Why I Never Get Sucked Into Making New Year's Resolutions

Hello to 2023! The first blog post of 2023 is now underway! While I'm typing this post, many of us will ponder what resolutions to make for the year ahead (if you haven't done so already). Some may decide to join a gym and start exercising more. Some will want to start saving to buy a house. Or even some may like to make more eco-friendly choices in their daily life. Resolutions, goals, plans, whatever you like to call them - I don't like to make them just because it is a brand new calendar year. 

New Year's resolutions photo

I've never been one to give in to the temptation of making NY resolutions just because others have. Don't get me wrong, I am not bothered by those who make New Year's resolutions. I like that people want to improve their life or make a change in some aspect or another. I'm not a cynical person, but making NY resolutions is something I choose not to do. The 'New Year, New You' mantra doesn't wash with me. But honestly, the best thing about the New Year is opening a brand new diary/planner and challenging myself not to make the mistake of writing the previous year when I write the date. 

January is a month that some people may see as a fresh start. They say to open your door on NYE at midnight to let the old year out and let the new year in. That's a superstition (I think) that I believe in. But it doesn't mean I'm going to open my new planner a minute past midnight on January 1st to write resolutions. 

New Years resolutions photo

When making goals (long or short term), I kind of feel that pressure to achieve them. Some may thrive on that pressure, but I'm someone who succumbs to it. I would rather make goals as I go along in my life. I find that I am not put under so much pressure by doing things that way. With NY resolutions, there's that demand of making sure that I achieve my resolutions before the end of the year or achieve them by a certain period. 

As I said, the 'New Year, New You' is a mantra that doesn't sit well with me. It stinks of comparison, pressure and a need to change yourself. There's nothing wrong with the old me or the old you. If you are happy as you are, there is no need to change anything! There's no need to throw out the old you on NYE and welcome a new you on New Year's Day. As I said, if you are content with how you are, there's no need to make New Year's resolutions. 

So yes, this is why I never feel the need to get sucked into making New Year's resolutions. 

With my health, I like to look at a New Year and say "I've made it through this year, time to conquer another one!". That's my kind of NY resolution. It's not really a resolution per se, it's more of a motivational mantra I like to follow!

New Years resolutions photo

As I say, if you want to make resolutions or if you have already made some, then good for you! If making NY resolutions makes you happy and helps to achieve your goals, then you do you boo! Whether that be career-orientated resolutions, health resolutions or financial-related resolutions, I hope you achieve every goal and resolution you make for yourself! 

How do you feel about New Year's resolutions? Let me know!

  1. I don’t make resolutions but I do set myself a couple of goals/focuses for the year. Then each month or each quarter I will set goals regarding personal or work life. But I always make sure they are achievable, so not to add pressure to myself on a goal that for that time may not be reached. So making smart goals is always best. Thank you for sharing your experience.

    Lauren. - bournemouthgirl

    1. I like that you set goals for each quarter of the year, it definitely makes goals more achievable! x

  2. I did away with writing New Year's resolutions a long time ago, but I'm a big fan of setting goals for the year/month ahead. I wrote about mine on the blog yesterday, and you'll see they're all nice and vague – stepping stones towards the future!

    Michelle x / Daisybutter

    1. New Years resolutions for me don't last very long, that's why I don't make any! I need to have a look at this blog post of yours Michelle! x

  3. Great post! I think New Year's Resolutions can create pressure too. Although I like to have certain aims in my mind for the year, I also find that it doesn't help to put excessive pressure on myself by setting strict, specific resolutions. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this time of year x

    1. Absolutely Eleanor, setting NY resolutions can really put unnecessary pressure on yourself, I like that you have certain aims for the year instead of setting resolutions x

  4. Same girl! I never set resolutions anymore, I like to stick to my monthly goals, which are more manageable and much more satisfying to tick off!

    1. I like that you set yourself monthly goals rather than setting resolutions at the start of the year Jenny. Like you say, they're much more manageable and are more satisfying when you tick them off!

