any capsule and minimalist wardrobe. For example, a blue and white striped shirt is deemed a classic item. Which is certainly true. 

A woman holding a blue and white striped shirt and a blue leopard print shirt.

2) Does it match your colour scheme?

If you've spotted a printed piece and have fallen in love with it - hurrah! However, you must ask yourself - is it an item you'll often reach for in your wardrobe? For example, when it comes to striped shirts, I tend to go for blue and white, black and white or cream and white as it fits in with my style. If it was like red and blue stripes, I wouldn't wear it or use it as they're not striped colours I would wear. 

3) Keep things in proportion

When wearing printed pieces, it's important to keep things balanced. For example, if you're wearing a patterned top, wear a solid-coloured bottom to keep things in proportion and vice-versa. 

4) How versatile is it?

Can this new patterned item of clothing be worn with multiple outfits? If you buy the right printed piece, it can be as versatile as anything. When it comes to buying printed pieces, or any other type of clothing for that matter, I like to think of at least 3 outfits I can style it with. If I can't think of any more than 3 outfits, then it's a firm no to me buying it. The only exception I make to this rule is Summer dresses. Sometimes it's good to have a floral dress to throw on quickly with a pair of sandals or sneakers.

A woman holding a blue and white striped shirt and a blue leopard print blouse.

There are my tips for adding printed pieces to your wardrobe!

If you have a more curated, minimalist wardrobe, it's fine to add a printed item to your wardrobe. As long as you can see that it's versatile and it's an item that you love, then do it, buy that printed piece!

I'd love to know your thoughts on this!

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