Life Lessons That This Last Year Has Taught Me

Amongst the madness and surrealness that is the end of the year, it's time to sit down with a cuppa or an alcoholic beverage and reflect on the last year. 2021 has been a mixed year, and, once again, we are entering 2022 under a cloud of uncertainty. However, year in, year out, there are always life lessons that have been learnt and some I can take with me into the new year. Recognising the life lessons that the past year has taught me gives me the chance to reflect, recognise and improve for the year ahead. 

I would love to say that 2022 won't be an arsing bad year again. But if the last two years have taught us anything, is that anything is possible and we don't know what's around the corner. 

A woman in a grey and pink jumper holding a white mug.

I want to say that my 2021 has been a hopeful and life-changing year. There have been some very good moments that I will treasure. I started the life-changing CF drug Kaftrio. I got my Covid vaccines. I travelled again to my happy place of  Liverpool after so long away and I managed to see more of my family and friends again. I also had two TV appearances on BBC Wales news (just casually throws that one in there). I won't focus too much on the negatives. My mental health hasn't been brilliant this year and I also got the dreaded Covid during the Autumn and I had a hospital stay to endure. Yep, as I said, let's not go down this path.

So yes, life lessons. I have learnt quite a lot not only about myself but other's around me too. Let's delve into the life lessons that this last year has taught me:

1) I feel that there's a divide in society.

Now, this can be a little controversial to some who read this. However, I feel that there is a divide in so many aspects of our life and society now than there was pre-pandemic. I feel like we have the divide of the vaccinated/unvaccinated. The pro-vaxxers/anti-vaxxers. The way that disabled people are seen as indispensable by a small minority of the healthier. It just feels like there is such a two-way system in society now, and it's quite sad that we all can't be on the same page. Then again, the world would be a boring place if we all thought the same I suppose. 

A woman holding a white mug.

2) It's ok to not be ok

You'd think I would have learnt this by now with having a chronic illness since I was a foetus. But I think I've become somebody who just says I'm fine when I'm not feeling fine so I don't delve into how I'm really feeling. Let's be honest, that's not a really healthy thing to do. I'd definitely say in the latter stages of 2021, I have learnt to accept that it's ok to not be ok. It's just not possible for me to be happy and positive all of the time. I've learnt to admit to other's now when I'm not doing well or if I need to be with myself, which, to be honest, has been quite freeing. 

3) Cystic Fibrosis is always lurking

Oh goodness me, the new miracle drug Kaftrio has completely changed my health. I feel more energised and my lungs feel incredible. However, CF will always lurk in the background and will cause me a little bit of mayhem when it wants to. Thankfully though, it doesn't create as much havoc as it did before and I hope it stays that way!

A woman wearing a grey and white jumper holding a white mug.

4) I need to stop settling for less

Why should I, or you, settle for less? Whether that be a relationship, friendship, career, dreams etc, we should aim for what we deserve, and that's something I'm going to aim to do in 2022! 

2021 is another year that I won't forget in a hurry. One word that I could use to describe my 2021 is poignant. There have been some lows and there have been highs for me. Thankfully though, the lows I will have forgotten about and will be a distant memory. 

I'd love to know the life lessons you have learnt from the last 12 months! What word would you describe your 2021?  
  1. Firstly, happy new year Lucy! I hope 2022 brings amazing things for you.

    I’m so glad to hear how well the new CF drug is going. It’s definitely a great positive for you to take from 2021. I know what you mean about the divides in society. It’s painfully obvious how much the pandemic has highlighted differences in opinions. Fingers crossed COVID takes less of a centre stage in 2022! X

    1. Thank you Jaclyn, I hope you have an amazing 2022 also!

      It's been an incredible medication and I'm so glad it's working well for me! It's so hard to see the divides in society now, it's made me see some people in a different light which hasn't been nice! We can all hope that Covid doesn't take centre stage again in 2022! x

  2. I love all these goals. I agree we shouldn’t be settling for less. ❤️

  3. These are great lessons. Its ok not to be ok is something I'm taking away from 2021 too. My mental health has really suffered but that is understandable when we have gone through so much.