  5. I personally love setting goals at the start of the year, but I totally get that it isn't for everyone. After all what works for someone doesn't work for everybody, it'd be boring if we all did the same things xx

    Hannah | https://luxuryblush.co.uk/

    1. It's great to hear that setting goals at the start of the year works well for you Hannah! Like you say, what works for some may not necessarily work for others xx

  6. There's so much pressure surrounding New Years resolutions and I'm glad to see that so many of us are starting to go with what works for us. I like setting monthly goals and not feeling the pressure to change things just because it's a New Year. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Oh wow, I didn't know about the opening the door superstition but that's definitely something I'll do next year, I really believe in that stuff haha! I completely understand feeling the pressure to change yourself, that's why I always try to set resolutions that I really want to do to give me extra motivation rather than just for the sake of it!
    Em x

    1. Make sure you do that next year Em!
      I like that you set yourself resolutions that you really want to do, it definitely will give you extra motivation to achieve them! x

  8. Me and my husband are exactly the same.. we don't really believe in them! I want to try to walk more this year but I've been trying to increase it incrementally each month so no New Year new me rubbish!

    1. Walking more is such a good goal anyway, I like that you have been trying to increase it each month!

  9. I don’t make any resolutions for New Year’s either. I do set challenges for myself at non-determined times of the year.

  10. I personally like setting goals for myself but I don't beat myself up if I don't haha xx

    1. I don't beat myself up if I don't make any either Paige! xx

  11. I hate the New Year, New Me quote! I don't set New Years resolutions because I used to set very negative ones and since then it's been a bit of a sensitive topic for me. However, I love to write bucket lists x

    1. It's just an annoying phrase isn't it?!
      I don't blame you for not setting NY resolutions anymore Caroline, especially if you got into the mindset of setting negative ones, I like that you write bucket lists x

  12. i don't usually make new years resolutions - instead i like to reflect on the past year & think of a few things i'd like to achieve or habits i'd like to establish [ more so, smaller goals ] but if i don't accomplish everything i think of, it's ok. i think it's all about the journey. and sometimes you need to change those goals as we go along.

    B | www.mind-beauty-simplicity.com | Mind Beauty Simplicity

    1. I like that you reflect on the past year and think of the things you would like to improve on or habits you'd like to start!

  13. Sometimes I make resolutions and sometimes I don't. I'm not a fan of the lose weight and exercise ones' as they generally don't stick but I'm all for people trying to better themselves. I make goals more than once a year, but 1st January just feels a bit more motivating than the rest of the year!

    Corinne x

    1. I agree with you Corinne, I'm not a fan of the losing weight and exercise resolutions. There's always that bit of motivation to do things in January isn't there?! x

  14. I don't set goals or resolutions either - I find I have enough to do without giving myself extra pressure and stress trying to achieve something no-one else cares about! x

    1. I totally agree Lisa! I don't like to give myself pressure and stress trying to achieve NY resolutions! Like you say, no one cares! x

  15. Love this mindset, I don't set resolutions or goals either because I find it too much pressure! I also think if I want to do something during the year I will try it then rather than piling it all into a new year!
    Amy x

    1. There is such a pressure to set resolutions and goals at the start of a new year! Like you, I'd rather set goals as the year goes on x

  16. I love this post so much! It’s so so true!

    Abbey x

  17. Im not into resolutions as such but definitely do love writing some goals down and having a recap to see what I achieve at the end of the year. And I agree, getting a new planner in January is the best!

    Kathleen / www.madeinthe1990s.com

    1. I like that you have a recap at the end of the year to see what you have achieved Kathleen. Buying new planners in January is a must!

  18. I'd not heard of the opening the door tradition until a few weeks ago. Dan's nana was saying her husband used to do it for he every year. I'm similar to yourself. I've not really set myself any goals, the only thing I've said to myself is I want to get outside more & be a bit more productive with my time. I'm totally with you on the new diary thing too! Haha.


    1. My Mam follows the tradition of opening the door to let the old year old and let the new year in - I've kind of adopted that tradition too! I like that one of your goals is to get outside more and be productive with your time, they're such good things to try and achieve! x

  19. I'm a little in the middle with resolutions! I used to go along the more traditional and 'stereotypical' route of them, now I take into account what I'm already doing in my life and want to continue doing x

    1. I like how you go about NY resolutions Lea-Mai! x

  20. I prefer to make a list of goals, it encourages me to have the year I want to have and do the things I want to do! x

    1. That's good that you love making a list of goals for the new year Gemma! x

  21. I don't make New Year's resolutions either, and my main thing is that it sets you up for failure and adds unncessary stress. Life happens, and if you're unable to achieve the resultion before the end of the year, then it could make feel worse than if you didn't set one to begin with. It is good to have goals, but I prefer to have goals that are more achievable and don't have a time limit on them.

    1. That's why I don't like making NY resolutions Karalee, it invites pressure and unnecessary stress!
