Threads: My Initial Thoughts of the New Twitter-esque App

As years go by, I foolishly believe that there can't possibly be any more social media platforms to introduce to the world. Oh, how wrong am I? Along comes another one by the name of Threads. Threads is a Twitter-esque-style app where we can share our random thoughts and feelings. Ok, I know it's not called Twitter anymore, but I still call it that ok. There was a mix of excitement and scepticism amongst us all when the new app came along.

The Threads app on an Iphone

Surprisingly, my willpower stopped me from downloading the app straight away. Like many, I didn't want another social media platform to deal with and update. But, in the end, curiosity got the better of me. After seeing people share their Threads on their Instagram Stories, I dived into the deep end and downloaded the app. 

I've been using the app for about a month or so now and I've been honestly surprised by how much I've enjoyed using it! 

It feels like a much safer space than Twitter

One aspect of Threads I have infinitely noticed is how much of a safer space Threads is. With Twitter, I find there's always someone saying mean or extremely controversial to upset other users. With Threads, it feels more authentic, friendly and genuine. You can just follow the people you already follow on Instagram (only if they're on Threads that is). At the moment, the app hasn't introduced the ability to use hashtags or find out what's "trending" - which is a good thing. The app allows me to read people's thoughts and feelings on what's going on in their everyday lives, which is quite refreshing for the mind.

The Threads app on an Iphone.

I'm getting to know my Instagram following better

Many people I follow on Instagram either don't use Twitter or are inactive on there. With Threads, it's nice getting to know someone I follow because I already love their photo/Reel content. It's been so nice to see how they think, their thoughts on different things and getting to know their personalities better. There feels like a more genuine connection to everyone I follow as I'm reading stuff I would rather read. I would rather know what their favourite Netflix series is and what their biggest life ick is than read some miserable news story/tweet. 

It genuinely feels like a chat room

You know when you can just chat any old random sh*t to anyone about anything? That's what Threads feels like! I wouldn't say it's got that complete MSN vibe about it, but it feels so much more natural to post your weird and wonderful thoughts there! There is more simplicity and authenticity in the app. For example, there are no hashtags involved, no tab to see what's trending, no being bombarded with ads etc. It's just a simple app to share random thoughts and see what others are saying and thinking.

The Threads app on an Iphone.

Will I keep using Threads?

Absolutely! The app feels like a friendlier, kinder and more genuine place to be. I've barely seen any negativity on there as I follow people who I follow on Instagram. One thing I have loved about Threads is sharing photos that I wouldn't normally share on my Instagram feed. I know that may sound a bit random as Threads is kind of like a nicer carbon copy of Twitter without all the faff. Threads is definitely a safer space to be if you don't like all the negativity and clutteredness that other social media apps bring with them. After all, social media is about bringing people together online, and Threads is an app that is really setting a good example of how to do that in the best way possible.

Bear this in mind, you will need to have an Instagram account to have Threads. 

I'd love to know your thoughts on Threads - have you got the app yet? Let me know!

  1. I signed up to Threads and that's about as far as it went - mainly due to lack of time! I love your POV on the app though, I'll have to go back and have another look!

    1. I can't get into threads at all! I just prefer Twitter still. I wish I was more active on there but I keep forgetting.

      Corinne x

    2. That's a shame you didn't stay on there long Lisa, I hope you give it another try one day!

    3. I do love Twitter still Corinne, but it's definitely a more positive space I feel on Threads sometimes!

  2. I was one of the first people on Threads, and I used it religiously for a couple of weeks and then stopped. I started using it again, but to post more personal things. I like how I can post anything there without being judged.

    1. I like to post more personal things on there too Winnie, like you say, it's good to be able to post things on Threads without being judged!

  3. I waited like you did and then downloaded it, but basically stopped there and have now deleted it. It sounds really good from what you are saying, but I just don't have the time for it at the moment.

  4. I have resisted downloading it so far but it was interesting to here your thoughts

    1. I resisted it for a while too Kelly, but (obviously) eventually caved!

  5. Ahh this post has come at the perfect time! I don't have threads, but I was thinking about it earlier wondering if it was still as popular as when it first launched. I still enjoy twitter so I'm not sure whether I'll download threads or not. I'm just not sure about it all.


    1. It may be worth just giving it a try Claire, if you don't like it, you can delete then! x

  6. I used it loooads at the beginning but I've always been a Twitter desktop girl.. so when the desktop version is launched I know I'll be using it loads more and probably in place of Twitter which feels realllly dead for bloggers now

    1. I do like Twitter desktop too Rosie! The desktop version of Threads is now available lovely, you just have to sign in through your Instagram on your computer/laptop!

  7. Initially, I struggled and probably spent way too much thought on how I wanted to use threads; I am not using it as frequently, though after reading your post, it has prompted me to get back on there. Thanks for sharing!

  8. It's great to hear about your experience with Threads! That's wonderful it isn't filled with negativity and you can get to know your Instagram following better. However, Threads is still banned in the EU, so I can't download it even if I want to.

    1. Threads is brilliant if you want to avoid negativity online! That's so annoying that it's still banned in the EU though!

  9. I must get myself back onto threads. I used it for a while and then gave up! - Nyxie

  10. I didn’t make the jump to Threads and wasn’t sure people were still using it but it’s interesting to hear such a positive review!

    1. There are some people who are afraid to make the jump to Threads, it took me a while to! But I'm really happy that I did!

  11. I seem to enjoy the app, then I forget about it for weeks!

    The Reluctant Blogger |

    1. I hope you start using it again more frequently Danielle!

  12. Thank you for sharing your view on this, I've been wondering about it! I'm like you were, don't want any extra social media apps on my phone just to waste memory, but at the same time I'm not surprised to hear that it's a lot 'safer' than Twitter. Very interesting post x

    Teresa Maria | Outlandish Blog

    1. Threads is definitely a safer option than Twitter, it just feels a lot more positive and upbeat on the platform x

  13. I'm still yet to get into threads, but looking to give it another go after deleting my twitter by mistake (oops), quite a few people on my instagram use it and seem to love it, don't think I've given it enough of my time yet though.

    Claire II