    1. I totally agree Kelly, mental health has been awful for me also in 2021 and I want to learn and realise that it's ok to not be ok x

  4. These are such fantastic lessons to move on with sweetie!

    Danielle |

    1. Thank you Danielle! Happy New Year to you!

  5. These are all great lessons in life. Love that we shouldn't settle for less! Happy new year, gorgeous xx

    lenne |

    1. Thank you Lenne! Happy New Year to you too! xx

  6. I agree with you that there is definitely a divide between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. It is scary and can get quite nasty especially online. You have shared some really important messages. These past 2 years ago I have learned that life is short and to appreciate everyone in my life. Thank you for sharing.
    Lauren -

    1. It's so sad that there is now a divide in society these days!
      I love that attitude you have adopted, just enjoy life and appreciate everyone in your life!

  7. Such great life lessons Lucy! I definitely agree with the last point. Not settling for less is something I could really do with improving in 2022.

    1. Thank you Claire!
      We all definitely need to stop settling for less don't we?! x

  8. Some nice lessons you recognised this year! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  9. These are great lessons Lucy! I have learnt how important rest is for my health x

    1. I'm glad you have realised that rest is so important for your health and wellbeing x

  10. Happy new year lovely! Thank you for sharing these, I've learnt that it's OK to take days off sometimes x

    1. Happy New Year Hannah!
      It's so good to take a day when needing to sometimes! x

  11. It sounds like you had so many positive experiences in 2021! Being on the news is huge, that's amazing. Sorry to hear that you got COVID, and I hope you're doing better now. All of these are all great lessons to learn, but I especially love the last one xx

    Hannah |

    1. Thank you Hannah, I'm feeling a lot better now! xx

  12. These are important lessons that we never have to forget! I hope that this New Year will be greater for everyone. I'm sorry you got Covid, actually I'm in quarantine since 31st December beacuse my sister is positive, so not a very good start. But we have never to lose faith and hope for a great year to come!:)

    xx Dasynka

    1. I hope your sister is doing ok and I hope you don't get Covid either!
      Never lose faith lovely! xx

  13. We should never settle for less at all!

  14. It's good to hear the new CF drug is working for you. It's such a cruel disease, but it's good to hear of new drugs coming along to help.

    All the best for 2022!

    1. It's been amazing and I'm so happy that others are benefitting from it and that other meds are being made too!

  15. What a beautiful post, full of lovely reflections. Thank you for sharing. Settling for less is not what we'll be doing in 2022 that's for sure!

    1. Thank you Rosie! No settling for less in 2022!

  16. Never settle for less, with anything! The best advice x

  17. I'm truly so happy to hear CF is causing you less trouble these days, and not settling for less is always good to keep in mind. I love to remind myself of the phrase ''know your worth''! x

    1. Yes! "Know your worth" is something we all need to remember! x

  18. Glad to hear you've had such positive results from the new drug you're taking! I have an awful habit of just pretending I'm always fine too so definitely need to take that point into 2022 myself!
    Amy x

    1. Thank you Amy, it's been incredible!
      I'm terribly guilty of saying I'm fine when I'm not! x

  19. Happy New Year! I also agree with the two sides thing, the pandemic really showed the clear distinctions between anti vax and vaxed, wealthy and poor, etc. The government did not help with that at all, quite literally showing us a "one rule for us, another for you" attitude this year.. I would like to believe this year will be different, but like you said, who knows whats around the corner!

    minae ♡

    1. I agree, the government aren't helping matters at all, it's like one rule for us and another for you! x

  20. Wishing you all the best for 2022!! I know we are a few months in but I hope everything is going well for you. The last two years have certainly been challenging.

    Amy x
    The July Rose
